So what is Hexbear's official stance on Satanists and Luciferians?

On some subjects they seem pretty leftist, on others they seem like libertarians.

Pick a dang side, Satanists!

slap bass and mouth noises

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    TST are goths trolling the pmc which is kinda based. CoS are libertarians but goth, kinda cringe.

    I don't know of any other groups of note

    I was at a TST party one time. It was a 90s goth show with sexy poetry breaks. My friend grinded on the speakers during the industrial noise set till she came. I ate too many mushrooms and started a moshpit, but then I had an anxeity episode when we did the prayer to invoke satan and I was afraid it might work.

    Overall 7/10

  • Ploumeister [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I saw a documentary like a year ago and it was about the satanic church and the entire time they were like auuaubgjjgjgjj I’m vooooooooooooting :vote:

    They do good stuff though but the documentary was just an ad for the democrats

  • Eris235 [undecided]
    3 years ago

    Aside from everything else, I think the mythology of Luciferianism is interesting.

    Like, recontextualising the bible in a Luciferianism, gnostic way I think tells a very different story; where Satan was kicked out for questioning an unfair authority, with the old testament god being a deceptive demiurge. In general, I think gnosticism is a super interesting re-framing christianity, into a manichaeistic mindset.

    I find it similarly interesting the the Islamic figure of Iblis, who (in some sections) is a Jinn. In Islam, in addition to Angel, who are Good, and Demons, who are Evil, Jinn are spirits who can choose. And as a result, Iblis Choosing to disobey is seen as, in some ways, a greater sin than demons, who are just by their nature Evil. (This is a simplification of the story of course, and also it takes different forms; Iblis is sometimes an angel, like Lucifer).

    I say all of this as an atheist; I just like the stories.

  • Vampire [any]
    3 years ago

    Religions aren't actually political, not in that sense. Some politics-obsessed people will fight me on that: "Everything is political!" but shut up. There are right-wing Christians and left-wing Christians.

    My second point is that there are wildly different conceptions of 'Satanism'. LaVeyism is a million miles from The Order of The Nine Angles.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Religions don't have to be implicitly political, but they often are, especially when religious organizations start doing things like managing land or education. Feudal states would use churches as a cheaper and less involved way of delivering the bare minimum of public services to the peasantry. Local religious leaders effectively becoming petty bureaucrats. Socialist projects have needed to disentangle religious organizations from exerting power over public resources, which makes religion a political matter in that case.

  • leftofthat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I have worked closely with one of the top folks at The Satanic Temple. They're very based and genuinely trying to help folks stand up against the negative components of institutional religion. They seem to get a bit tied up with the fame of it all, but I hold them in high regard.

    Personally I am a huge fan of their political ideology. But I just can't get into the vibe of robes, candles, and ceremony that TST brings with it. So I don't participate in any meetings or events or anything.

    I am not a fan of the Church of Satan, which is a very different org

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Lucifer challenged God's power and that's a good thing. As an archetype of rebellion and knowledge, it's fine.

    Occultism in general has been pretty sus until very recently. There's always been spaces dominated by right wing ghouls thinking magic is going to make them more powerful and rich. Really weird sexist shit that can be positive in the right hands but was used as "we don't need women because men can magically embody the feminine" kind of thing. Even today you have to watch out because fascists like this stuff too.

  • apparitionist [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    In the bible, people sell their souls to the devil as wrecker class traitors (Judas) or are offered the bourgeois privilege of becoming real estate landlords (Jesus)

    also Dixieland of the Proletariat podcast had an ep:

    • LiterallySatan [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It's less that I want them to take the offer and more that by resisting temptation they are able to grow.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    That's because there's like thirteen different branches of Satanism, but there is one that stands above the rest; and not in a good way

    I'm talking about The Satanic Temple, which is basically Libertarian Edgelordism (Anton LaVey was directly influenced by Ayn Rand and Objectivism)

    It, like many other things, is basically a grift at this point.

    One of their more disgusting acts of late was telling people that if they were official members of TST, they could still get legal abortions in Texas.

    You know, completely ignoring the fact that the ban was written mainly around preventing doctors from even being able to perform them in the first place

    The best part is that they love using lawsuits to try and quiet their critics, so pointing this out in public is liable to get you threatened with legal actions

    And that's not even getting into how their current head honcho is a smarmy piece of shit, who's also liable to be a Nazi

    • captcha [any]
      3 years ago

      You got your shit backwards. The Satanic Temple is basically an atheist civil rights group. They're the ones that made FL put up the Baphomet statue when it put up a ten commandments statue.

