TL;DR: Max of 5 years, most are 3 months to a year and/or a fine (depending on severity). Organizers get 5 to 8 years.
I don't know how many people they plan on actually convicting, but I think they're absolutely going to go after the ones that started it. Seems pretty fair and I've read that Cuba's prison system isn't caging so much as being forced to go to socialist camp and do farm labor for minimum wage. I don't know how fully they remove people from their communities, but I think the ones that accept the plan progressivo stuff get weekend release, conjugal visits, and basically just have to wear a shirt that says "I'm a reactionary".
and basically just have to wear a shirt that says “I’m a reactionary”.
The counterrevolutionary shuffle
I shared a link to my source on that claim. They have to wear a shirt with the letter "P" on it
The GDR did prison very few people in 1953/56. Most of the sentences were reduced and commuted later on. When I read about the real statistic I was a bit surprised, cause I was told that "the dictatorship crushed everyone", which wasn't true.
During the second stage, the prisoner is also allowed to use the pabellones conyugales, conjugal pavilions, so that married prisoners can maintain their relationships with their partners. The third stage involves parole from the institution (Cuban Ministry of Justice, 1985; Lockwood, 1969).
This rehabilitation program is known as the Plan Progresivo, Progressive Plan, and each participant is expected to wear a prison uniform marked with the letter "P" (Amnesty International, 1987; Valladares, 1987). All of the ex-political prisoners studied in the present analysis (n=35) indicate that the Plan Progresivo is not optional in Cuban prisons. That is, political prisoners are expected to join the rehabilitation program. Once they do, prisoners are to be provided with "indispensable living conditions according to acceptable dietary, sanitary and hygienic norms", free hospitalization and medical care, socio-educational activities, general and technical professional education, and intense sport and recreational activities—the most important of which is baseball (Amnesty International, 1987; John, 1966). For three decades now, President Castro has maintained that most political prisoners who join this Plan will be released from prison within ayear or two (Halperin, 1981; Lockwood, 1969; Granma, September 25, 1988).
I like the bit where all these reactionary farmers were being brought in after burning crops during land reform and they were like "bro, you're good with corn and pigs and shit, but wait till you hear about soil sciences" and sent them back out to be more productive farmers.
If you dislike that, you will also dislike:
I knew about the shock-collar stuff, lovely to see that it's not the only type of torture they can dish out. Very cool and absolutely ethical. :negative:
that particular school has actually been shut down, but there are more like it
That sounds rational and humane for a prison system. Certainly more humane than US prisons. The article is from before the fall of the USSR and Cuba has experienced a lot of hardship since then. Do you have any sources on Cuban prisons today?
Cops are extensions of the state they serve. Capitalist cops protect capital (property). Proletarian cops protect people. Your worldview should be more nuanced than a single catchphrase.
A proletarian cop isn't one who came out of the proletariat, but who is cop thanks to the proletariat and guided by it.
When they're Batista supporters, yes. They're Nazis.
They're actual, literal, fascists.
It's what they got to do. Hopefully they try and figure out what made these reactionaries do this and prevent it from happening again.
Even as an anarchist this is like the most clear cut example of when you should critically support a socialist state against US imperialism.
I don't see anyone celebrating this. It's a shitty situation that shouldn't be happening and as @invalidusernamelol said there's a difference between regular protesters and the ones agitating and escalating the situation. Either you support Cuba and the people resisting this color revolution (and yes that includes their cops, this isn't the same as American cops brutalizing people for protesting police brutality) or you support imperialism, you really do have to pick a side here. Again this is the very definition of critical support.
Read up on the plan progressivo Cuba has had prison reform after the revolution. They focus primarily on education and rehabilitation while doing their best to prevent people who are harmful to others from being able to do harm while also treating them humanely and allowing them to continue to live a dignified life during and after incarceration.
The system is primarily focused on education and labor with the labor portion being fully remunerated and room and board never exceeding 30% of wages. The whole idea is to bring these people (usually arsonists and other violent kulak like reactionaries) into the community and provide them with all the resources and education they need.
That study shows that there's a pretty large margin of prisoners that greatly preferred Cuban incarceration to American incarceration and sentencing is usually much more lenient there.
Unless we should just let arsonists and rapists wander around doing their thing with no repercussions.
that cuban prisons are equivalent to satan’s asshole
Wanna show us your best three examples?
Can you give me the three you hold most credible? Will not talk to you if you try drowning in references.