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He'll do it from the lifeguard stand at the pool in Wilmington he used to work at
No, he didn't really try, and he got dragged for it
Biden remembers this, he was a Senator for 5-6 years when all this panned out under Carter. He's trying to get ahead of it, and is trying desperately to tie it to belligerent Russians
It's much more than that in Europe, so they're desperate and willing to pay a higher price and import from the US. Those in the western hemisphere now need to compete with Europeans for the oil since US and Canadian companies are just gonna ship it over there and cash in.
Places that buy oil primarily from Russia will be severely affected, places that buy significant amounts from the US and other sources will be significantly affected, since those sources will backfill whatever Russia was providing.
Making gas prices go up before the midterms to own the poutine.
$300 a barrell oil might make Texas a blue state though, you gotta be playing chess :DaBiden:
Lmao I wonder why the GOP agreed to this? It must be because they're actually patriots deep down
lol these midterms are gonna be hilarious :party-parrot-popcorn:
The funny thing is that Republicans will be even crazier when it comes to Russia because this will be their way to blame an outside group and increase the overall level of hawkishness.
I know that republican voters are among the lowest forms of intelligent life, but surely even they must feel some kind of dissonance after spending the past 8 years buddying up to Putin and now suddenly get told that we need to go to war with him?
Why is fucking everything a genocide? It can't every just be "bad" or "very bad" on its own grounds.
They've destroyed the meaning of the term via the China rhetoric. Now everything is a genocide because it's what bad people do.
Surely this will have no long term repercussions. :biden-troll:
They genocided the rhetoric! Bastards! Genocidal bastards!
Yeah how is this a genocide? What are they genociding? Obsolete jet fighters?
It's a globalized market so it doesn't really matter. The Europeans and anywhere else affected directly by the sanctions will start to buy from the US and other sources, increasing the price.
Looks like they'll be unhappy, then. What this does is increase gas prices, not stop the war.
What's the over-under on 2 weeks of higher gas prices causing NATO to give Russia equipment and logistical support so they can finish the war quicker.
You need to get away from the lathe but now that this exists: over by a lot, it is the funniest timeline
I think this was a good political play.
Oil prices were already skyrocketing anyway which is gonna hurt the Dems midterm election prospects. Banning Russian oil allows Biden to try to reframe the high gas prices as being us sacrificing for Ukraine and freedom or whatever.
Idk if it'll work but hey it's worth the try
because if there’s one thing americans love it’s sacrificing
forforeignersIf they're sorta white maybe Americans can sacrifice one(1) treat each...
Most people, especially Americans, do not give a shit about some war across the planet. Any war, by anyone.
But every day Americans in our car-dependent society drive by countless gas stations and see the number on the sign keep going up. Something they have to buy at least twice a month merely to basically subsist.
They'll be screaming for blood at home by June at the latest.
I don't outright disagree with any of this but from my experience everyone is aware of the war in Ukraine and everyone seems to at least kinda care.
There are multiple billboards with "stand with Ukraine" and buildings lit up with blue and yellow in my area.
Anyone who isn't aware and doesn't care about Ukraine is so disconnected from politics that there's no way they vote and therefore no reason for politicians to care what they think about gas prices
This is a good point. Americans will absolutely 'care' up until it actually means they have to sacrifice anything
However with mask, they were deeply politicized from the beginning and ime plenty of people have had no problem wearing them
Institutions and individuals who are highly politically-engaged, primarily via the internet and social media. I guarantee you these people make up a very loud minority. At worst, the support of the "majority" of Americans will boil down to pure rhetoric: a "Yes" or "No" answer to simple or leading questions designed by pollsters.
The majority who do care and make a spectacle out of how much they care are also extremely ignorant as to the context of this conflict or what they're asking for - see the protests calling for a "No-Fly Zone" today (AKA nuclear war). These people are a fraction of the group that simply answer Yes or No to a poll.
And the people with an ideological ax to grind? A fraction of that fraction.
I'm struggling to think of anyone who isn't like some CNN dem cheerleader or a neocon who likes this. Trump's base is feverishly anti foreign intervention currently, judging by Tucker. Matt Yglesias-type wonks think this is a mistake with long term economic implications, the progressive base absolutely hate this. I can't think of any relevant group of people that can say "yes this is good" except, like, Hillary, the most lovable person in America.
Yeah it's not that I think many people will find this good. Dem cheerleaders will obviously because they think this is him standing up to Russia.
What i think this actually achieves is to reframe the inevitable rising gas prices to be about fighting russia and fighting for freedom
Oh yeah now I see where you're coming from, I suppose this is true, since Biden has taken it to call it "Putin's hike" as funny as that is.
Uhhhh Americans watch a fuck ton of 'news'
Also any American so disconnected from the news that they won't hear about Ukraine/Russia or Biden's blaming of gas prices on Russia would be someone who doesn't vote and thus doesn't matter to politicians
The Yellow Vests started over diesel prices, at least in part. While I supported masks militantly, the only place I can afford to live in this town is ten miles from campus and snowed over half the year. I'll be celebrating the hogs if Biden wants to fuck me more than he already has.
Republicans are going to get a supermajority, and libs will draw and quarter bernie in response
Biden will get primaried in the 2024 run-up for being "too progressive," resulting in Hillary trouncing him and then running against Trump in the general. Trump still wins, but this time it's not even close.
Nah, Biden will get impeached in '22 then impaled and burned alive on the white house lawn. Trump will rip off his mask revealing he is actually Vlad the Impaler and announce the thousand year reich of blood.
It will cost some of you much more than others, but that is a price I, and those who will be paying the least, are more than willing to pay.
They'll run ordinary people's finances into the ground to defend the shittiest kind of freedom ever, a corrupt oligarchy's freedom to join an imperialist alliance and to rule over people who doesn't want them.
I think there's a lot of regret in political circles that America didn't stand with the side they really wanted to back in WW2 and this is their way to 'finally do it right'.
I don't think they really believe it, I think they WANT to believe it. They want to be the hero of the movie.
Saying THIS to Americans, lmao. The entire point of the US is that there are no consequences and that every next war is just to increase comfort of the US consumers, at least that is what US consumer (mostly correctly) believe.