I think in the US we're going to get Citizens United 2 from the Supreme Court. They're going to rule that a corporation can be president.
The GOP and DNC will merge and create and new Patriot Company to be president of the US
The president will be a board of directors, essentially just absorbing the US Chamber of Commerce
The GOP and DNC will merge and create and new Patriot Company to be president of the US
This is some Kojima shit.
Joe Biden refers to himself in public as Joe Brandon on accident
Joe Biden audibly shits himself during the first debate. CNN, MSNBC, NYT, et al spend at least a week speculating about a "brown note device" possibly of Russian or Cuban design.
Between debates, the piss tape drops. We drown the internet in Pee Pee Trump vs Poo Poo Biden memes. Unable to ignore how undignified this election has become, we see broad bipartisan support for abolishing the office of the president.
This will be seen as the beginning of the balkanization of America.
Biden croaks before the 2024 election, Harris and :pete: run on a unity and healing ticket, lose very badly to trump/desantis, and we enter the :cool-zone: once again
When brandon got elected, I was finally able to eat my overpriced brunch in peace
The Texas Union secedes again, realizes they have no real economy of their own, attempts to fight Mexico like old times and gets spanked by the Zapatistas.
Reconstruction funds dwarf the marshall plan and Texas becomes the only state with universal healthcare
Day one all the water from upstream is cut and a week later Texas capitulates
Bernie wins but then get immediately impeached for being old
Also him farding ends up making him the most beloved American president of all time
Slight variation to yours.
:hillary: becomes president, but only after secession. The country collapses, but many D.C. lanyard heads refuse to believe that their perfect end of history had a few more pages left in the book. “The USA” continues to exist, but only as a government in exile, and :hillary-disgust: takes her rightful place beside :guaido: as the pauper king and queen.
Hillary becomes president, Russia takes over the entirety of Ukraine, the democrats quadruple down on punishing Trump and telling voters to stop worrying about Roe, and Biden claims election fraud and says Hillary isn’t the rightful president
it's the most important testimony of our time
they'll also impeach him again
:trump-anguish: wins in 2024. Nukes the moon. Climate change inadvertently solved. Lauded as greatest president ever.
The supreme court declares that weapons bans in the halls of congress are unconstitutional. Either MTG actually takes a shot at someone, or boebert has a negligent discharge.
The rest is wish fulfillment since that first part definitely got the lathe's attention:
It is the actual final straw for The Squad. AOC and Ilhan break into DNC headquarters to push the secret "do communism" button that would move the party left. They are thwarted and jailed. Seeing the girlbosses behind bars finally inspires revolutionary confidence in the libs and the second civil war goes hot when they are broken out of prison during a protest that turns into a riot.
the new black panthers aim their guns at congreessprople for every vote and create a funny dynamic
Biden dies and Kamala steps down, leaving :liberalism: as President. She appoints the first gay ambassador to Iceland and CHUDs decide that they can't stand any more and try to lynch her. I am there making the noose and laughing. My life is complete.
Yes! I agree that would be a bad outcome, maybe possible if the Supreme Court and Congress don't get their act together. But ultimately, I think a Hillary 2024 win is what we need to bring this country together again.
the hildawg divorces clinton and marries joe biden for another shot at power but all her ideas get sidelined again as joe biden's first lady for 2024-28.