Racism against white people matters is really the hill you want to die on?
Apparently, they're also committed to dying on the "cocksucker isn't a homophobic slur" hill as well.
can't die on weird hills if you're juggling them instead of standing on them :think-about-it:
Looking at porn next to women colleagues at work also fine. And if they’re mad about it get over it bc “grow up it it doesn’t literally hurt them” I guess
I hope mine's about Yu-gi-oh or some web serial/novel only I and my appointed nemesis have read
You tried straightsplaining to gay people why using a slur directed at them for casual use wasn’t homophobic. Despite the fact that you’ll never be a target of that abuse you argued with them anyway instead of listening to the people effected by it.
You tried to mansplain to women what is and isn’t sexual assault. Despite the fact that you’ll never be a target of that abuse you argued with them anyway instead of listening to the people effected by it.
Now you’re trying to whites plain about racism which isn’t something you’re ever going to experience. You literal contradict yourself here about how bipoc experience real effects from the racism directed to them where you don’t. Someone saying you don’t know wtf your talking about bc your white isn’t oppression
When you keep getting called out by people effected by shit you’re shooting your mouth off about maybe it’s time to chill on the headassery and do some self reflection
cocksucker isn’t homophobic either, eat shit
If you use it as an insult then it very much is
If you call someone a cocksucker as an insult then it very clearly means you think that's a bad thing
Like if some chud called you a "fucking communist"
Conventionally it is used as an insult so that is why it is one. The contents of the world are not the important part here
In school there were several insults people used against each other (in Hindi) that we did not exactly know the meaning of. But like knowing they were bad is good enough
You literally would rather bend yourself into a pretzel to justify continuing to say literal slurs once you learned actually it hurts people then just grow up
This is extremely funny coming from you holy shit lmfao :data-laughing:
citation needed
You’re jacking off at work next to women SA bullshit you were on
idk people were upvoting me but then woops comments removed, but I guess the mod team is the god team m i rite
That there’s other dudes with an equally 0 amount of self awareness that upvote your shit doesn’t really mean much, you got push back from people effect by it for a reason and their opinion means more than your cishet white boy headass shit whether you like it not
The fact you can type a sentience like “cocksucker isn’t homophobic” is comically, pathetically brain dead.
holy fuck you’ve probably done some deranged shit to women and justified it similarly
Cocksucker is homophobic. It means you are a man who sucks cocks and that its bad to do so. Pretty cut and dry. It is however very fun to use and I don't think against the rules generally in most contexts
You in the general sense not specifically you. It means "one who is a man who sucks cocks and that is bad"
Sorry, that is how language words, what words mean is determined by a process beyond just 'what you think they mean'. Its a gendered insult as it exists in the English language, and consequently a homophobic one (although not a slur to my ear). However if you keep using it as you do, and convince others to, eventually you could be part of changing that meaning. I think its really funny to call women cocksuckers and yeah you could make that more of a thing
cocksucker isn’t homophobic either, eat shit
please explain to me why this would be an insult in anyone's mind if they hadn't at least somewhat internalized homophobia/sexism/rape culture. like think about it. why is the act of sucking cock seen as an insult in the first place? Surely there is some sort of cultural and historical explanation for this and it isn't simply random.
You're wrong on this though. Fuckin' looking at pornography in public is both #1 removed and #2 basically a prelude to something fucked up happening during or after it. Calling someone a prude about it is also massive libshit.
Imagine getting this pissed at people because they won't let you choose what definitions words have.
my fellow sibling in cumskin, cease
this is an hilarious hill to die on tho tbf
carving a swastika into my arm and looking back at my host country for approval
you could idk not do that maybe
I just wanted to make one point and then bop back out because I don't really want to dip my toes into this whole thing, clearly there's some build up here.
When a white dude goes to Japan, he will get discriminated against in a way that is a similar construct to what we would call racism in America, I'll grant you. But I don't think it's good to call that racism. Look at it this way. Classes go beyond just the bourgeois and the proletariat. Women are a class. Men too. There are different classes of people of color, in different towns and cities and states. Racism in European and American society is specifically that prejudice against the descendents of the captive Black nation that settlers built here, as well as the broader way that American capitalism developed national identity and ethnicity into a large hierarchy that was much more complex than the skin color metric that we think about today. A white guy in Japan is going to experience a fundamentally different social construct because Japan developed differently, had different material conditions.
Food for thought: is it racist when people in rural Africa are fascinated by random white travelers? Probably not, considering that there isn't really a degree of violence associated with this othering at all. And racism connotes a deeply unpleasant kind of class animosity and dehumanization. What about the opposite, an African person being harangued in say Europe, in let's say a similar manner? I would argue there's a difference there and that different is different material development and cultural histories.
some dude gfoes to japan, gets ostracized, left out of conversation, called a gaijin… it’s funny because fuck white people, but is it funny when they start carving a swastika into their arm? not really. It’s easy to say “oh they were already a fascist” but I know a fucking lot of y’all were liberals a few years ago, don’t pretend you’re immune to bullshit just because you’re here now
Hmm. How interesting, he had to go to a different country where the institutions were not based around him. I wonder what that could tell us about what constitutes racism.
