Man, imagine all the change you'd get if you put that in a vending machine.
If you push the "entire US military" button and you wouldn't get all that much change back.
Sure, I'm down for using the reality machine to make a really dumb heist movie, why not?
I am hereby minting an NFT of this comment which is worth 1 trillion Hexbux
You can replace his face with :dril: and it would honestly change very little about the effect.
"Mint the coin" seems similar to what some religious weirdos do in order to "cheat God". Everyone knows what is being done here, Biden might as well just ignore the debt ceiling and continue like nothing happened. Congress already ordered him to spend the money and issue new bonds, debt ceiling or not. Doing the "coin thing" is an unnecessary intermediate step.
If the SCOTUS doesn't like Biden going around the debt ceiling and they rule that debt ceiling overrules Congressional budget and spending laws, then they will do it no matter what gimmick/excuse you use to get around it.
No! If you disobey the teachings of Economics, you must mint the $1T “coin of shame”
Biden might as well just ignore the debt ceiling and continue like nothing happened.
You can't deposit the coin without asking the Deputy Undersecretary of the US Treasury for permission to open the little "Deposit" box at the center of the Treasury office, and he's saying he won't turn the key, so there's literally nothing we can do.
What’s to prevent Krispy Cinema from stealing it à la Mr. Burns?
But then Cuba would own one billion US dollars. So I don’t see an issue with this at all.
I support it because if there's a 1 trillion dollar coin then there exists the possibility that that coin could be stolen by a master thief who would thereby become the richest person in the history of the world. And I want to watch the movie they make about it.
Isn't this the plot of that simpsons episode where :no-choice: is from?
lifetime ban from Chuck E. Cheese for groping children in the ballpit voice
"If you think about it that's a good metaphor for Communism."
Watching the Simpsons for a week and then having to come up with my article the day its due.
His next article will be: How Blocking the Sun Can Slow Climate Change
“The $3.5 trillion Biden plan isn’t socialism, it’s Marxism.” -Marco Rubio
"Indeed, we all remember the stirring passage in The Communist Manifesto where Marx declared, 'Workers of the world, unite to spend 1.2 percent of G.D.P. on popular programs over the next decade!'" -Paul Krugman
"There is no chance Republicans will help lift Democrats’ credit limit so they can immediately steamroller through a socialist binge that will hurt families and help China" -Mitch McConnell
Spectre be haunting
I think it would be better if they minted ten 100 billion coins instead. Most shops doesn't have enough money in the register to give change on a trillion.
Paralyzing the Senate with indecision using this one neat trick.
Kristen Sinema refusing to budge unless we mint the coins out of rhodium and she will not specify the value or denomination she is willing to support. Joe Manchin currently barricading the doors to the Senate chamber with a literal wall of coal. Chuck Schumer begging Dianne Feinstein to call the chamber out of recess, but Dianne still can't read the face of a clock and determine whether the five minute recess is over.
no it being a trillion is better as at that point it's just a commemorative coin that can be used to pay pre-established debts of $1 trillion or more
It's some kind of legal thing where the president is allowed to mint coins but not allowed to go into debt, so hypothetically you party that controls the executive branch could avoid the "debt ceiling" debates all together if they wanted to.
They wont, because having the debate and using it to pass unpopular bullshit is a feature of the system, not a bug.
The debt ceiling is the limit on how much money the government can borrow. In order to fund itself, the government borrows money, creating debt. We’ve gotten to the point where we can’t fund the government without going over the debt ceiling (this actually happens quite a lot). But if we go over the debt limit, the government basically goes into ultra austerity mode. This is bad, so politicians just keep voting to raise the debt ceiling all the time and kick the can down the road. The problem is that now republicans are refusing to to raise it (again).
Heres comes in the coin. The treasury technically has the power to mint new platinum coins without the approval of Congress. The treasury could mint a trillion dollar coin, hand it directly to the federal reserve, and the government can pay off the next year without technically going over the debt ceiling. In theory, this wouldn’t raise inflation because the government is only paying off existing debt that it already factored into the budget, not creating new debt.
Yes, our economy is this stupid.
It's just an accounting trick to let Presidents ignore the debt ceiling, which is dumb libertarian brain worms.
Yeah but you'd have to pronounce it "Sloogman" and you then you don't get pun credit.