no i wont tell you what i like just assume you live in a solipsistic universe and am an extension of your own tastes in art and games. but just assume im a slightly more broke manifestation of your psyche ,thanks
Monster Hunter Rise. Or wait a couple of days and get the SMT 3 remake.
Maybe i’ll just finally play persona 3 in the meantime.
Edit: wait, it’s persona 4 i bought, guess I’m getting this too
That's my favorite of 3 - 5. The PSP version is nice because you can also play as a girl.
Persona 2 will always be my favorite though
Personally the next game I’m getting is the Subnautica two pack which actually seems to run really well on the switch. What games do you already have /have been playing recently?
Run well
Pick one.
I do love that mess of a game anyway, though.
That game bogs down so hard in the late game. Also, do yourself a favor and just turn off water and food. It's just an annoyance tbh.
I like the survival stuff. It can be annoying later, but getting through the point where you have to worry about food and actually having a sustainable source is such a good feeling of progress.
Yeah that's the thing with the grind in that game. Like you do this fucking terrible monotonous shit then finally discover a way to automate it and you get just a massive dopamine hit lol
Have u seen the switch gameplay though? Idk how they optimized it but it looks like it runs better than the avg pc
I'm pretty skeptical. They have improved the performance, but not actually fixed all the texture pop and framerate drops on the other platforms even with several patches.
A good switch is about a meter long and flexible so that you can really whip it onto that butt.
also check out Levelhead if you like "builder" games but don't necessarily care if it's Mario
I heard there was a new fire emblem game a lot of people liked, and fire emblem is fun you should play that
katana zero is good and its getting its dlc this year, hollow knight is also good, No more heroes 3 is gonna come out this year, i like Breath of the wild
assume you live in a solipsistic universe and am an extension of your own tastes in art and games
buy monster hunter rise and enter the gungeon
pirate super mario 3d world and r-type final 2
Get a used copy of breath of the wild. Best game I’ve ever played, and by a pretty substantial margin