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this shit is more on the nose than President Camacho's state of the union
What a depressing civilization that makes kids think they need to put themselves in danger like that.
Can't decide between "lmao owned" and "white boy summer" :blob-help:
"white boy summer" hits different with this one, definitely better than the classic here.
“His whole body, that truck landed on top of him,” Tony said. “He’s passed away.”
It seems his dreams of one million followers got... crushed.
I guess I'm tone-policing but the quotes from family seem kind of ambivalent that he died... for tiktok?
Damn that's actually sad as a fellow hick I'll do some donuts in his honor maybe couple burnouts too
Don't get why everyone is making fun of him in this thread, an 18 year old died tragically and everyone is just making jokes? I don't know anything about this dude, but I can still show empathy towards him and his family
These are simply the consequences of posting cringe. If you don't want to end up like this, STOP POSTING CRINGE :stop-posting-amogus: :stop-posting-amogus: :stop-posting-amogus: