Here are the five main beliefs:


If the image is hard to read:

1.Just as intelligence, a moral sense, aesthetic appreciation, and other factors place humans above animals, some humans are in a very deep sense better than other humans.

2.Society disproportionately benefits from the scientific and artistic genius of a select few. An important goal of government and public policy is to channel their energies in productive directions and leave them free to pursue their missions.

3.As confirmed by modern behavioral genetics, heredity is the dominant force behind human variation.

4.Egalitarian ideology and concerns over what is called "social justice" are primarily driven by ugly instincts, namely envy and feelings of inferiority.

5.While all rational beings must be utilitarians to some degree, everyone has non-utilitarian commitments. The best ones put an emphasis on beauty, freedom, and progress, rather than pleasing supernatural beings, fealty to some "natural" order, the glorification of imagined communities like nations, or equality of outcomes.

(Every time there is a space between the “#.” and letters it messes with the formatting so I have to eliminate the space, so I apologize if it’s hard to read)

    9 months ago

    Oh, would you look at that. A chauvinistic rightoid that read barely a page of Nietzsche on his way to "inventing" fascism.

    Where did I see this before...

      9 months ago

      Though the nazis did use Nietzsche's writings as a part of justifying their ideology and there definitely was obfuscation from his sister, Nietzsche himself was quite the reactionary thinker. He very much believed in the idea of class society dominated by European elites (though he doesn't say it explicitly, it's hard to wonder what other bourgeoisie/ elite he's talking about)

      Also, "Nietzsche, the Aristocratic Rebel" by Domenico Losurdo

    9 months ago

    These types always think they fall into the Ubermensch category. Just by his own analysis and judging by that shirt alone, I'm gonna go with naaaah. Lol

      9 months ago

      He seems to believe that he will be a part of the “geniuses” his ideology upholds, but these types seem to do that every time. They think they will be part of the elite but really they are as undesirable as the rest of us, “undesirable” as defined by their ideology of course.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Anyone who pedestalizes some vague abstract notion of intelligence is basicly guaranteed to be among the dumbest motherfuckers alive.

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    9 months ago


    All rational beings must be utilitarian to some degree.

    Let's put aside the fascist ideology oozing out of every pore of this post for a sec.

    Does he think Nietzsche was a utilitarian?

    What does he even think utilitarian means?

    Has he read any Nietzsche, or is this just skimming Wikipedia summaries for big words he can lump onto his fascist manifesto?

    9 months ago

    Society disproportionately benefits from the scientific and artistic genius of a select few. An important goal of government and public policy is to channel their energies in productive directions and leave them free to pursue their missions.

    So is the government going to channel their energies, or leave them free? Mofo can't even write 5 coherent points.

      9 months ago

      In trying to analyze this train of thought, maybe he believes that the government will fund these specific “great minds” and allow them to do whatever because they’re so great. The great minds will have a mission or goal and the government will aid them through funding with no restrictions or regulations. Maybe the government will keep the undesirables in line because they’re not good enough to do what they please.

      It’s hard to really say due to how incoherent their “thoughts” are. They lack detail or proper analysis. Not that they need any since their thought seems to align very well with fascism, I guess they want to rebrand to sound less shitty. But I think they unintentionally showed their ass, that liberals will align with fascists every time.

        9 months ago

        I think their thoughts are basically just "waaaah! I want free money for being a special little guy! I'm not a failure due to my own choices and actions, it's due to society not giving me everything I've ever demanded!"

  • DankZedong
    9 months ago

    I consider myself a picks random piece of paper from a bowl Nietzschean picks random piece of paper from another bowl Liberal

    9 months ago

    Nazis were fond of Nietzsche.

    I'm sure this is definitely unrelated though. 100% completely not like the Nazis. No doubt.

      9 months ago goes deep into the philosophical gulf between Nietzsche and Marx and what that means for today

      9 months ago

      I wasn’t aware that Nietzsche and the Nazis had links, I have yet to learn about him more in depth in school but I’ll definitely looks more into this since you’ve peaked my interest.

      • muddi [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Nietzsche hated Nazis though , or at least would have. He's a complicated guy who hates everyone though. He said some shit for sure, but he's one of those philosophers everyone interprets to death. The Nazis definitely interpreted him very poorly though, likely on purpose.

          9 months ago

          check out it's well worth a read and does a compare and contrast on Nietzsche and Marx in a way that has implications for the current moment

          9 months ago

          I should’ve specified that by “link” I meant the Nazis utilizing his school of thought (even if they did it pervertedly) rather than them being buddy-buddy. I apologize for the confusion.

            9 months ago

            Nietzsche's work fell into the hands of his sister when he became ill, and she was an outright fascist and colonizer whose funeral was attended by Hitler. If I remember correctly there is solid evidence she altered Nietzsche's work to align with nazi ideology.

            It's been a long time since I read N's work, but from what I recall it doesn't fit nicely into nazi ideology even though there is some similar sounding language. Nietzsche's ubermensch would not be found within the violently enforced strict hierarchy of fascism.

            If anything N presents a very strong criticism of European culture as a projection of the ruling class' values onto the masses who obligingly fall in line. He hated Christianity as a facilitator of that projection by promoting meekness and compliance among the population. And he largely rejected anti-semitism while still having some weird views on race common to the era.

            This has me wanting to reread his work now that I'm not a liberal.

            • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              This is true. Nietzsche hated his sister's proto-fascism that became Nazism.

              He said he wanted a gun so he could go into the street and shoot anti-semites.

              9 months ago

              He’s definitely one of the people I need to read into more. I know there is a class in my school that focuses on him and other German philosophers/thinkers (not Marx, unfortunately) but I’m still debating on whether I will take it.

          • muddi [he/him]
            9 months ago

            No worries! Nietzsche's philosophy is just a pretty tricky subject in general, maybe the most in the field. I just wanted to drop in a comment about that

    9 months ago

    Just as intelligence, a moral sense, aesthetic appreciation, and other factors place humans above animals

    Not only that's bullshit about animals, but ffs the one thing everyone knows about Nietzsche is his "morality is sus" thesis

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      9 months ago

      I really want to drop this guy off within 50m of a hippo so that he can show us how his intelligence, morality, and aesthetic appreciation put him above the fearless 1500kg 30km/hr death machine.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Richard Hanania is an American political science researcher and right-wing political commentator.

      Known for expressing culturally conservative positions, his writing has been described as overtly racist.

      This guy isn't even close to liberal (in the context of modern U.S. politics).