Hogs saying that, or saying "communism is worse because it killed more people" are spewing fascist talking points designed to normalize fascism in comparison to the "genocidal death count of communism"

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      3 years ago

      The viewpoint gun from the hitchiker's guide movie, but it gives you visions of yellow parenti :parenti:

    • Janked [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Me fucking too. I have a lib friend that's a debatelord type and I literally sent him a PDF of Blackshirts & Reds after he freaked out when I said Stalin wasn't literally Satan and the same as Hitler, and even then he wouldn't fucking read it. Instead he searched for Parenti on :reddit-logo: and used that as a way of discrediting him.

      It was this experience that made me realize he just doesn't take politics or understanding history and the world seriously at all, and it's not worth taking his opinions seriously. Trusts reddit's :le-pol-face: s with more credibility than his friend of 10+ years and won't even put in the effort to read 250 pages. That's how powerful :LIB: :brainworms:are.

  • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Same with the current atrocity propaganda against China.

    We get called genocide deniers for not believing :zenz: but libs are the ones trivializing the Holocaust.

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yes though I've yet to find a way to explain this that takes less than an hour

    • wrecker_vs_dracula [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Lately I’ve been using the continuing battle over the legacy of the Civil War in the USA as an example to try and explain the continuing ideological battle over the legacy of the Second World War. Libs are quick to agree that there are aggressive distortions of history around the Civil War. Takes about an hour and a half. Sigh.

      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Ha, I hear that. Glad you're fighting the good fight, though!

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Specifically for the "more deaths always means more evil" type of thinking, compare WW2 hero Audie Murphy's kill count with that of the Zodiac killer or the Golden State killer -- it is higher than both combined.

      Therefore, by this reasoning, we must conclude that the war hero who fought off and killed literal hundreds of Nazis who were invading Europe to do genocide, is actually worse than serial killers who targeted and gruesomely killed young couples, which is obviously ludicrous and helps intuitively illustrate the issue with this reasoning. If they try to whinge and babble about special exceptions "because war" or whatever, they're granting the point that context is important and that morality is not just a math problem.

      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
        3 years ago

        That's true, though I also dispute the anticommunist calculations themselves that claim larger numbers.

        Capitalist propagandists counted (with embellishment, exaggeration, and sometimes complete horseshit) deaths in socialist countries. They did not and do not count the comparable deaths in capitalist ones, where they see the constant premature deaths as an inevitable fact of life, or of poverty with no clear cause.

        The great lib Amartya Sen once did a comparison of India and China, primarily their excess death rates, which averaged an over 4 million difference every year against India, cumulatively around 100 million deaths over the decades described.

        Who is aware of those deaths and thinks of them as a black eye on capitalism? Why are they not mentioned virtually every time India or capitalism in it are discussed? They have been actively ignored, much as Sen was, so that they can drift back into the background. Capitalism doesn't just kill more people than claimed by any bullshit exaggerative book about socialist countries, it insidiously masks them as a natural and inevitable status quo so thoroughly that even the socialists forget to point to them!

        Also, your note of Nazi reminded me of another fun fact: the anticommunist kill count lists often get so desperate that they include the deaths of invading Wehrmacht soldiers and people killed by SARS-CoV-2.

        • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Mostly from Hunger and Public Action: Studies in Development Economics:

          "Because of its radical commitment to the elimination of poverty and to improving living conditions — a commitment in which Maoist as well as Marxist ideas and ideals played an important part — China did achieve many things that the Indian leadership failed to press for and pursue with any vigor. The elimination of widespread hunger, illiteracy, and ill health falls solidly in this category. When state action operates in the right direction, the results can be quite remarkable, as is illustrated by the social achievements of the pre-reform period."
          —Amartya Sen
          "We argue, in particular, that the accomplishments relating to education, healthcare, land reforms, and social change in the pre-reform period made significantly positive contributions to the achievements of the post-reform period. This is so not only in terms of their role in sustained high life expectancy and related achievements, but also in providing firm support for economic expansion based on market reforms."
          —Amartya Sen
          "The casual processes through which the reduction of undernourishment was achieved involved extensive state action including redistributive policies, nutritional support, and of course health care (since undernourishment is frequently caused by parasitic diseases and other illnesses)."
          —Amartya Sen
          "China’s achievements in the field of health during the pre-reform period include a dramatic reduction of infant and child mortality and a remarkable expansion of longevity."
          —Amartya Sen
          "India seems to manage to fill its cupboard with more skeletons every eight years than China put there in its years of shame." - Amartya Sen
  • wombat [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    denying the central role of the jewish people in revolutionary communism is antisemitism

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Liberals genuinely believe that the people who liberated Auschwitz were at least as bad as the people who built it.

  • tails__miles_prower [none/use name]
    3 years ago



    "the camps were developed in order to round up known German communists who were seen as the most die-hard opponents of the Nazi takeover."

    • Fleewithme [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Concentration camps were invented by the British to destroy the Boer republics. See, those farmers were sitting on diamond mines, and such wealth was unsuitable for them. It was better suited to the hands of bankers, who would use the wealth responsibly, making the world safe for the spread of Anglo-Saxon capitalism. So a loan was taken out against the value of the diamonds and an army raised. But lo! The army was defeated! No trouble, a second army was raised. And this one was having problems too! So the British invented the concentration camp as a way to starve the defenseless families of the Boer citizen-soldiers. It worked. South Africa was set up not long after. Blood diamonds flowed freely, and the deBeers cartel came into existence. One tribe of whites invented the concentration camp to use on another tribe of whites (and blacks, they were imprisoned too but nobody remembers this).

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    What about all the good things hitler did? Like killing hitler, making sure a bunch of nazis died, and bombing england.

  • commiecapybara [he/him, e/em/eir]
    3 years ago

    Same deal with people claiming that Stalin killed three times as many people as Hitler. They have no sources, or if they do it's from The Black Book of Communism :internet-delenda-est: