Am I supposed to sit here and wait for republicans to feel ashamed or some shit? Am I supposed to sit around and wait for Democrats to magically win seats in red states? Seriously. If Obama couldn’t - or wouldn’t - do jack shit after the first dozen of children were murdered, why exactly am I expected to be hopeful that Biden will?
I love that the Dems justify punching left by saying that they have to appeal to red states, but then they all rally around an issue that red states fucking hate
It's spectacle. The voters watch the shadows on the wall and imagine it is reality. They'd rather watch the same shadow play and shout out the same, tired audience participation lines, than free themselves from the cave of capitalist realism. I don't know why they think a different set of players on the stage will change the ending of the script.
He fights every single Republican trial by combat style. He will probably die but its gonna be a great show.
"At the time of independence in 1776, trial by combat had not been abolished and it has never formally been abolished since. The question of whether trial by combat remains a valid alternative to civil action has been argued to remain open, at least in theory" (See folks there is a chance)
BIden wins by killing a ton of conservatives or Biden dies (Potentially ALSO after killing a bunch of conservatives)
I am perfectly ok with this
Crenshaw will take him out with a tactical cumshot, just like the one that took his eye
Instead of a rotating cast of villains voting down legislation we could have a rotating cast of champions to fight in the arena :deeper-sadness:
As long as the filibuster exists - everything they say is a joke because they can't get to 60 votes.
If Biden or the DC dems were serious about anything - last year they would have...
Put the thumbscrews on Manchin, Sinema, and other shit dems.
Killed the filibuster
Gotten to work and actually done stuff.
For point one Biden could have called them into his office and given them carrot and the stick.
Carrot: Work with me and do what I say - I stump for you, you get a shitton of campaign donations, and when you retire - you get a fantastical non-job sinecure where you do no work but get 6 (or 7) figures a year.
Stick: Don't work with me? Every three letter agency I can think of investigates you or audits you or checks you out. I do the same all the members of your family and the people you love. Everybody get as many colonoscopies as possible.
Example - Not only must Manchin be dirty - I bet his daughter is even dirtier. She's the reason Epipens are so insanely expensive. She got her beak wet.
This is imagining Biden is serious about any of this and is any better than Manchin himself
It's still important to point out that Biden has options that he chooses not to exercise.
The politicians don't intend on passing them, except for maybe a couple as-yet-unjaded idealists. There's a reason they have a rotating villain.
The democratic voters, however, believe that a good inspiring speech combined with performative protests will suddenly bring empathy and compassion to the GOP, because they watched too much West Wing. This is why we must bully them.
They were protesting outside the NRA convention! Politely! Behind police barriers! They didn't even go inside and fuck shit up! That's Libs stretching their political agency to the utmost. That is the horizon of what they are capable of. Politely standing in the designated free speech zone waiting for someone to save them.
They don't, he doesn't, no
gunlaw is going to end mass shootings.Call me a lib but I think some gun control would be nice, not that the Dems are even going to bring it up.
Honestly the dems have been crushing their AP Government course consistently, year after year. Gonna look great on their college apps.
it's not the guns, other countries have guns and don't have this shit, it's just american decay in action
It's the convergence of like ten different factors, of which universal availability of guns is only one. And given that there are so many guns, and that red states won't enforce any federal restrictions, they've already lost on availability of guns. But addressing any of the other problems would require instituting social welfare, ending imperialism, demilitarizing the police, creating a housing and jobs guarantee, and generally un-fucking the entire country.
By voting for more democrats of course!
But for what it's worth, unlike other progressive policies that they wink and nod to, gun control is the one they are genuinely serious on. When the Democrats completely took over the Virginia state government, gun control was the one and only progressive policy they passed. Basically most state politics are fed by school board elections not municipal elections (mega cities like NYC and Chicago being major exceptions). Since school shootings affect poor and wealthy school districts alike it's an unquestioned given amongst any rising democrat.
They're just going to say that they don't have the votes and we need to elect more democrats.
Their entire policy is "elect more democrats so we can have more rotating villains"
Even if they had control of every single state Dems would be completely useless.
"If only we had 104 Democrats in the Senate, maybe we could do something!"
It would be as effective as the war on drugs. There are just some genies that won't go back in the bottle.