AKA I am writing a fucking essay on Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping in order to own my globpol professor

I am emailing it to him

Unlike Deng Xiaoping I do not consider myself mainly a pragmatist, i do consider myself a petty bitch however

to all of you who say it's not worth it: it is to me. he called me a fucking bernie bro. he owned me so hard. I will own him back. have fun reading 20 pages of email bitch half of which are just literal excerpts from the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping and the Governance of China, if you ever unironically stan fukuyama in my presence again I will email you just the entirety of capital out of disgust. read theory fucker

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Comrade dad. I usually sit on something like that overnight and then edit so I look less like a raging loon.

    • WhyEssEff [she/her]
      3 years ago

      he's a lib but he's one of those "respect people's beliefs" libs so he doesn't really change the essence of what I write which is lit. I vented like half an hour last time after class to him