The only thing we’d wanted to do was ensure that artists could make some money and have control over their work. Back in May 2014, I was paired up with the artist Kevin McCoy at Seven on Seven, an annual event in New York City designed to spark new ideas by connecting technologists and artists. I wasn’t sure which one I was supposed to be; McCoy and his wife, Jennifer, were already renowned for their collaborative digital art, and he was better at coding than I was.

At the time, I was working as a consultant to auction houses and media companies—a role that had me obsessively thinking about the provenance, ownership, distribution, and control of artworks. Seven on Seven was modeled after tech-industry hackathons, in which people stay up all night to create a working prototype that they then show to an audience. This was around the peak of Tumblr culture, when a raucous, wildly inspiring community of millions of artists and fans was sharing images and videos completely devoid of attribution, compensation, or context. As it turned out, some of the McCoys’ works were among those being widely “reblogged” by Tumblr users. And Kevin had been thinking a lot about the potential of the then-nascent blockchain—essentially an indelible ledger of digital transactions—to offer artists a way to support and protect their creations.

By the wee hours of the night, McCoy and I had hacked together a first version of a blockchain-backed means of asserting ownership over an original digital work. Exhausted and a little loopy, we gave our creation an ironic name: monetized graphics. Our first live demonstration was at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City, where the mere phrase monetized graphics prompted knowing laughter from an audience wary of corporate-sounding intrusions into the creative arts. McCoy used a blockchain called Namecoin to register a video clip that his wife had previously made, and I bought it with the four bucks in my wallet.

We didn’t patent the basic idea, but for a few years McCoy tried to popularize it, with limited success. Our first demo might just have been ahead of its time. The system of verifiably unique digital artworks that we demonstrated that day in 2014 is now making headlines in the form of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, and it’s the basis of a billion-dollar market. Head-spinning prices are now being paid for artworks that, just a few months ago, would have been mere curiosities. Last week, Kevin Roose, a technology writer for The New York Times, offered a digital image of his column for sale in a charity auction, and a pseudonymous buyer paid the equivalent of $560,000 in cryptocurrency for it. McCoy has just put up for sale the very first NFT we created while building our system. Capturing an animation called Quantum, it could go for $7 million or more, Axios reports.

I have no financial stake in that sale. The only NFT I own is the one I bought for $4, and I have no plans to sell it. I certainly didn’t predict the current NFT mania, and until recently had written off our project as a footnote in internet history.

The idea behind NFTs was, and is, profound. Technology should be enabling artists to exercise control over their work, to more easily sell it, to more strongly protect against others appropriating it without permission. By devising the technology specifically for artistic use, McCoy and I hoped we might prevent it from becoming yet another method of exploiting creative professionals. But nothing went the way it was supposed to. Our dream of empowering artists hasn’t yet come true, but it has yielded a lot of commercially exploitable hype.

If you liked an artwork, would you pay more for it just because someone included its name in a spreadsheet? I probably wouldn’t. But once you leave aside the technical details of NFTs, putting artworks on the blockchain is like listing them in an auction catalog. It adds a measure of certainty about the work being considered. By default, copies of a digital image or video are perfect replicas—indistinguishable from the original down to its bits and bytes. Being able to separate an artist’s initial creation from mere copies confers power, and in 2014 it was genuinely new.

But the NFT prototype we created in a one-night hackathon had some shortcomings. You couldn’t store the actual digital artwork in a blockchain; because of technical limits, records in most blockchains are too small to hold an entire image. Many people suggested that rather than trying to shoehorn the whole artwork into the blockchain, one could just include the web address of an image, or perhaps a mathematical compression of the work, and use it to reference the artwork elsewhere.

We took that shortcut because we were running out of time. Seven years later, all of today’s popular NFT platforms still use the same shortcut. This means that when someone buys an NFT, they’re not buying the actual digital artwork; they’re buying a link to it. And worse, they’re buying a link that, in many cases, lives on the website of a new start-up that’s likely to fail within a few years. Decades from now, how will anyone verify whether the linked artwork is the original?

All common NFT platforms today share some of these weaknesses. They still depend on one company staying in business to verify your art. They still depend on the old-fashioned pre-blockchain internet, where an artwork would suddenly vanish if someone forgot to renew a domain name. “Right now NFTs are built on an absolute house of cards constructed by the people selling them,” the software engineer Jonty Wareing recently wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, most of the start-ups and platforms used to sell NFTs today are no more innovative than any random website selling posters. Many of the works being sold as NFTs aren’t digital artworks at all; they’re just digital pictures of works created in conventional media.

