I'm having an r/collapse induced depression rn. Not helped by the fact the Amazon forests just became CO2 releasing and dozens of ecosystems are just collapsing in Australia.

The future looks bleak. I'll probably live to see the worst of it. Am sad, how do you cope?

    • foxodroid [she/her]
      4 years ago

      huh, this was by far the comment that got to me the most. I like this attitude.

    • jabrd [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Capitalism's most powerful ideological defense mechanism imo is that it convinces you the only way it can/will ever be stopped is via the destruction of the world.

    • Kanna [she/her]
      4 years ago

      We'll win through spite if we have to. Go until every capitalist oppressor is in the ground

  • cosecantphi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Fuck, I don't even doom scroll and I'm depressed about it too. It's the realization that the bright future for humanity you've always imagined is a lie. I don't know if there is a healthy way to cope with this.

    The 21st century is going to spill a sea of blood on a scale the world has never seen before and we're alive at just the right time to witness it.

    Personally I've given up all expectations on living past like 50 because even disregarding climate change I'll probably never be able to retire. I'm also not in a mentally healthy enough place right now to put any effort into organizing, so the only thing I've been able to do to calm my soul is descend into hedonism. And that sucks as someone four years clean from opioids. I feel like I'm destined to relapse one day, probably not in the near future, but one day.

    Anyway, sorry, didn't mean to make this thread more depressing, but that's where I'm at on all this bullshit right now.

    I guess if I had to choose my biggest remaining sliver of hope in all this, I'd say China eventually taking the reigns of global hegemony. Maybe once America is out of the way, given it doesn't decide to take everyone else out with it, China will be able to combine massive geoengineering projects with ceasing carbon emissions to take some of the edge off of the worst effects. Realistically there isn't enough time, but I have to keep that hope in my heart.

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      4 years ago

      The 21st century is going to spill a sea of blood on a scale the world has never seen before and we’re alive at just the right time to witness it.

      Your comrades born in the 1890s faced the same prospect. They faced machine gun fire and mustard gas in the name of some inbred asshole who had a spat with his cousin. They were harassed by private agencies like the Pinkertons as well as cops, and frequently got beat or killed. They lived in absolute sties and slums that were loaded with coal runoff, sewage, or other nasty pollutants. They saw their leaders thrown in jail or executed for opposing the barbaric slaughter of the Great War. They were thrown in concentration camps by the Nazis. They still kept fighting.

    • black_mold_futures [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      the realization that the bright future for humanity you’ve always imagined is a lie

      "I thought Jeffrey Epstein was my friend, but he's actually a fake friend" - middle class utopians

      • Parzivus [any]
        4 years ago

        Is this a meme or did you intentionally find the worst possible interpretation

  • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Get mad instead of sad. The capitalists inflicted this crime on the world and it is the capitalists that we will make pay, but only if we organize and fight. To do anything less is to fall into the ranks of the lumpen and to ignore our world historic duty. Accepting a passive position in the universe is depressing. Only by assuming an active role and initiating struggle do we find our true power to change the world and in exercising that power we find joy.

  • duderium [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Organize, exercise, see a therapist—if you can.

    There are also plenty of English teaching jobs in China. Move to China -> marry a Chinese person -> become Chinese -> join the party.

    eslcafe.com is the place to look for these jobs. If you apply you can probably be over there in a few weeks.

    Also, comrades thinking about suicide: we need every one of you. Don’t do it.

    • foxodroid [she/her]
      4 years ago

      There are also plenty of English teaching jobs in China

      I considered that but i'm not a native english speaker so they won't take meh. Even though I worked as an English-Arabic translator for years ;_; there's a possible certificate you could get that's specifically for teaching others English as a second language but it's thousands of dinars. out of reach.

      Then I tried looking for Arabic teaching jobs and also came back empty. Also I feel bad about considering leaving my country and comrades.

      I might save up for a few years, wait for my brothers to finish university then we make a run for it.

      • duderium [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Are you completely sure they won’t take you? That might be the case in Japan or South Korea but in China they might be more willing to work with you.

        I think that if you live in an area with lots of socialist organizing then maybe consider staying. For those of us in the boonies, in a sea of libs and chuds, I really wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to get out before the repression really begins.

        • foxodroid [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I'm willing to give the website you suggested a chance. why not?

          Ideally at least one family member makes it to China and settles in case the rest need to join. Preferably not me as I want to help here. I wouldn't say we have lots of socialist organising, it's pretty small all things considered but it's a start , you know?

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        4 years ago

        If you have a Western passport, or at least a degree from an English-language University, you're good to go, especially if you're white-passing.

