A while back there was a thread about eliminating intelligence-based insults from our vocab. Words like "Dumb", "stupid", etc.


My gut instinct to this was to get angry, and berate the OP u/QuillQuote for his ideas. I insulted him, I called him dumb, and when he pm'd me, I dismissed all his arguments and called him dumb again. Then he told me to go fuck myself and I told him I would masturbate later

Since then I actually thought a little about the issue and I began to see their point. An intelligence-based insult is fundamentally wrong, because it concerns something that cannot be controlled.

Insults about race, gender, and sexuality are all de facto verboten here because they target traits that can't be controlled--and I agree.

Intelligence can't be controlled either. And intelligence is actually one of the most disadvantaging traits to be handicapped by. Ditto for appearance.

Likewise, AGE cannot be controlled either, you only age in one direction and that's it. If I was 55, there's nothing I can do to be more like a 30 year old. MOREOVER, some people actually have inborn disabilities that make them age faster, with some 10 year old children having the biological age of a 40 year old adult.

So I'm making the proposition that we should attempt to eliminate these words from our arsenal of insults. Words like "dumb", "stupid", "boomer", "ugly", "short", are all words that target people on traits that they cannot control, and worse, they insult other bystanders in the process who may have committed no offense.

In fact, I called someone a boomer jokingly just a few minutes ago. That was the trigger that made me think about this. I apologize if my words hurt anyone.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    No, we said "It's their own problem for feeling that way about the word, not our problem for using it despite their calls against it due to the harm it does them".

    This has little to do with socialism. It's just one more marginalised group doing a battle against normalised slur use that harms their group. You keep trying to dismiss it because socialism but socialism is irrelevant to it.

    • HarryLime [any]
      4 years ago

      If it does them harm then they need to make themselves stronger to the point where it does not harm them anymore. Frankly, this whole idea of some vague nebulous "harm" that is so often invoked in woke spaces is pure idealism, not materialism, and it reinforces the thing I keep trying to tell you: This. Isn't. Socialism.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Anti-idpol is counter revolutionary. Their fight is valid and good. It improves the conditions of their groups, both under capitalism and later they will still be fighting those fights under socialism because, as you demonstrate, socialists can very much fall on the wrong side of these fights too. Nobody is saying it is specifically socialist, we are however saying that it is good and right and just and something everyone will agree with years from now as the zoomers have already normalised this argument in schools and will normalise it moving forwards into their workplaces and the following generation will further it even more.

        Their struggle is valid and it should be understood and support, just as my trans struggle is valid and should be supported, just as racial struggles are valid and should be supported, just as homosexual struggles are valid and should be supported, just as patriarchal struggles are valid and should be supported. And on and on the marginalised groups can be reeled off, as each struggle steps into the light one after another, wins some battles and moves forwards.

        • HarryLime [any]
          4 years ago

          Anti-idpol is counter revolutionary.

          This is the rallying cry of the caucus that caused Adolph Reed to cancel his DSA lecture because they selfishly demanded it be turned into a debate on "class reductionism." The fact is, the opposite has proven true- idpol has proven to be counter revolutionary. It causes so much unnecessary conflict because so many people demand to have their specific pain validated instead of sublimating their egos into a revolutionary collective. It turns what should be the building up of strength and solidarity into infighting and a weird celebration of weakness and pain and fragility, to the point where it becomes selfish.

          We saw the Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn movements get hurt by idpol- they validated and apologized to every accusation that they weren't sensitive enough to every little slighted group that it hurt their effectiveness and alienated them from the masses when they should have had the most appeal. With the way idpol language has been so easily appropriated by liberals, it's become abundantly clear that idpol is a tool of the bourgeoisie to sow internal division into working class movements. This tweet sums it up better than I could.

          Nobody is saying it is specifically socialist, we are however saying that it is good and right and just and something everyone will agree with years from now as the zoomers have already normalised this argument in schools and will normalise it moving forwards into their workplaces and the following generation will further it even more

          This idea of generations fighting each other is counter-revolutionary. Generations are a spook invented by marketers to better segment the population. The Zoomers' politics are a reaction to their material conditions, and they're not fully formed yet.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Smells like opportunism.

            I don't think you should bring up Jez to me, I knocked 2000 doors for that campaign and threw a lot at it. What you're asserting just is not true. 2017 was just barely lost in what should have been a completely unwinnable election and it was lost by literally a nose hair (2100 vote difference would have put Corbyn in) because of internal sabotage of ad platforms by the liberals.

            You're absolutely right that using racial or other cultural politics is a tactic they use. This is not new or special. The Bolsheviks did not throw Jews under the bus nor did they reel back on being anti-religion in the face of an absolute onslaught from the bourgeoisie on these cultural fronts simply because it "did not appeal to the masses". They stuck to it.

            You are merely demonstrating your willingness to throw aside groups that should be defended in order to hopefully gain some opportunist ground. That ground you gained will simply be lost when they rile a different cultural battle., and if you throw those groups under the bus too they will move to the next. Pretty soon the entire history of your movement will be about how you threw every marginalised group under the bus whenever it suited your opportunism. That sounds like precisely what the liberals do to me.

            • HarryLime [any]
              4 years ago

              That's a disgusting accusation. I already told you that this issue is actually pretty personal to me, so you can go sit on a fucking icepick for suggesting that I'd throw my own family under the bus, you shitty fucking little twerp. This isn't about throwing anyone under the bus, this is about building a movement, and part of that means that you have to sublimate your own struggles into the greater collective whole, and being strong for your comrades. Idpol creates the opposite of that- programs get derailed, selfish people demand attention. That last part is what I really object to- so much of this "harm to groups" discourse is fucking selfish. What harm are you even talking about? You've asserted over and over again that saying "stupid" causes some kind of "harm," but you've never once defined what that harm is. As far as I can tell, it's just a vague negative feeling, and socialism doesn't exist to alleviate that, it exists to give the means of production to the working class.

