That's pretty much it. Haven't been able to get into chapo as much lately. Felix's attempts to force some meme him and his gamer bros came up with just doesn't land most of the time.
I could listen to Tanya talk about tricking her nephews into liking crystals and rocks forever though.
Very nice to have a leftist podcast that feels like its hosted by real people.
Check out Trillbillies if you haven't. They're good folks.
I like Felix the character, I’m not sure I’d want to hang out with him if that’s just who he is.
felix is representation for masc failsons who wake up with loose change stuck to their sweaty backs
I love the “speak your piece” when they just dramatically read the letters of local cranks.
Speak your peace is the perfect way of looking at "southern hospitality". Like so unbelievably passive aggressive that you write in to a newspaper for it to be published so maybe that person ends up seeing it instead of just confronting them in person.
It's exactly how everyone is unbelievably nice to people's face and then will talk endless shit being their back.
At risk of effort-posting on Felix, you can tell he’s having some difficulty figuring out what his “next Step” is going to be. :matt: and :will: are styling themselves as socdem Ken Burns and Charlie Rose, respectively. Felix flopped with his YouTube documentary and never really hit his stride with The Blago interview. He can’t spend his entire life gaming, even for good causes and he knows it.
Disagree, both Fighting in the age of Loneliness and the blago interview were great.
Imo probably a lot of the reason Matt Christman did three other podcast series is to pay for his divorce.
For real I haven't listened to chapo in over a year and this news distresses me.
If it makes you feel any better he recently got engaged again. Pretty sure that’s why he moved to CA.
Of all the things to criticize Felix for, Fighting in the Age of Loneliness isn't it.
Yeah honestly, his pod performance has been lackluster for sure but FAT made me cry the first time I watched it. Truly soul wrenching
The problem is what makes it good isn't Felix, it's Jon Bois, who has gone on to make an absolute butt load of fantastic content. It really is a shame.
My intention wasn’t to say that it was bad, but that it wasn’t the viral yT hit that would propel him to stardom.
I don't really think they have anything to prove I just think his humor is too irony poisoned sometimes and maybe even too online for me I guess. I also feel like a lot of the time he punches down for no real reason. Not as much on the pod more on twitter but yeah.
Edit: I do like Hinge Points. That has been neat. Not to be all negative.
Someone also once said that Matt is the only Chapo who actually looks at it as a job.
He’s an insufferable tryhard. For whatever reason he can never just have a conversation, he’s always reaching just an inch too far for a “bit.”
When he was only 1/5th of the podcast it was way more bearable, but 1/3rd makes it harder to ignore.
if he was more of a calculating, self-marketing media careerist, he'd suck
edit: watch the FYM streams
They got a tiny bit of pushback on their patreon page comments over some stance they took, so Tom and Terrence spent an entire episode talking about how science is fake. It rocks, I love them.
I like the trillbillies but I’ve been pretty busy with The Deprogram lately
What do an Iraqi, a Balkan Slav and a Southerner from the US have in common? A burning hatred for the system. Oh, and a podcast. Say no to eating out of the trash can of ideology. Join us on a journey exploring and critically assessing the perceived “normalcy” of late-stage capitalism. The only truly international, global, and anti-capitalist podcast you’ll find.
ok, I'm sold
Shit this is really good thanks for the rec, I especially liked Second Thought explaining the transformation of their channel :gigachad: shit.
For sure, when he's on he feels like a regular member of the crew tbh its great.
I could listen to Tom’s silky smooth voice for hours. And I often do.
They need to make Aaron a regular member of the podcast though, but maybe he's already on as much as he wants to be idk.
I think he's just super busy, he also gave up his spot on that podcast he started with Jamie Peck.
They put together a few videos for breadtube that were extremely entertaining (one was about company towns iirc). They are very good on screen, I wish someone would hire them to do more stuff like that if they were still interested
I know! And what about the means tv show that was supposed to happen? Is that still in the works or no?
just started listening today weirdly enough and i do love the vibe. reminds me of street fight but i have a stronger connection to the hosts.