Game: Krasnacht, a mod for Hearts of Iron 4

Post title: New Ideology idea: Situationism. Born out of the ashes of the Second Weltkrieg, this semi-anarchist movement of avant-garde artists believes in socialist art as the only road to victory against the Bourgeois & Reactionary nations known as "The Spectacle"

  • a_jug_of_marx_piss [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The Situationist International was disbanded in '72 after a tragic event where an opponent called them "the shituationist international".

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Organizing a general strike to overthrow the bourgeoisie by shitting on a piece of canvas and writing subversive poetry about noncing french teenagers

      • Straight_Depth [they/them]
        4 years ago

        I'm being extremely facetious, but limiting your activism to purely theoretical approaches, or god forbid, purely academical circlejerkery, is not going to get The Masses™ on your side, least of all because not all of them deal with academia and intellectuals. I've never been a huge fan of the French postmodern "left" intellectuals, mostly because the have next to nothing to show for their activism and theory in terms of concrete achievements. Performative support of the Algerian peoples and a distaste of the bourgeoisie should've been the absolute bare minimum.

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Performative support of the Algerian peoples and a distaste of the bourgeoisie

          Wait that sounds familiar. Sounds American.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Debord specifically made very consistent references to the fact that praxis is really all that matters and the spectacle that arises from societal power structures needs to be ignored and not allowed to influence praxis.

          He was also just a huge nerd.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      4 years ago

      There is totally a disconnect that wasn't there with previous generations. I've noticed it a lot with music that kids don't know who some INCREDIBLY mainstream artists were, I think there were people here who didn't know who Barry White was for example. I'm guessing radio not really being a thing anymore played a big part there

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    4 years ago

    well the situationists were a thing irl and honestly this community probably has a lot more in common with the Situationist Internationale than most would care to admit. I don't know too much about them but I know they liked to use satire and sarcasm to pick apart capitalist society. They also liked to drink heavily because they knew too many grim truths lol

    • mr_world [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Honestly sounds like the forerunners to posters. People who get obsessed with the culture/individual expression/aesthetic of radicalism and confuse it for actual radicalism or accomplishing political goals. Capitalism is totally fine with people playing radical in art and media. It even makes money off it. Bowie? Dude made record companies millions/billions. Lynch? Part of the Hollywood canon now. Capital is threatened by none of it.

      • Pisha [she/her, they/them]
        4 years ago

        What you're saying is actually closer to the Situationist critique of capital being able to recuperate all symbolic opposition to it, trapping everyone in a hall of mirrors without any political effects. There's a reason they didn't go into pop culture and instead just made avant-garde films, split from each other and drank a lot

        • mr_world [they/them]
          4 years ago

          I get that at one point these people really were avant-garde, but has there been any development on those ideas since then? I would argue that quite a few of those people are definitely part of pop culture even if they weren't 50-60 years ago. Doesn't that kind of prove that even the avant-garde gets swallowed by capital or do they think you must always move towards the boundaries and never let yourself get consumed?

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Of course it's a goddamn hoi4 alt-history mod. There are way too many of those in existence. There's only like 3 that are worth playing, the rest are just riding off the success of Kaiserreich

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    How can this level of fucking nerd exist? There really is no god

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Debord shits on anarchism and Marxism Leninism equally. His whole theory of spectacle seems to be just the analysis of propaganda and it's evolution in both capitalist and socialist states, with the final form taking a hybrid state of diffuse (advertising everywhere) and concentrated (cults of personality) where everyone is leading their own cult of personality. Which is basically the internet.

      He calls for praxis that rejects the system of integrated spectacle and returns to something else, which gives me 19th century utopian socialist vibes when they wanted to return to a "friendly feudalism".

      Also read Comments on Society of the Spectacle, it's written more like a regular book.

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Pretty sure this isn't even canon, just a post made on the subreddit. Even then, Krasnacht is one of the few HoI4 mods that isn't shitlib (and represents leftist ideologies somewhat well), so I'll give it a pass.

      • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I unironically love Hoi4 alt history mods because they are absolutely fucking stupid and clearly made by politically illiterate people, and that just adds to the fun factor for me

        There was some mod where commie Goebbels walked into a communist meeting and went "Yo what if we had communism, but with ALL the classes?" and everyone was immediately converted into Strasserists. He was also the leader of a faction that was "Bolshevik" translated into German, so it just means "Majority'". It's so fucking good lmfao

        • anaesidemus [he/him]
          4 years ago

          sounds like Red Flood, is that Red Flood?

          It has France turn the Avant-Garde art movement into a literally "crazy" political ideology, lead by a schizophrenic.

            • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              me i just want a modern day hoi4 mod with tons of focus trees so i can have maduro invade the usa

              They have that too, except it's still made by politically illiterate libs who think that if CPUSA came to power it would abolish the first and second amendments.

              Well actually I can see that since the old CP became a DNC tailgaters party

            • Azarova [they/them]
              4 years ago

              There's Millennium Dawn which can be kinda good. But if MD isn't your thing, there are some forks of it before the merge with Modern Day 4. One is called Novus Vexillium or something like that. Alternatively, the Cold War: Iron Curtain mod is really good. Not modern day obviously but I think there are some start dates in the 70's.

              • Sen_Jen [they/them]
                4 years ago

                Millennium Dawn is really boring though. It tries to simulate economics in a war game which doesn't really go anywhere. There's a bunch of really long focuses for very little benefit. Also the actual warfare is pretty bad, as factions don't form cohesively and the AI can't handle all the added equipment. Speaking of which, all the added equipment and unit types don't make the game better, it just means you have 30 hoops to jump through to deploy a unit

                • Azarova [they/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Yeah, feels like some serious wasted potential unfortunately. I've tried to play an ascendant China trying to overtake the US but its just too boring to get very far. I just spend all the time building factories and doing focuses. It would probably work better in Victoria, hopefully a modern day mod gets developed for Vic 3.

              • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                I just like how that mod turns Zyuganov into the most based person to ever exist lmao

          • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            I think it might have been Kaiserredux or some shit

            I have yet to play Red Flood but from what I've heard it sounds very stupid, just my kind of thing

        • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          "what if goku and spiderman fou-"


          "alright that's an easy one, but what if goku and SUPERman f-"


          "ok ok but what if goku and-"

          goku goku goku

          "you didn't let me finish"

          alright, finish

          "goku and sailor moon"

          ...shit. sailor moon.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            4 years ago

            Has anyone ever tried just like stabbing or shooting Goku? All I can remember is hand to hand fighting and vague energy beams.

            • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              yeah they got a lot of the swords/guns out of the way in Dragon Ball with Kid Goku fighting the Red Ribbon Army.

  • richietozier4 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    hoo boy, time for a new wave of "leftists" who base their ideology off of a game