And that's not a joke. I actually can't think of any single assignment I've had in college that I haven't submitted the day it was due because I was procrastinating (I probably have ADHD but diagnosis is expensive).
But I started my research for this three days ago, wrote up half of the essay yesterday, and finished it today. I sat down and read 25 pages of an academic text in one sitting, which was honestly a big achievement for me - it only took half an hour, but I really struggle to stay focused on that kind of thing. It's due tomorrow at 10pm, and I submitted it at like 8pm today. That's one thing I don't have to worry about now.
I've submitted assignments literal seconds before the they were due in the past, so this feels like progress to me.
I also have ADHD and cannot stress to people enough how fucking hard it is to get things done on time, let alone before time. Fucking proud of you comrade.
i hereby award you as a fellow "probably have ADHD but diagnosis is expensive"
good job lol, currently feeling that procrastination grind, I aspire to that
Some of my best work was done seconds before deadline, but my BEST work was submitted early. Proud of you comrade!
I still remember to this day the first time I pulled that off. Congratulations comrade
Good shit. The only time I've ever done that was when I thought the due date was earlier than it actually was or when the professor postponed the assignment at the last minute lol