do they not realize how fucking easy it would be siege out the suburbs? like you wouldn't need to fire a single shot to get them to surrender lmao. water, electricity, food, fuel, porn, basically every resource humans need to survive and thrive are produced in areas that are 100% for sure not made in the suburbs. unless they are literally like nuclear apocalypse level of prepared, they will be fucking running away to a refugee camp in under a week.
I have no problem envisioning an economic downturn in the US, where the national guard becomes a permanent police force against locals so desperate for basic necessities turn to raiding storefronts and waylaying trucks.
This wouldn't be a New Confederacy so much as it would be a thousand little insurrections from coast to coast. But the consequences - loose networks of starving citizens organizing night time raids against warehouses, tit-for-tat retaliatory violence between local police and anti-police organizers, bomb throwers both literal and figurative, and all the military retaliation that would provoke - would look a hell of a lot like a Civil War for anyone living through it.
IMO a nationwide troubles is the most likely violence would escalate to.
Look, I don't literally need porn to survive, I only said that because I was drunk
literally just gain control of the highways or if you cant do that just make them unusable and the suburbs are gone in a few days. they have literally nothing except what is in stores and people's houses.
funny that it's not even just keeping things from going in, but also things from coming out: trash
just imagine a suburb going a single week without trash pick ups, those people are waste machines lmao
hate when those armed dangerous black folks who keep murdering each other and also the white people are helpless in the face of good white american suburban rifles
They think police are necessary because they have this irrational fear that "the hordes" are just itching to come to their house in the middle of nowhere because reasons (aka racism) but are being stopped from doing so by the threat of the police. That's part of why they live in the middle of nowhere (and of course by they I mean the "2A but also blue lives matter" crowd, not all people in rural areas).
damn i never thought about mixing the hammer and sickle together into one tool, this completely saves up a hand slot
I don't know why they think anyone is going to come to suburbia. There is nothing there of value or worth to take. The means of production and the levers of the state are not in suburbia.
To answer the title question, because they own property within the cities even though they don't live there
Love to imply that kenosha isn't little more than a suburb.
Lol irregular warfare in the suburbs would traumatize the shit out of those people. They still think there are rules in a guerrilla war?! I’m not even advocating anything or trying to be edgy, but if the gloves come off they wouldn’t grab their guns for long. They’d kill a few and then go racing off into the sunset while their house is ransacked. Garrison doesn’t understand what modern civil war looks like. I don’t want it to happen, because it’ll be ugly and in true American fashion we’ll make it as ugly and brutal as possible.
Yeah no shit. We either wind up with the Troubles where there is occasional violence between various factions and the odd bombing OR we wind up in a civil war like in the global south where every psycho and ideologue comes out of the woodwork to torture and rape their way through the conflict. This isn’t good, and anyone downplaying civil war or thinking it would be easy is a rube.
Ben is really outing himself in this illustration as a total fudd. A forest of gun barrels, and not a single automatic in sight.