        • foxodroid [she/her]
          4 years ago

          especially if you’re white-passing.

          here's the funniest part, as genetic luck would have it i look strikingly central asian. Like Kazakhs and Uighurs. I don't know how I got these eyes.

          No western passport sadly.

          • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
            4 years ago

            Even a degree form the US or UK or Canada should be fine honestly. They can't tell if you're a "native speaker", so either Anglosphere citizenship or degree in English is what most places want.

    • black_mold_futures [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      eslcafe.com is the place to look for these jobs. If you apply you can probably be over there in a few weeks.

      "University Degree Required"

      y'all posting in a PMC nihilist thread

      • duderium [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Sorry, I should have specified that a BA is required. Over a decade ago (jesus) when I started teaching ESL in South Korea, I believe university degrees were not required to teach English in China. Things seem to have changed now.

      • chadhominem [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Lol hit me up and I'll photoshop you a near perfect replica english degree from UCLA for this. I've done this twice while vagabonding around Vietnam and Thailand for side $$. I'm sure it's the same for ESL jobs in China. Some primary school in Duoyishu isn't going to call the Board of Regents at UC to confirm you finished a degree 10 years ago.

        All you have to do is get the ESL cert which takes a couple days or a couple hours if you freebase adderall like I did.

    • thirstywizard [he/him]
      4 years ago

      r/collapse had a lot of cryptofasc on there even back in the day before it was 'mainstream', the caustic suicidal idealization pervasive throughout and self-defeatism serves a purpose so be wary. A lot of what they call an apocalyptic end of the world with Biblical language (lots of fundies have joined up recently) is simply the end of the current way of being, particularly of the US. Zizek quote that its easier to imagine the end of the world than capitalism fits there. However, they will never be able to see this since they are comfortably in the belly of beast and refuse to acknowledge this.

    • LangdonAlger [any]
      4 years ago

      here to vouch for not going on bird website or :reddit-logo:

  • blairbnb [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i have just come to terms with the fact that i unfortunately happen to live in a time in history which is pretty fucked up, like pretty much all previous times throughout history. things are pretty much fine for me right now so i just try and be thankful for that. it's pretty wild that when i try and picture my 50s, 60s etc it's pretty much impossible to imagine what it's gonna be like and usually ends up being like a distaster/zombie movie kinda scenario. maybe it will be kinda fun? probably not most likely will be horrifying, but will be different at least. tl;dr fuck knows.

    • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Pascal's Wager but for climate change. Having a sick garden is sweet not matter what.

    • Vostok [he/him]
      4 years ago

      As bad as I imagine them future will be, this isn't the end for humans. It will certainly be the end for many people, particularly in those areas already borderline for human habitation and even more so for those people in those areas that also happen to be within developing countries.

      We will see huge migration flows from these areas to the north and south where the climate is still liveable, and will see substantial reductions in the volume of food produced. This will lead to bread riots and the like, but it's not like we don't already produce far more food than we need, we just waste most of it so I imagine food prices will rise and more of the 'damaged' produce will make it to shelves.

      We'll probably also see a reassessment of what technology is needed to produce goods and a dramatic fall in the production of new products, made of purpose built components with a much larger share of both the products made and the tools used to make them being made of repurposed/reclaimed components.

      It won't be an easy change and the who thing will be stained with blood as the capitalists won't let these changes happen without kicking and screaming, but in the end I hope it will work out for the best?

  • Shrek
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I disconnect. Go out and see friends or just in nature. Focus on the little things, like practicing my art and cooking, and every once in a while I think about how to prepare better and what skills would help me once things start going down

  • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
    4 years ago

    I'm just kinda planning to move to a higher latitude and an area with large freshwater reserves in the next couple years. Prepare as I can from there, making local connections, learning useful skills, staying physically fit, etc. I want to be ready to help other people as the screws tighten further on other parts of the world.

    • foxodroid [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Ok, take a seat buddy. We'll figure something out I hope.

  • sam5673 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Just focus on what you can actually do about it. Worrying excessively over things outside your control is just wasted energy

  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Pretty much accepted the slow decline. I try to have fun while it lasts. I don't think we will realistically be able to turn this around.

  • crime [she/her, any]
    4 years ago

    Building community and putting myself in the best possible position to survive comfortably and take care of others when shit inevitably hits the fan.

    I like to write, so writing as a coping mechanism, making sure I stay angry at the capitalists who did this to us. They sold our future for their own personal enrichment. They knew what they were doing and it for years. Politicians were happily to keep letting the oil companies keep selling it to them.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Honestly, I'm hoping the decline of my own country, the US, will weaken capitalism's grip on the world enough that socialism and communism can finally take off unhampered in Latin America and East Asia. My own country going to shit is my only hope for the world, but I don't have great hope of surviving the collapse myself, honestly.