      Anton LaVey and the libertarian creeps are in the Church of Satan.

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Whoops, thanks for that

        I gotta remember to double-check my shit when I'm still groggy from being up all night

    • PapaEmeritusIII [any]
      3 years ago

      Not contradicting anything else you said about TST (because I just don’t know that much about them), but I’m pretty sure LaVeyan satanism is a different branch from TST. Anton LaVey was associated with the Church of Satan

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      3 years ago

      please tell me these dipshits aren't the ones with the dope-ass baphomet statue :vegan-seitan:

      • Mao_Zedong [comrade/them,none/use name]
        3 years ago

        That's The Satanic Temple , different from the Church of Satan . In OP Flakes confuses them a bit.

        TST (of which i am a member fwiw, but not active as i am eu-based) is just a group of atheist libs, who like the satanic aesthetic, and is de facto a lib political group. R*ddit libs who outgrew their edgy atheist phase love em. The Church of Satan is a purely religious organisation, and "cringe" in every sense of the word. Reactionary, individualist, bigoted.

        • Vampire [any]
          3 years ago

          Is it a parody of religion like New Atheists do?

          • Mao_Zedong [comrade/them,none/use name]
            3 years ago

            New Atheists are anti-theist, TST not. TST's entire shtick is secular humanism, and tolerates religion, but puts seperation of state and church first.

        • LiterallySatan [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          The Satanic Temple are my chosen flock. The priests are true believers who have built a following by presenting my worship "as a bit". It is delightful.

    • MerryChristmas [any]
      3 years ago

      Isn't occultism in general rife with Nazi shit, though? One of my friends is really into ceremonial magick and I read a few articles... tons of Nazi shit. Looked into Crowley... when he wasn't sexually abusing women and children, he was doing Nazi shit. And of course, we all know about Hitler's weird obsession with the occult (in addition to the obvious Nazi shit).

      Now, I'm fairly certain my friend isn't into Nazi shit. He has never given me any reason to think he was very politically engaged - he is mostly into esotericism - but he has always been vocally anti-bigotry. You seem to be fairly knowledgeable about this stuff - how common are spaces in occult communities that don't cater to Nazi types? I know that simply being into magick or whatever doesn't automatically make someone a Nazi, but is it fair to view these communities with a degree of suspicion?

      • LiterallySatan [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        If you think I'm sadistic with Christians who do not live up to the teachings of their selected god, imagine how much I salivate to torment those who claim to act in my name.

    • LiterallySatan [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      He is a nazi and I've been trying to convince his underlings to cannibalize him. It turns out that flock is not quite as in commune with me as they like to congratulate themselves on being. All of them have varying taxonomies of early-to-mid stage cancer now at least.

  • FirstToServe [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Spanish guitar is supposed to be the most technically impressive style out there, according to this one guy at the guitar shop, so it's no surprise that someone from that school would break out as a pop success. I never really got into the deeper catalogue but I did enjoy that collab album he put out later in his career. It had that one single on it I can't remember that was on all the radios for a couple months...

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I think religion in general is pretty weird, but a lot of people dislike satanists and pagans because they're "white woman activities" which is pretty misogynistic. In general the "white woman bad" meme is very misogynistic and comes from racist people who blame white women having sex with poc men for the reason they can't get laid.

    So yeah, satanism's fine, I don't really care for it.

  • NPa [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Don't think I've ever met a non-cringe Satanist but I'm sure they're out there.

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Benjamim Franklin was one. He once painted a babboon red and set it lose in the french countryside as a joke to scare the other posers at the orgy he was at.

      To my knowledge he never found out what happened to the ape. So just some town in france was absolutely traumatized by having a obvious demon kill and eat their dogs and steal their fruit for a while and every historian will have shrugged it off as a folktale.

      • LiterallySatan [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        That was a great bit, I miss Ben. Shame he didn't murder Jefferson and the rest like I told him to. To give the devil his due, Mr. Franklin was ancient at that point and I'd already extended his life far past its intended length.

      • NPa [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Rofl like an early version of Pont-Saint-Esprit.