There were in fact 60-100,000 new cases today.

Not a chance of less than 500K total US deaths now by the end of Winter and I'd put good money on over 750K dead by mid 2021

very fun fact: about 1 in 1000 american black people has died of covid so far

  • sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Rush a vaccination to bolster the re-election campaign/the economy. Every single reported adverse effect will blow up on national media. Create a new culture war: people who are willing to take the vaccination vs. people who refuse. End result is enough people get vaxxed or naturally immune to slow the spread (but not nearly enough to stop it) allowing for everyone to ignore the situation and perform normalcy even more easily. For people who are still getting sick and dying, simply blame them or their close contacts for being anti-vaxxers, even if they aren't and even if the vaccination isn't that effective.