              Besides, you yourself admitted:

              This has little to do with socialism.

              Well, then I have don't have any interest in it. I'm interested in creating the MATERIAL basis for people to be happy and secure, and they should not be discriminated against or suffer prejudice or material harm on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. As far as disabled people go, we should have accommodations for the physically disabled, and special education and employment (if possible; I know it isn't always because as I said, I actually know a fair bit about this and it's actually pretty personal for me) for the mentally disabled. We should fight for those material gains as part of the overall working class struggle.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                4 years ago

                I mean. It is literally opportunism. Opportunism is where you choose not to do something that is a part of your beliefs because you are concerned about alienating the people. It is compromising in order to get to the goal sooner rather than moving the people to the goal we actually have.

                Opportunism is bad. We must move the people. They must be led where we need them to be, falling to opportunism can't occur and the bolsheviks never did anything of the sort despite facing EXACTLY the same problems.

                I've defined that harm just fine. You already know what harm occurs when someone uses slurs that harm any other group, I think you already understand how some using nword harms black people even if they're not using it contextually with any intent to be about race. I think you understand how using "gay" of f-slur affects lgbt people even when there's zero intent for it to be affecting those groups. I think you understand this argument thoroughly.

                I apologise for upsetting you. I really do. As I said before, I don't think you're a bad person and I don't have any ill-will towards you. I think you'll move on this topic as will the rest of society over time. We just disagree with one another and.... That's ok. We don't need to personally dislike one another over that disagreement.

                • HarryLime [any]
                  4 years ago

                  You don't seem to be getting that we don't share the same goals. I'm not in this shit to create a world that coddles the feelings of the most fragile right wing caricature of an sjw on the planet. I'm in it to create the material basis for widely-shared, justly-distributed, publicly-owned prosperity.

                  The ideal socialist future for me will be one where people can be courteous to each other while also having the mental strength to deal with occasionally hearing mean words, as well as building a society that recognizes that intelligence is a good thing and celebrates it. I don't consider it in any way unjust that Stephen Hawking is elevated and celebrated for his superior intellect and achievements, while my mentally disabled relative isn't (and I'm not, for that matter). Intelligence and stupidity are real things. The former is a good thing, and the latter is a bad thing, and there is no injustice that you can rationally define in affirming that fact.

                  When I do stupid things, I'm very rightfully ashamed of my own stupidity, and I seek to correct it, or at least watch out for it in the future. This is a good thing. It's good to be able to call things stupid, to recognize stupidity in the world, and in oneself, and in other people.

                  I’ve defined that harm just fine.

                  No, you haven't. Does "stupid" cause these people physical pain? Does it distress them to the point of self harm, or make them physically sick? If so, I'd be in favor of our future publicly-owned mental health system giving them therapy to help them deal with that pain. I would not be in favor of everyone else on the planet having to give up an incredibly useful word that accurately describes aspects of our world to ensure they never feel any psychic hurt. That's not how people become strong, productive members of society.

                  You already know what harm occurs when someone uses slurs that harm any other group, I think you already understand how some using nword harms black people even if they’re not using it contextually with any intent to be about race. I think you understand how using “gay” of f-slur affects lgbt people even when there’s zero intent for it to be affecting those groups. I think you understand this argument thoroughly.

                  The idea that "stupid" is a slur on the same level as the slurs you mention is ridiculous. It's so ridiculous that it's not even worth arguing about. People shout the n word at black people from their cars, and it can make them scared to leave their homes because their afraid of random violence. Gay people get beaten up in the street while their assaulters shout homophobic slurs at them. Trying to equate hurt feelings over something as anodyne as being called "stupid" to that is insulting. I keep telling you that A does not equal A, and you can't point at one struggle and automatically call it the equivalent of another.

                  • Awoo [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    I will prioritise my and every person's struggle for survival under capitalism because, until the revolution actually happens, that's what we have.

                    Throwing groups under the bus for the goal isn't ok. Anti-idpol is the act of throwing oppressed groups under the bus for the mistaken belief that it will accelerate the revolution. Not only will it NOT accelerate the revolution (as has been demonstrated by our opportunist friends in Europe) but it actively harms the struggle of these groups for the improvements of their rights and respect and ability to live equally with others within society.

                    No, you haven’t. Does “stupid” cause these people physical pain? Does it distress them to the point of self harm, or make them physically sick? If so, I’d be in favor of our future publicly-owned mental health system giving them therapy to help them deal with that pain. I would not be in favor of everyone else on the planet having to give up an incredibly useful word that accurately describes aspects of our world to ensure they never feel any psychic hurt. That’s not how people become strong, productive members of society.

                    Replace "stupid" with nword, removed, f-slur, etc etc etc.

                    This argument honestly makes me feel sick. It's pretty awful.

                    The idea that “stupid” is a slur on the same level as the slurs you mention is ridiculous.

                    You don't get to say what is and is not a slur to a respective minority group. That group collectively gets to decide that. I've heard this argument as a trans person dozens of times though and I think we should stop this conversation because I will not be able to keep emotional separation from the conversation much longer while you continue to repeat the exact same arguments transphobic people use against me on a near daily basis. I say good luck to you, but you will lose this battle, it's already established and normalised within genz, it's just a matter of the years plodding onwards and the new normal replacing the old normal.