We respect these brave troops o7.
Also saw a video where people were shooting at a police armoured vehicle. Decided to concern troll r/actualpublicfreakouts and say these brave people were merely exercising their second amendment rights.
mid-size cities in wisconsin turning into godspeed you black emperor songs
lmao portland declares anything a riot nowadays
edit: except white supremacists shooting firearms in city limits and macing men in wheelchairs
Imagine being so cucked by ideology you risk your life for free so some rich guy who doesn’t give a shit about you can continue getting richer.
I remember having more than one argument with "leftists" with them trying to argue that boogs weren't reactionaries and deserved support. Those were fun times.
They actually used to be kinda cool, but then they got taken over by chuds, and only started to gain numbers after that.
To be fair the one thing they were majorly in the news for during the last few months was that one boog guy reacting to BLM by... shooting cops? Which I think gives the wrong impression of what the group is like overall, but is still a much better response than shooting protestors.
woah, way more than just the car dealership. is anything else burning? its hard to make things out
Who’s got a link to the discord? Need that protest feed channel lol
However a car dealership was burned down and a mattress store was looted therefore it is invalid according to CHUDS.