Do you see how the dude being in different material conditions is what changes ot tho? You literally keep arguing against yourself, the hypothetical white guy in Japan would be the same oppressed minority as bipoc are in the us. The Japanese wouldn't understand minority perspective but a minority living long enough in the culture or better yet, being raised in it, would have no choice but to internalize the ideas and ideology of its ruling class
You just happen to be part of the dominant culture but you're taking this criticism personally for no reason, that is reaction, as a comrade, as someone who's been there before, I'm saying take note of that for what it is and supercede it.
Same with this cocksicker and SA shit. I have almost definitely made similar arguments in the past, I'm not better than you, and people got just as frustrated w me bc the cishet white dude stubbornness is obnoxious dude. it doesn't come uo so often for nothing and the privilege that comes along with it makes it worse. These are oppurtunities to build better solidarity snd understanding, dont squash that by doubling down on your first inclination
Yeah, that’s why it matters that white people shouldn’t get to define racism lol
I've mostly heard "black people can't be racist" from white liberals. (Seems to originate with theorists like Patricia Bidol-Padva, Robin DiAngelo, and Joseph Barndt.) It's not a common belief in Africa.
It doesn’t they just banned him a couple times bc he made acctd that were “fuckthissite” and his smoothbrained couldn’t work out how they knew to remove them
M8 it’s not like this site gets tons of new accounts per hour. We literally get wreckers all the time with slurs and fucked uo shot in their username, can’t believe this site of all ones with that issue would monitor it from time to time lmao. You’ve been here for ages dude come on lol
Also you post some “Muh authoritarian mods” just before you dipped so wouldn’t take a brain genius
Lmfao how could they have cracked your code lmaoooooooo ahhahaha
Or what you’ll continuing to be unintentionally entertaining? Be my guest
I think all your opinions and arguments in this thread are hot trash, but you've been a pretty good poster overall. Take a break for a few days, do something fun IRL. I usually take a day or two break when I find myself fighting with everyone.
Their account isn’t even banned, they posted racist trash and it got moderated for racist trash, so they’re now tantruming lol
log off bruh, and I mean this in a nice way but touch grass. There's much better things to do in life than ranting through a bunch of alts on a forum. Start a club, organize, do literally anything but this.
Can the proletariat be "classist" against the bourgeoisie? No. Because of the power/privilege differential. Now apply this to other pairs of groups. That's the idea.
I would proudly call myself classist against the bourgeoisie lol
But I also think it's idealist to not bring it back to relations with the world (what we call power/privilege).
Well it’s ironically sort of similar to the race based convo we’re having here I think
Like yes we all are gonna have issues with bourgoisie bc of the power they hold but wanting to flatten that isn’t really analogous to “classism” insociety that reifies the power structure. For example “low skill workings not deserving living wages” or whatever. The power imbalance is what makes it different.
I think colloquially you could maybe say me muttering rich mf under my breath when passing houses in malibu is classist but I think it’s more useful analyzing it from the lens of who’s being oppressed, how is it used to maintain the status quo and that’s simply not the same as classism towards working class. In the same way that someone saying honky to a white person will never be equal with cops gunning you down for jaywalking while black or whatever
Well I was actually meaning more like “once we come to power we won’t make excuses for the terror.”
:stalin-gun-1: :stalin-gun-2:
That kind of classism. Of course I support microagressions against bourgeois, but I also support real aggressions once we win :communism-will-win:
Oh my god their alts aren’t getting banned either. They’re just creating alts and jumping in here like a cranked out meth-head bleach demon
They hit the 1 account / an hour limit and assumed the mods are after them. What a stupid fuck
> I’m pissed off because mods deleted my arguments in an already-locked thread (just fucking leave it alone, jesus)
> deletes account so.....absolutely none of their arguments are visible??
Since he deleted his account, I have to assumed he posted the n-word as a reply to every comment.
LMAO that is literally basically my assumption right now trying to figure out what the fuck I missed -- just imagining someone posting like 'cracker' in a thread somewhere leading to this lol
he didn’t even notice they got removed for at least 24 hours or close to it if I’m not mistaken lol. He was actually posting chill up until he became aware
Once he noticed them, he made a post about it, deleted it, made another whining around it asking how to delete his account , which I told him how. He then made a whiney comment to someone about how the admins don’t upload emojis fast enough, then saw my comment I assume and deleted his account
He made two new user names called derivatives of “fuckthissite”, was confused why they got removed instantly
Finally made this thread on another new acct and then hopped on two other accounts for seemingly just to do it lol