Not a hot take but I’m driving across the county rn and there’s so much natural beauty I can’t fully appreciate bc every time I see a god damn fucking billboard I am so enraged. Especially the ones that are just advertising the billboard itself, “if you’re looking at this it means it works! Rent today!” SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I wanna pull over and torch them so much

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I would bet that at least 10-20% of jobs that we have under capitalism wouldn't be needed under socialism: sales, marketing, most lawyers, most cops... not to mention all the redundant companies that make the same shit. That's a 10-20% efficiency advantage to socialism right there.

    • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Only 10-20%? You have the entire marketing industry (an industry whose only purpose is to balance out to net zero by cancelling out other marketers), almost the entire financial sector (moves money around, produces nothing), real estate (same), a huge chunk of manufacturing since goods are built to last rather than to fall apart as soon as next year's model comes out, consulting, recruiting, and a great deal of mental health support since capitalism exacerbates mental illness so much.

      Sp much of the "economy" is functionally useless, or holds up the damage it itself causes.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      most lawyers

      In theory a socialist state could use far more lawyers. We should really prioritize giving public defenders (and prosecutors, too) a more reasonable workload, and tons of people get into situations where representation would help immensely but is too expensive to be practical. Even though tons of legal jobs would be eliminated (by dismantling the carceral state if nothing else), it's too optimistic to believe we'll establish a frictionless society, and when there is friction people shouldn't get fucked over because they have no attorney or are working with attorneys who can't dedicate adequate time to their case.

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm thinking more of the corporate lawyers, trial lawyers IIRC are a much smaller part of the overall picture.

        Not to mention less crime to deal with in the first place.