But the situation gets worse. Over the past decade, the blockchain has become a refuge for people who need another place to rest their assets. For global tycoons, it’s just an alternative to parking their money in some real estate they would never visit. They can leave money in blockchain-based cryptocurrencies instead, which appreciate in value as long as people buy up bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and the like faster than the overall supply increases. Within the tech industry, a second group of investors hopes to use blockchains to build new apps, in areas such as social media or e-commerce, that bypass Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and other tech giants. Instead of giving a cut of their revenue to the App Store, for example, these investors want to build new lines of business in which they can keep the whole pie for themselves.

One major challenge is that the blockchain has, at present, approximately zero uses for the typical consumer. Theoretical uses abound, but no ordinary person is choosing a blockchain-based technology over its traditional counterpart. More than a decade after blockchains first caught tech geeks’ eye, not a single smartphone app that you use with friends or co-workers relies on that technology. By contrast, when the web was the same age that bitcoin is today, it had half a billion users around the world.

There’s only one exception to the lack of interest in blockchain apps today: apps for trading cryptocurrencies themselves. What results is an almost hermetically sealed economy, whose currencies exist only to be traded and become derivatives of themselves. If you squint, it looks like an absurd art project.

After a decade of whiplash-inducing changes in valuation, billions of dollars are now invested in cryptocurrencies, and the people who have made those bets can’t cash in their chips anywhere. They can’t buy real estate with cryptocurrency. They can’t buy yachts with it. So the only rich-person hobby they can partake in with their cryptowealth is buying art. And in this art market, no one is obligated to have any taste or judgment about art itself. If NFT prices suddenly plunge, these investors will try buying polo horses or Davos tickets with cryptocurrencies instead. Think of a kid who’s spent the day playing Skee-Ball and now has a whole lot of tickets to spend. Every toy looks enticing. NFTs have become just such a plaything.

The most common criticism of NFTs is that they’re wildly environmentally irresponsible. Each transaction or recording of an artwork requires more and more computing power to complete. More computing power means more resources consumed. Many enthusiasts today will respond that “clean” or “green” NFTs are already starting to circulate. But the blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts of the past decade have shown that environmental responsibility is less than an afterthought. No evidence suggests that cryptotraders will make more money by embracing green NFTs.

Since the day he and I first teamed up to work on the technology, Kevin McCoy has been the authority on NFTs for me. He is more responsible for the concept than any other person, and he told me recently that he believes green NFTs will succeed. I want to believe him.

But I also look at the history of other gold rushes. People usually choose short-term profit over long-term responsibility. Although I absolutely see lots of artists who care deeply about the impact of their work, I don’t see broad support from the cryptorich for abandoning the devastatingly destructive tech that brought them this far. I’m convinced by the artist and coder Everest Pipkin, whose comprehensive overview of the environmental and ethical pitfalls bears this straightforward headline: “HERE IS THE ARTICLE YOU CAN SEND TO PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAY ‘BUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES WITH CRYPTOART WILL BE SOLVED SOON, RIGHT?”

(more in comments)

      • Quimby [any, any]
        2 years ago

        The library of babel site is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. It doesn't quite do what it claims.

        But yeah, IP is still theft of the commons. no one creates anything on their own.

        • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
          2 years ago

          It doesn’t quite do what it claims.

          No? How so? I know the concept is solid, though obviously we'd have to bump up the number of characters to catch all possible permutations. I figured out the concept when I was younger but I used binary in my thought exercises as a catchall. It actually occurred to me when I was writing a subdomain bruteforcer like 20 years ago. Was a major step to me realizing the bullshit of IP and moving further left.

          • Quimby [any, any]
            2 years ago

            the "library of babel", such as it is, is a two way hash algorithm. restated, the claim of the library of babel is "if you give me a piece of text, I can generate a corresponding hash of that text". which doesn't sound as cool as all the flowery language about Borges and whatnot that fills the website.

            You don't "search" the library for text in the way that he wants people to imagine you do. The site takes your input string and hashes it to return an output string. Put another way, we could say that every piece of text is located at the index represented by itself. but that we be a lot less "cool". So the site does a pointless hash function to make it look like you've "found" the text within the library.

            EDIT: a much better way to put it is that it claims to generate text randomly. but if your random "seed" is the same size as your generated output, then that's a hash.

            • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
              2 years ago

              Ah, gotcha. I'm not too familiar with the workings of the the site itself just the knowledge that all information already exists within a phase space and we provide context to it. Thanks for the insight.👍

              • Quimby [any, any]
                2 years ago

                of course, no worries. sorry for raining on your parade, so to speak. enjoying things is cool and good.

                • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
                  2 years ago

                  Oh, no. Totally cool. I'll probably keep pointing to it until I can find a better example, but it's good to know. I was just looking at the about page and saw that I also missed the mentioned of Borges right wing leanings. All the more reason to find (or build) something else that illustrates the concept. I seem to remember there was a site way, way back in the day that was generating all the pixel color permutations of a fixed size jpg, and someone recently-ish public domain-ed all possible chord combination possibilities, so there's totally other ways of demonstrating it all.

      • ass [he/him,comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        this picture on the website is cool though

    • MerryChristmas [any]
      2 years ago

      This is my biggest problem with NFTs. I actually see value in the tech for things like central planning if they can ever find a way to reduce the environmental costs, but creating artificially scarce digital goods is the dumbest possible use case. Art - as in, the creative pursuit - is dope, but art under international finance capitalism is one of the biggest grifts of all time.

      Who in their right mind would pay $1M for an internet meme that will be stale by the time their transaction completes? Who would pay $10M for a painting when you could make a high-res scan at your local print and copy shop for whatever crumpled bills you have in your pocket? The "value creation" comes exclusively from its use as an instrument for laundering large sums of money.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      2 years ago

      Thought you were talking about internet protocol for a minute and was still nodding along

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    If your art is out there... Your art is out there.

    Accept it. You can not control what happens to your art once it is out there. It may become its very own lifeform when repurposed as a meme or it may not. Just accept that your thoughts and creations as a human get consumed by other humans and become the basis for their thoughts and creations, it's how humanity works. Trying to control that is literally counter to our humanity.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Even when they explain their intent it doesnt make any sense, it just comes off as wishful thinking by guys who dont understand or dont want to understand that what became of their creation is what would probably always become of it.

    They acknowledge that there is literally no difference between an "initial creation" of a work and the 2nd or 10 billionth copy of that work, yet they still go "Separating the initial creation from mere copies confers power" without providing any argument for why besides just the same smokescreen used by NFT grifters to insist that NFTs are worthwhile. Theres just no reasons or logic provided for why you should be optimistic about this like these guys are unless you dont understand the reality, dont want to understand the reality, or want to make money from grifting off it.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      That's my :doomer: assumption: these people wanted to grift but were outgrifted so they are crying grift.

      • Foolio [any]
        2 years ago

        Contrary to the common wisdom "you can't shit a shitter", grifters and bullshiters have actually been shown to be more susceptible than average to scams/BS.

    • Trouble [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Yeah, I don't want to be too elitist here but I genuinely wonder if the socialist framing of private property (as opposed to a more idealist kind like many liberals seem to have) kind of immunizes you against being duped by this.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I don't know if its ideology (trying to square the sentimental value of "owning" something "unique" with the circle of capitalism dissolving everything sacred into vapid mass produced commodities) or speculation (trying to infuse an intrinsically worthless commodity with immense amounts of fictitious value in order to profit off some suckers who buy it) but yeah its something stupid.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The lack of understanding of historical materialism that is a result of suppressing socialism in the educational system in the west has been an utter disaster. Ironically enough it has even hindered the capitalists.

      You can't just ignore basic facts of material reality unless you want to keep running into the same pitfalls over and over and over.

  • D61 [any]
    2 years ago


    The idea behind NFTs was, and is, profound. Technology should be enabling artists to exercise control over their work, to more easily sell it, to more strongly protect against others appropriating it without permission.

    Making something infinitely reproducible (storing it online) and then showing it off publicly (putting it online), defeats this purpose.


  • emizeko [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Decades from now, how will anyone verify whether the linked artwork is the original?

    hopefully no one will give a shit

    same vibes as that episode of Star Trek TNG where the unfrozen business tycoon is worried about his investments

  • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Being able to separate an artist’s initial creation from mere copies confers power

    So he tried to undo the democratisation of digital art by giving it its intangible 'aura' back, and he's surprised that it immediately became a rich man's grift?

  • ClathrateG [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    the web address of an image, or perhaps a mathematical compression of the work, and use it to reference the artwork elsewhere.

    like how did they end up going with links, NFTs would make more sense(but still ridiculous regardless) if they were a hash of the image data, not a link to a probably third party image hosting site that can change

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      2 years ago

      My first guess would be that they just wanted something simple and easy to demonstrate to rubes, so a link you can just click or copy paste is a lot more friendly to non-nerds than a hash or some other more techy form.

