Rules: you’re not allowed to say “never.” We already know it’s possible it will end when everyone dies because of nuclear war or climate change or some other disaster. Name a specific year (within this century plz) and describe why capitalism will end at that time. Whoever is closest will get an extra food coupon at the local worker canteen. If you joke around I will be extremely disappointed in you :heartbreaking:

  • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
    3 年前

    Capitalism will end on March 16th, 2029, 3:25pm EST, when 8-year-old Brayden Smitt of Newport News, Virginia, walks up to his friend Shirley Nunez and says "Capitalismisoversayswhat?"

    • Des [she/her, they/them]
      3 年前

      really dig it. can't tell if some of the people are androids, cyborgs, or just wearing weird lampshades with googles

  • CoconutOctopus [it/its]
    3 年前

    In 2063, following humanity's First Contact with an extraterrestrial intelligent species, ten years after the end of World War III.

        • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
          3 年前

          My favourite part of that episode is the final scene:

          You know, Commander, having seen a little of the 21st century, there is one thing I don't understand: how could they have let things get so bad?

          That's a good question. I wish I had an answer.

          Both look directly into camera and stare, unblinking, for one minute.

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 年前

    Capitalism ended around 1973. We haven't been in capitalism since before most here were born.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 年前

    Tomorrow :bloomer:

    Left to it’s own devices (barring war) maybe in 50s-80s :twisted:

  • RedSky [he/him]
    3 年前

    a lot of these are joke posts, but I've had a hunch for a while that it'll be sometime in the first half of the 2030s. By then, things have gotten bad enough quickly enough, and there's been enough time for proper buildup if the trends we're seeing now stay at the same rate. It's enough time for the left to get serious mainstream enough to counteract rising fascism, though I think over the next few years (5-7 give or take) it's gonna look like the opposite is happening before we end up shifting into the direction necessary for capitalism to end. There will be some BASED moments, some really tragic "we came so close" events, some absolutely horrific "holy shit we're doomed" points.

    to give specific date predictions :curious-marx:

    • it'll wobble between getting closer and seeming like it's getting further away, some big events but no dramatic real change up to 2024
    • 2024-2026 things get a lot more dangerous for us, seems like capitalism/fascism has won for good, multiple compounding climate-change-caused refugee crises will be a major catalyst of right wing violence, left wing pushback is present and in some places massive, but largely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. A lot of people will resign to "this is the way things are now". War between PRC and NATO over Taiwan if it hasn't started already
    • 2027 is when climate resistance really kicks into full gear, get ready for some Pipeline Fireworks! "ecoterrorists" join the ranks of refugees as a major boogeyman, massive crackdowns on anything vaguely left-wing, (think somewhere between McCarthy and "first they came for the communists") heavily repressive police states become the new norm even in places that currently aren't as heavily policed, but especially in poor, poc dominated areas, refugee settlements, etc. Major shift in the war in favor of China, as NATO countries begin to spread themselves thin
    • 2028-2031 Revolutionary groups become major players on the world stage with varying levels of success, I'd wager Latin America, South and West Asia, and possibly (big possibly) the US are the first to see some results. I wanna say the Phillipines is the first to successfully pull off a revolution, possibly as part of a new Pacific theatre, since this whole comment is based on pure gut feeling. If the US seems some action, it would probably be like a longer-term summer 2020, but with a bit more organization and deliberate actions being taken. Attempts for liberal astroturfing of these movements fail and some areas of the US (at the scale of mid-sized cities at the largest) become totally controlled by revolutionary groups. US government refuses to acknowledge these areas exist.
    • 2033 If you are a member of the United States government, then pick a god and pray or pick a hell and lie there. Hasta la bye bye to freedom land as we know it, the eagle is dead. I will personally go over there and give every single consenting revolutionary of the former US a big, sloppy, socialist fraternal kiss (and more if requested, I have enough stamina for you all, volcel police be damned!!) This makes international news. (I'm talking about the kiss here, but the fall of the US will make headlines too) The US isn't the only one to fall, and by now a large number of areas are explicitly socialist.
    • 2034 onwards is kinda just war of attrition at this point. Capitalism doesn't fully go away until maybe the 2050s or later, but it's no longer the global status quo. We can say we have won at this point.

    Damn gut feeling went off. I'll be living in a barrel in the middle of the forest eating questionable mushrooms and talking to frogs whenever the tabloids find this post and ask how to get a hold of the modern Nostradamus

    • duderium [he/him]
      3 年前

      It sounds nice. My only major issue is that I don’t know if war with China is possible because then how will the hogs get their treats? It also generally seems too optimistic to me.

      • RedSky [he/him]
        3 年前

        I don't think war with China will be a decision made with any rationality to it honestly, mostly a desire to put them in their place and keep a global US hegemony that results in immense blowback that any rational person (read: not the people deciding to go to war) saw coming miles away.

        2034 is less "global communism achieved" and more the point at which things shift more or less irreversibly in our favor. I say 2050s because frankly we're gonna be fucked by the climate past the point of no return by then if we don't get our shit together, and capitalism is antithetical to alleviating climate change. I'm optimistic because we're fucked if the optimist path doesn't play out and there's no chance in hell I'm resigning to doomerism.

  • Owl [he/him]
    3 年前


    I can think of a bunch of very unlikely developments that could push that out (new technologies with as much potential as the internet, somehow space exploitation actually works out, imperial core copies belt and road initiative, investors actually pivot into the metaverse). But otherwise capital has to expand, the only direction left to expand is into our flesh, and there's only so much of that available.

    Also that's my prediction for when capitalism ends as the dominant mode of production. Capitalism is never going away fully. Occasionally some well-meaning hucksters will reinvent it for a while until a historian can swoop in and be like, "No, you fools!"

  • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
    3 年前

    I'm just going to pull a page from fusion power and say it's 10 years away.

  • Speaker [e/em/eir]
    3 年前

    Capitalism ended when the value of the primary proxy for productive capacity became fully divorced from the actual act of production. The most successful "capitalists" of today do not extract their wealth from the surplus value of the labor of factories and fields, but from the shuffling around of government-backed debt and the collection of ambient "information" used to funnel consumers into purchasing pipelines for companies that exist long enough to sell 300 pairs of designer socks before evaporating and being repurposed into a recycled toilet paper startup. At the end of that long road, sure, labor is there as it must be for anything to actually be made, but even the owning class are so alienated and abstracted from the process that this is an afterthought. Choose any Musk company and tell me the value he extracts from every single employee underneath amounts to anything more than line noise compared to the vast sums of money tied up in emission subsidies and crypto. The largest jump in the net worth of Jeff Bezos didn't come about when he found a slick new way to grind out an extra 15 minutes of pick-and-packing from a starving child or a more efficient way to paw through your porn browsing habits to sell you toothpaste; it came from the arbitrary increase of a numerical representation of faith during a world-shaking crisis.

    More seriously, I've got Q3 2051 in the pool, with the caveat that it's probably a lot more like the "everyone dies" option than anything else.

  • pppp1000 [he/him]
    3 年前

    Soon in this century. There will be anger, riots and communism will win. Likely in 2030s.