What kind of fucked-up mind would come up with something like this? Turns out the dude a sort of Burning Man-attending "rationalist", who mixed martial arts, which kinda makes sense.
At least it filters out caliper-failsons who are like "snffyes I enjoy that women deposit more grey matter in their femoral arterioles to make it easier for them to carry the young"
Identifying with one of those genders that was coined like six month ago on Tumblr and having your date awkwardly look it up on their phone under the table when you ask this question.
That kinda sounds like being NB with really low self esteem but hey that could be a thing, don't knock it till you try it I guess
"oh hey wow you're looking really uh,"
"Yes there is a cute straight girl in my class, I am a boy now"
"I am boy now"
It helps when people front-load the insanity so I know to leave immediately.
Ha ha ha, it actually just gets deeper. You think because you start 9 feet deep the pool won't get deeper. Foolish.
Showing my date a rorschach painting and deciding whether to marry them on the spot like a normal human.
Oh so that's why he gets away with just, the most psychotic behavior imaginable on a date
"Hey guys here's my Foolproof Dating Strategy That WILL get you LAID"
As he gets older and more out of shape, this shit is only going to get weirder.
"What are 5 things you like about women?"
This question is supposed to be incredibly illuminating? How? Seems pretty pretentious to think you truly learn that much about a person from their answer to this.
I mean, you've to be a pretty clever dude to come up with better answers than just gender essentialism or explaining how women make your pp hard in five different ways...
I don't care if they say 5 different ways women make their pp hard though. If they say that it doesn't actually determine that they don't also like intelligent things either. It's just so arbitrary and annoying. Get to know a person properly ffs, it takes time and effort I know.
It's just attempting to reduce human experience relationship building down to a formula to churn out potential dates as rapidly as possible. If this is how people are interacting it's no fucking wonder nobody has any sense of community or care for one another and feels really alienated even when they're actually in some sort of relationship.
The best reply would be "huh?" because it is the only appropriate reaction to a dumbass question like that.
I'd be so weirded out at how essentialist the question is that it'd absolutely put me off. like, I'd probably not say anything about it, but it would absolutely be something that my brain goes ehhhhhhh no thanks about
Me, straight dude: so what do you hate about my gender
Literally anyone who thinks rationally for a moment else: fuck you
giant flabby cocks, egg shaped balls, excessive amounts of skin, long nipples, green toes
I, too, always make sure to confirm that the person I'm on a date with will not be scared of my genitals as soon as possible
my favorite thing about women how their favorite movie is always Beverly Hills Cop 2.
My gender is literally the least illuminating thing about me. It says nothing about my personality, in fact, it has done nothing but make people assume things about me that aren't true
Turns out the dude a sort of Burning Man-attending “rationalist”, who mixed martial arts, which kinda makes sense.
Always fun to zoom the profiles of these types. One pattern I've been noticing recently is that the shittiest people who get mad at me on reddit are super into DnD. Not sure why.
Women tend to like houseplants more than men so I have something to talk about
Don't even need to buy milk now
Don’t even need to buy milk now
men/amab can lactate too :free-real-estate: