comments racist af of course

  • sadnine [he/him]
    3 years ago

    In the comments someone pointed out OPs post history where he used a picture of a dead baby in Myanmar and said it was killed in xinjang

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I like the guy who posted satellite pictures of US prisons as "proof" of Chinese concentration camps.

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Archive link of the aforementioned reddit fuckery about China:

      The GenZedong thread about it archived:

      the thread about it on GenZedong was taken down for violating reddit tos lol:

      • howdyoudoo [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        spread sinophobia through lies that 20 leftists will find funny?

        Yes. Ramp up the sinophobia, but bake in some extremely debunkable shit. Direct argumentation doesn't work. No sense in worrying about the chuds and normies who'd never change their mind regardless--this tactic works on the more intelligent/tech savvy--which then bleeds down into the normies.

        that 20 leftists will find funny?

        lmao. Of the top 15 comments on that thread (sorted by best), 7 are questioning the narrative, 7 are chynabad, and 1 is neutral.

        50% questioning the anti-China narrative on reddit. This shit works dude, and it's probably why the post got deleted--but they can't delete everything.

        Another tactic is just praise Adrian Zenz, pretend to be an anti-China chud and just talk about how Adrian Zenz is the only guy calling out China. If you just google "Adrian Zenz" you get redpilled, because all the people talking about him are leftists.

        • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
          3 years ago

          You'll see similar China hate vs. skepticism ratios often for less overt posts.

          You think this stuff is obviously debunkable but most people don't do any debunking or self-crit. They see a headline, upvote it, and repeat the claim to one another.

          It's a very stupid idea.

  • btbt [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Brb, gonna post a picture of my balls and claim it’s evidence that China is genociding uyghur people in the gobi desert

  • opposide [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    As discouraging as it is that these posts keep cropping up, the number of people in the comments calling out the bullshit seems to keep increasing.

    • TeethOrCoat [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Seems like the same for twitter. When some western outlet tried to distract, there were comments talking about Gaza.

    • mrbigcheese [he/him]
      3 years ago

      almost 25k upvotes and gilded 35 times these are rookie numbers. thing is this would be taken down instantly if it wasnt about china. same with articles that are clear opinion or bs propaganda that make it to 100k upvotes before taken down for breaking rules that other articles dont even last a few mins

  • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Original news from 2014:

    Translation (Google because I'm to lazy to translate it):

    On the morning of May 27, Xinjiang Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture held a public convening of sentencing, public arrest and public criminal detention to severely punish a group of violent terrorist criminals in accordance with the law.

    At the meeting of public sentencing, public arrest and public criminal detention, the Yili Branch of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Higher People’s Court dealt with Ablimiti Abdullah and other 6 cases with 55 convicted of intentional homicide, secession of the country, and organized leaders to participate in terrorist organizations The guilty criminals made a public sentence. The Public Security Bureau of Ili Prefecture announced the public arrest of 38 criminal suspects including Abduini Yasen, and the public criminal detention of 27 criminal suspects including Alman Alimujiang.

    In the case of public sentencing, public arrest and public criminal detention, the “4·20” case of last year that has attracted much attention from the society is also in this public sentencing. On April 20, 2013, three criminals including Ablimiti Abdullah, armed with weapons such as axe and axe, used extremely cruel methods to kill a family of four residents in Yining City. Even the youngest 3-year-old girl was not released. In the past, his actions were tragic, annihilated, and devoid of conscience. Ablimiti Abdullah and other three criminals were sentenced to death in accordance with the law. At the same time, a group of criminals who violated the law, especially the crimes of secession, sheltering, and illegal reading of "Nika" in the marriage field, also carried out public arrests and public criminal detentions.

    Liming Hui, deputy secretary of the State Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, said in a speech at the conference that the convening of this public sentencing, public arrest, and public criminal detention conference demonstrates the state party committee’s firm determination to crack down on the violent terrorist crimes of the “three forces”. It is necessary to severely crack down on the arrogance of criminals, inspire the fighting spirit and confidence of the people of all ethnic groups, quickly set off a climax of a special action to severely combat violence, and ensure the overall social stability of Ili Prefecture and the safety of people's lives and property.

    Liming Hui said that in order to implement a series of important instructions from General Secretary Jinping on strengthening the fight against terrorism, the Party Committee of Ili Prefecture has decided to launch a special campaign to crack down on violence in an all-round way from May 23. He pointed out that under the strong leadership of the party committee, we must give full play to the role of the military, police, soldiers, and civilians to form an overall anti-terrorism and stability maintenance force. We must persist in opening the way, combining combat and defense, proactive offense, and preemptive strikes when dealing with violent terrorist crimes. When the enemy discovers a batch, digs a batch, detains a batch, and punishes a batch severely, we must deal with it hard and fast. To fight a people’s war against terrorism in which everyone participates, violent terrorists, religious extremists, and ethnic separatists will become "rats crossing the street and everyone shouting for beating", with nowhere to hide, and resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of violent activities. Resolutely curb the spread of religious extreme activities and ensure the overall stability of Yili society.

    Liming Hui, on behalf of the state party committee, government and people of all ethnic groups, sternly warned all criminals: Skynet is restored, neglected and not leaking. Only by stopping evil, surrendering, and confessing, is the only way out; If you continue to oppose the people and the society, you will be severely punished by the law! Liming Hui said that we are confident, determined, and capable, with a resolute attitude and iron hand. With heavy punches and cruel hands, the enemy's arrogance was resolutely beaten down with the momentum of thunder, and the final victory of the people's war against terrorism, stability, and crackdown was definitely won.

    Gong Xinbao, member of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee and Director of Public Security, presided over the public trial, public arrest and public criminal detention conference. The leaders of the four groups of Yili Prefecture, the relevant persons in charge of the special operation supervision group of the autonomous region to combat violence and terrorism, and more than 7,000 cadres of various nationalities from Yining City, Yining County, Huocheng County, and Chabuqal Xibe Autonomous County participated in Yining City Sports The center participated in the conference.

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 years ago

      In communist China, there are multiple television programs (television being the main propaganda apparatus) centered around following agents of the state as they target members of oppressed minority groups. There's also programs where the national government displays mugshots and asks citizens to help capture people and put them in torturous dungeons that violate human rights. In many regions, prisons are subject to forced labor for little or no pay. Prisoners frequently go in to lifelong debt, even for minor crimes, due to costs imposed by the state for their prosecution and incarceration.

      State officials are frequently caught demanding protection money, and it's not uncommon in some districts for local agents of the state to demand media time in order to tell people that they should be deferential and cooperative with any agent of the state, lest they be subject to violence.

      • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I don't get it. Is America like this? (I'm not American so I can't get the reference)

        • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
          3 years ago

          Yes it is. I clocked this immediately because of the amount of cop shows I've watched on US television. You technically have a right to a free lawyer when arrested, but they usually are so overworked and underpaid they'll just make you take a plea deal so your charged offense is slightly lower. SO yeah, you are basically guaranteed to get jail time if you are poor, which makes employment harder, so you will commit crimes again and go back to jail, and you can't provide for your children if you have them, so they will get stuck in the same place. And most prisons are for profit prisons, which are allowed to practice slavery. Most cops will "let you off with a warning" if you bribe them, as long as your skin is the right tone.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm ignorant af, but why does China do that face-down, arms raised things to prisoners?

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Put your face down and raise your arms then try to move. It's a restraint tactic. None of these guys are handcuffed. In the US it's either a loose hogtie or they chain 3-5 prisoners together so they can't run as fast.