It's a bad sign for things to come. As platforms become more and more openly fascistic, it's only a matter of time before they start actively promoting Nazi accounts rather than just passively protecting them. People are too addicted and reliant on social media to switch to other platforms, and even if they did there would probably be a massive amount of suppression put on those other platforms. We're going to have to deal with the consequences of all major media openly pushing for our governments to implement outright fascism. How are we supposed to deal with that when most of us primarily operate on these platforms?? We can't survive on the good grace of those who actively want us dead forever, and the very same fascists are monopolizing alternative forms of media.

Trump barely won and only because of a technicality with only marginal media support. Could you imagine how utterly fucked we would be if every one of these platforms just all at once decided to gaslight the public and put their support behind an actually dangerous fascist? People already forget that less than 100 years ago the concept of fascism was popular in the States, and it's getting dangerously close to making a comeback.

I don't mean to be a doomer but holy shit when you consider all the stuff that's going down, things are looking bad.

  • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
    3 年前

    Corporations realize that the decision of "Socialism or Barbarism" is about to happen and are lining things up for Barbarism.

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    3 年前

    with only marginal media support

    Long before he was a "serious" candidate, cable news channels would run Trump's rallies wall to wall for free. That's an enormous amount of media support even if they acted appalled at his jokes afterwards.

    The only way media works against someone is if they black them out totally, or black out their actual words and only criticize.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      3 年前

      Not mentioning the fact the Clinton campaign literally collaborated with the media to push Trump to the forefront with the nonstop coverage of his dogshit campaigning

  • Nakoichi [he/him]M
    3 年前

    This is partly why I'm prepared to doxx myself and just give yall my contact info in the event something like that happens.

    Everyone should get on something like matrix or any encrypted chat and be prepared to mobilize especially for our comrades that might be in places that will become unsafe.

    Some sort of buddy system to disseminate safe rallying points. We're going to have very little warning. We already saw it happen with the chapo ban.

    It's not hard to extrapolate from that what a larger more comprehensive crackdown will look like.

      • Nakoichi [he/him]M
        3 年前

        Same reason I'm constantly agitating even when I'm at work.

        My goal is to make myself so visible and locally outspoken and what some people might consider alarmist that normies might come to me for advice when shit starts to break down.

        I'm already pretty well known locally and I'm not as woried about opsec as I would encourage others to be.

        I've got lots of local comrades.

          • Nakoichi [he/him]M
            3 年前

            Some of us are going to have to break anonymity when the time comes. I've nobody that relies on me, any risk I take falls only on myself, therefore I feel a responsibility to be some sort of liaison.

        • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
          3 年前

          I desperately wish I knew a person like you irl. (I mean, obviously I wish I could be that person that people could turn to, but it's just not in the cards). I'm pretty isolated and getting increasingly concerned about this very thing. I have also felt like doxxing myself many times but for the inverse reason - I want to somehow be a part of a community that could support each other in real life before it's too late for that to even be possible. I've got zero local comrades.

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 年前

      Bro the solution is right here - getting off the big social media platforms and going back to smaller forums. As long as Hexbear dot net has a good hosting provider, the crackdown risk goes down quite a bit.

  • SoyfaceKillah [none/use name]
    3 年前

    Fascism is when the big tech company won't let me hear the made up slur which no one actually has ever used before.

  • SgtHatred [he/him]
    3 年前

    You realize the babies whining about cracker aren't nazi's right?

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      3 年前

      Honestly it depends, but whenever you scratch an enlightened techbro liberal they go crying to the nearest nazi to bash your skull in

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      3 年前

      It’s a mix of nazbols, alt right trolls, Vaushits and stupidpolers

      So I’d say about 69% nazis

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 年前

      Not specifically. However I think if youbdid the math they are near enough to count.

  • comi [he/him]
    3 年前

    I dunno, on the other hand it’s an opportunity for comrades to plug off from big websites (distant possibility, I know). But the right “managed” to do it, or at least passably try

    • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
      3 年前

      I've already migrated to Mastadon after my twitter ban, but I hate how you can't search 2 tags at once, and cross-community compatibility is trash.

      • comi [he/him]
        3 年前

        I mean big guys tbh, and their followers. Unfortunately, twitch infrastructure is too capital intensive too replicate, at least storage part.

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 年前

    This is shitty. We do need to keep this in perspective though. This is not a material difference from the polices held prior. This is an intensification of trends along a known path. Why means by way of the dialectic we can deduce now is the more important time to act because theyare still only increasesing forces slowly

  • steve5487 [none/use name]
    3 年前

    I think it's more a platform acting in a corporate don't say anything that could plausibly offend advertisers way

    • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
      3 年前

      Literally nobody is offended by 'cracker' it was little more than pointlessly appeasing white supremacy.

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        3 年前

        Bro capitalists literally liquidated the Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's brand icons with damn near zero prompting trying to capitalize on the largest market share shifting towards progressive politics. Businesses do dumb shit all the time.

        occam's razor applies even to this kind of stuff, with a bunch of pencil neck suits following the logical conclusion of liberal anti-racism

      • steve5487 [none/use name]
        3 年前

        Yes no one is offended by cracker but it's still not corporate friendly, corporations don't understand what's bad for example when Netflix banned that episode of the golden girls because of mud masks I could easily see a corporation deciding cracker is a substitute for the N-word. I don't think this is fascist as for one I don't think even fascists are offended by the term cracker

        as an asside I did know someone who made people uncomfortable when he said cracker as he only used it as an obvious substitute for the N-word e.g. "What up my crackers"

        • StuporTrooper [he/him]
          3 年前

          as an asside I did know someone who made people uncomfortable when he said cracker as he only used it as an obvious substitute for the N-word e.g. “What up my crackers”

          Look I've changed a lot since middle school.

  • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
    3 年前

    Honestly, this is just desserts. You fuck around with speech codes and celebrating "bad people" getting owned by tech libs, well guess what? The technocratic libs who run the platform also consider you, I, and our comrades to be bad people, possibly worse than Nazis and definitely worse than rich teenagers/20 somethings doing 4chan racism.

    This is just the beginning. Blanket bans for Uyghur and Holodomor "denial" are gonna be next, but at least those Heckin' Pepe's can't post "Posting Their Ls" accounts anymore!