There were in fact 60-100,000 new cases today.

Not a chance of less than 500K total US deaths now by the end of Winter and I'd put good money on over 750K dead by mid 2021

very fun fact: about 1 in 1000 american black people has died of covid so far

  • sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    And that's just the cases we're officially catching. I don't think we will know the true numbers until this whole thing is over and people dig into numbers like excess deaths.

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Y'all still talking about libshit like total deaths, when 25% of cases are crippled for life in the best case, or will die of side effects/downstream effects within the next few years.

      Imagine 2 in every 10 people not being able to get out of bed because it makes their heart rate skyrocket to 130.
      And imagine how many people will die due to fainting from 50% Oxy saturations behind the wheel, or while getting off a train, or operating a CNC mill.

      Everybody focuses on deaths but nobody's talking about the walking corpses AKA "long haulers", which are far more numerous

      • okay [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        when 25% of cases are crippled for life

        I really don't think that's anywhere close to accurate. Are you maybe referring to critical cases?

        • lvysaur [he/him]
          4 years ago

          check out the King's College london study. That one estimated 10% back in June, but there have been others saying 20-30%.

          I'm not referring to critical cases. I'm referring to the "moderate" cases that never get better.

          • okay [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Others are saying that 20-30% of people who are infected are "crippled for life"??? Are you quite sure? Would you like to double check?

              • lvysaur [he/him]
                4 years ago

                “Recovered” just means theyre not transmitting any more.

                No, it means they're just not transmitting at that moment. They could even transmit later, there's one dude in China who got tested 9 times across a period of a few months. First 8 tests negative, last 1 positive. He was sick the whole time.

                This virus is akin to airborne HIV, possibly worse.

                  • lvysaur [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    That along with the chance of reinfection

                    I don't know if reinfection is possible. I think it's more likely that most reinfections are actually reactivations. I have no evidence to back that up though, but it seems extremely unlikely that you'd clear a virus once and then get it just as bad again.

                    The real problem (that nobody wants to confront) is that there's 0 evidence that the virus is ever cleared from the body. It possibly even infects/transfers DNA into gut bacteria, which is evidenced by success stories of antibiotics in clearing symptoms, but the symptoms coming back later

                      • lvysaur [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        yeah, 3 months is the lower end estimate.

                        I read medical accounts of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). These happened pre-COVID.

                        I read two stories about women who contracted some kind of virus, and developed CFS as a result.
                        They tested negative for the virus several times during their lives.
                        After they died, they found virus in the brain via autopsy. One of the women was 20 when she contracted the viral illness, and I think she died sometime in her 30s? Details are fuzzy but the part that stood out was the repeated testing negative despite having the physical virus in their bodies. Can't remember what virus it was either.

                          • lvysaur [he/him]
                            4 years ago

                            That sucks, sounds worse than COVID.

                            For the record I absolutely would not take the COVID vaccine under any circumstances. There's no way I trust the most rushed through vaccine in human history. And even if it were safe, I'm skeptical that it would do any good for someone who already contracted the disease.

            • lvysaur [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Others are saying that 20-30% of people who are infected are “crippled for life”???

              Others are saying that 20-30% have "symptoms lasting longer than a month". There's also a paper showing that if your symptoms last longer than a month, they will last several months. Basically, you get better in 2 weeks or you have it forever.

              I know because I am one, and have been communicating with a lot of people with similar shit. There is no such thing as a recovery, because NONE of their so-called "recoveries" are followed up. I've been recovered (and have heard of recoveries) for a week, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, but it always comes back.

              So yes, functionally about 25% of people will be crippled for life. I'm from Cuomo's state, I still see people doing the COVID walk. It's the walk where you take one step every 5 seconds because otherwise your heartrate rockets or your O2 sats plummet. Keep in mind all these people are in their 20s to 40s and most of our cases are from March.

              Neither the lib media nor the conservative media knows anything about COVID. It took them 5 months to admit that the European strain was 10x worse than the Chinese one, something I predicted in March (not bragging, just obvious from the death data). Media didn't talk about this because "China bad bad bad".

              Additionally, more than half the doctors in this nation are useless bums who directly tell you that your symptoms are impossible. (no offense to actual bums, who can be quite based) They don't have even an ounce of mental flexibility, and their jobs will be replaced by AIs soon.

              WRT long haulers, they are making completely unproven assumptions like 1) The virus has left our bodies 2) it's just "post viral fatigue" 3) that it's curable

              My anecdotal data as well as official data from SARS-1 in 2003 refute that. 80% of SARS-1 survivors never regained "normal" functionality.

        • qublic69 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          dunno about that stat, but maybe see linked articles here:

      • PaulRyansWorkoutTape [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I don't remember where and god forbid I search for anything myself, but I read somewhere that the annual deaths attributed to pneumonia was doubled, so that's probably a low ball.

        • Sushi_Desires
          4 years ago

          Oldish (April), but probably relevant:

    • sappho [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Rush a vaccination to bolster the re-election campaign/the economy. Every single reported adverse effect will blow up on national media. Create a new culture war: people who are willing to take the vaccination vs. people who refuse. End result is enough people get vaxxed or naturally immune to slow the spread (but not nearly enough to stop it) allowing for everyone to ignore the situation and perform normalcy even more easily. For people who are still getting sick and dying, simply blame them or their close contacts for being anti-vaxxers, even if they aren't and even if the vaccination isn't that effective.

  • sic_semper_chuds [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the american system is working as planned. you don't have to pay people benefits even if they're not dead, but you've got a better excuse for not doing it when they are

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      the american system is working as planned.

      There's no plan though. It's just rich people saving money, they didn't plan that it's just how they behave

        • lvysaur [he/him]
          4 years ago

          They're "freeing" the money from the oppressive brown people who control it

  • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Meanwhile my dad is telling me that "it's getting better, actually". I have no idea what he's basing that on. Fuck the news for lying to people.

  • Chiefcrunch [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I'm betting under 300k by the end of the year. We're already past that 2nd peak we had, so I expect under 1k deaths per day, hopefully under 500 per day by October. We'll see how the colder weather does though. My guess for mid 2021 is 450k.