    • Trouble [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Wait so just to be clear, NFTs are an encoded version of the web address where it's hosted? Or something else?

      • ClathrateG [none/use name]
        2 years ago


        Before understanding how NFTs get lost you must understand how NFTs work. A non-fungible token can be anything ranging from jpeg images to digital artworks and short videos, and their value depends on the interest that people have in them. When a person buys an NFT, they are not getting anything an actual image, or even the rights to an image, but rather a digital code that points to a piece of media located somewhere on the internet.

        The digital artworks themselves are not located or registered on the blockchain. Rather, when an NFT artwork is purchased, the buyer gets a cryptographic signature, or certificate, that points to an image hosted elsewhere. The actual item could be located anywhere on the internet, and the NFT effectively serves as a digital pass for that internet address where the media file (image, video, etc.) is stored.

        Pretty silly

        • Trouble [she/her]
          2 years ago

          So to be totally clear, because I'm not super tech savvy, if the hosting site goes down the NFT effectively becomes a link pointing to nothing?

          • Nakoichi [he/him]
            2 years ago

            If you really want to understand the whole thing the Folding Ideas video Line Goes Up is a great, if a bit long, breakdown.

            The short of it though is that if it seems nonsensical and you don't understand it you already understand it more than most of its proponents. The more you learn about NFTs and crypto the stupider it gets.

      • Owl [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, Etherium is so mind-bogglingly inefficient that they can't save something as large as an actual image on the blockchain.

    • Sinonatrix [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      But then how would we verify that image data? The artwork would have to be re-scanned in a cradle full of identical sensors under identical conditions, and even if that were possible, degraded bits of pigment or a little scuff somewhere are going to throw the hash off again. Chunked hashes could help since it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker if not every chunk checked out, but I still wonder if getting pictures remotely deterministic enough to do something like this could ever be possible.

      • ClathrateG [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        NFTs can only(practically) reference a web address of an image file etc, not an actual physical painting (in that case i suppose the NFT would be supposed to represent ownership of a specific scan/photo of it)

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    2 years ago

    We’ve achieved the future where they’ll run every tech idea, even if proven a terrible one, if it makes or protects some rich asshole’s money

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    In the meantime, the current NFT market is drawing an extraordinary range of grifters and spammers. People are creating NFTs of artists’ works without asking permission or even letting the artists know. Today, I run a platform that helps people create apps. Typically, the most popular apps are prosaic—messaging systems for work, or tools for building a website. For the entire first week of March, our most popular offering each day was a Twitter app that let people block lists of users en masse. The app skyrocketed in popularity because artists were using it to block NFT spammers from hijacking their works and monetizing them as NFTs without permission.

    Mainstream brands see their own opportunity to capitalize on the hype. Companies selling toilet paper, potato chips, and light beer are tailgating on NFTs’ newfound popularity to offer incomprehensible blockchain-themed promotions on social media.

    I don’t want to let go of the optimistic ideal behind NFTs. McCoy still believes that blockchain technologies can help artists sustain their work. But in my work as a technologist, my optimism has been dashed many times by opportunists who rushed in after a technology took off. In the early days of digital music, the advent of MP3s and new distribution systems was supposed to allow artists to sell directly to fans. In the early days of social media, companies made blogging technologies with the promise that writers would be able to communicate directly with their readers. This pattern played out in industry after industry.

    But these changes left creators at the mercy of companies far more powerful, far more ruthless, and far less accountable than the record labels and publishers they’d disrupted. Musicians and writers gained direct access to their audiences, but its cost was a precarity that few could have imagined before their field was disrupted. Artists were the original gig economy.

    Our initial NFT demo in 2014 was so well received that McCoy and I were invited to present the tech again a week or two later—this time at TechCrunch Disrupt NY, one of the technology industry’s highest-profile conferences. The crowd was a mix of tech geeks and corporate types, all eager to spot the next hot start-up or popular smartphone app. McCoy and I gave a slightly more polished demo of how our proto-NFTs could help artists. Just like at the art museum, we made fun of our own phrase, monetized graphics. This time, nobody in the audience laughed. In the tech world, monetizing innovations is no joke. It’s how the industry operates, and this crowd was all business.

  • Deadend [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Tumblr reblogs as blockchain combined with tineye or similar to say art “at uploading time” Can’t be found anywhere online.

  • learn3code [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I've been meaning to look into cryptographic watermarks just so I can embed messages like "if this is an NFT you got scammed lmao" into images.