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calling out China directly for forced labor practices
I can't believe China's constitution accepts forced labor of prisoners, allowing their vice president to have built a career extending the jail time of black people arrested for the war on drugs just so the state could use their forced labor
Honestly, some of them might have. Lots of good , generous, selfless people locked up in California prison systems.
But we just can't live in a world in which these volunteers are fucking paid for their labor.
This kind of shit makes me laugh so much, and really exemplifies why even capitalists in America don't understand capitalism. Once your competition does something, you have to respond to it somehow. This is basic fucking business. China has purposefully dominated the global labor market for years (which has in many instances also been at the expense of the labor class), and if you don't use them you had better have some other gimmick than just being cheaper than the competition, because once your competition starts using them and drops their prices you have to.
There is no way in hell any other country will give up that market advantage, and unlike with America, China is absolutely in a position to hamper those European countries in relation to the U.S. by limiting the amount of product that Europe can produce in China.
Just hilarious.
the policy of requiring technology transfers and partnerships (with domestic Chinese companies) was brilliant
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China by Ezra Vogel is very thorough and detailed, and it mostly spares you the annoying moralizing that a lot of English-language authors feel compelled to use when writing about geopolitical rivals. It's like 700 pages so be prepared but all in all a good resource.
China wasn't invited and yet their silence still seems to be the biggest voice in the room.
I love watching the global hegemony of the U.S. become more flaccid every day
The cold war again, but america is losing its grasp on europe and has piss-poor science.
The cold war except Russia has 10x the population and 2x the GDP and a dang HONEY BEAR
Wait a just occurred to me that the US is already vastly overspending on its military and is running out of ways to pay for it other than taxing rich people. China could probably get the US to collapse itself in a second cold war.
Nah money is imaginairy.
That's true, but remember that a whole lot of work and artistry goes into making a magic trick believable. The US is turning into a third world country with a Gucci belt, and beyond a certain point people might just notice you're blowing smoke up their ass.
Yes, money is imaginary, but it is part of a system that has very real, material needs and affects. everyone works with money because its what works for us right now, if they stop then the system collapses, and if they keep using it when it runs out then the system collapses. Street laws are imaginary too, but people die if they don't work just right.
Ok, so the United Front in East Asia failed because everyone there hates Japan far more than China, and this is failing because Merkel’s not an idiot and won’t tie her nation or the EU to a dying empire
A huge tactical error was made in the 80s when America didn't use fear of japanese corporate types to throw mitsubishi under the bus in favor of Detroit.
The US assembling all these other countries to bitch about China while China wasn't allowed to participate is some hilariously wussy shit that lays it kinda bare how much China has our nuts right now lol.
Because the bottom of the ocean is already full of car batteries, so there is no place for Britain.
you can just not invite them to it at all just ignore britain until they stop existing
I tried this tactic with mosquitos and they still kept coming to suck some blood. I imagine it is the same with Britain.
Hopefully it will do to capitalism what the Sino-Soviet split did to communism
Cause one half to collapse into a quasi-fascist oligarchy while the other transforms into a global superpower?
There is no other outcome that could have happened. The EU wants Belt and Road because its Good for Business™️ and the five eyes always prioritise their notions of "security" interests over everyone else. They're still gonna have as much labor shipped there as possible tho, because its so goddamn cheap. Makes me laugh. :amerikkka: :kkkanada: :ukkk: :aus-delenda-est: I'm disappointed there isn't a New Zealand one
I’m disappointed there isn’t a New Zealand one
New Zealand (or should I say... New Xi-Land? hehehe) also doesn't seem very enthusiastic about joining this dangerous plan.
I mean, yeah you right. Until they leave the five eyes though they will always be aligned with :amerikkka: and :ukkk:
Right? There is an extended version with like 13 or so assholes called "SSEUR." Of course, the spooks shorten five eyes to "FVEY"
Wait a minute. The G7 is supposed to be the seven largest economies, right? Isn't China the world's second largest economy? Why aren't they in the G7? :thinkin-lenin:
and before someone asks, the Japanese are designated as honorary gringos.
Thought it stood for genocide considering the countries involved.
Genocide Squad - will these rambunctious rapscallions be able to set their differences aside and fight the rising menace of Dr. Global South before it is too late? Find out in winter 2021
I thought so too (even made this comment about my realization the other day) but no it’s just a couple of bros formalizing their intentions to be best-dudes it turns out
Do you think they make the Italian Prime Minister dress up like the Italian chef and make him serve the food. Why else would Italy keep getting invited.