This post is brought to you by volunteering at said business majors organization.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Let me tell you about interacting with my managers, all of whom have business background and. It is infuriating on so many multiple levels. Here is a few from my last job (can you tell Im bitter? I am very bitter):

    • talking over me, the expert in the area, even when a clear explanation why their idea is wrong, backed with numbers and calculations. I actually suspect sexism here
    • lack of expertise in the domain areas and what problems it can solve
    • Changing the scope of the project to what they think the client wants, instead of what the client actually wants. Even though what the client wants is easier, better and more useful.
    • Using ALL the buzzwords
    • mAcHIne LeARnING DaTA plaTFoRm
    • Every single opposition, criticism or idea is met with "I agree with you, but let me offer this other completely made up and bullshit perspective..."
    • haivng zero ideas what the skillset of someone in that project should entail
    • Ignoring a finished solution, in place of developing a new one, on a platform that nobody in the team is familiar with, and not even involving the person who developed the initial solutoin and is familiar with the problem.
    • Not including your data scientists in a project that will involve machine learning and predictions in the design and scoping meetings
    • Wait no, actually only keeping said meetings to designers and UXers, who have no idea what is possible within the problem
    • Spending vast amonut of money for something that will end up being barely used
    • Never, ever, ever solving actual problems even though we are supposed to be the problem solving department.
    • Lettings your employees go for many months without being involved in anything related to their core skillset (you might think its actually cool and revolutionary, to just sit around, read theory and get paid, but believe me, it gets old real quick, and no, you cant actually do whatever you want)
    • HKBFG [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The app needs to be able to do three things:

      Keep a list of contacts, sort them alphabetically, and solve the travelling salesman problem.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's lesser known but there exists a fascist variation to the travelling salesman problem, known as the happy merchant problem.

    • sexywheat [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Managers are so utterly disconnected to actual work that it’s literally impossible for them to have a good idea. They’re in their own little world divorced from reality and constantly have to make unnecessary reorganizations and changes that always make things worse to justify their own existence.

      • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
        4 years ago

        But at least they could listen, it would benefit them and those under them... I think that they actively do not want to say streamline processes or do meaningful projects or whatever... Maybe Im the stupid one for still being naive enough to belive in such bullshit after all this time :(