We spend a lot of time shitting on it for being a reactionary shithole, and rightfully so. But even the "good" parts of the site are almost unusable.
The constant streams of identical comments are so god damn stupid. They're not just horny, they only need "sauce" "for science". Remember when GLADOS said that in Portal 2? Good, because you will never ever fucking forget!
How many kind strangers can be thanked for gold? How many happy cake days can be experienced? How horny can /r/askreddit users be? How many songs can be typed out one word per comment, ending in a stupid pun or piece of wordplay? How many interesting topics of discussion can be immediately derailed by some turbo-🤓 being a pedantic piece of shit?
Did you know that correlation never means causation, ever? Did you know that homeless people are vermin? Did you know that China is bad?
Most mystifying to me are the useless subreddits. /r/chargeyourphone, unexpectedoffice, unexpectedthanos, uselessredcircle, and on and on and on. Like chargeyourphone. The entire goal of that subreddit is to archive screenshots that other people have posted- and in the screenshot you can see low battery percentages. Sixty seven thousand human beings (many of whom have attained at least a modern, partial education) made the active decision to regularly see examples. And actively proselytize by simply commenting "/r/chargeyourphone" when users post such screenshots elsewhere. Fucking why? Why do 163,000 people actively subscribe to a subreddit dedicated to pointing out that a reference to The Office (one of the most popular shows in American history) is made somewhere on Reddit? Is it that surprising? Commenting "/r/unexpectedoffice" under a banal comment referencing the show is the exact equivalent of someone butting in to scream "that's an Office reference" during a bland conversation.
Reddit is fucking stupid.
The entire site is infested with passive-aggressive snark that just makes it feel so negative and unfriendly
Yes but I still log into hexbear every day so idk what you're on about
The need to feel smarter than others is so strong there. It pulls you into it.
Reminder that whenever you see a tired attention-seeking turbocringe comment on r*ddit, there's a 93% chance it was posted by a grown-ass adult (18-49), and an 82% chance that person has a college education. :doomjak:
lots of people go to college and come out dumber than a bag of rocks especially people who studied political science as they seem to be studying to get jobs as HR people and other assorted PMC ghouls
Also anyone who goes to business school only sees college as a means of earning money, and only got good grades in high school by kissing up to teachers. They are not particularly good at anything or interested in anything.
it's the I'm going to college because it's the done thing but have no interest in learning about anything option
that's kind of relieving tbh all this time my self-esteem was shot because I was under the impression I was spending all my time fighting children online.
It's almost worse, because these people have jobs that effect others, and drivers licenses
Whenever there was a post about something strange happening you used to be able to find an interesting and educational explanation in the comments. Nowadays? It's just stale, insipid le references and puns all the way down
Exactly. It's always been a circlejerk, but it's getting rubbed raw these past few years.
I love being excited about something only to have hobbyists tell me I'm human garbage for not being able to afford a $10,000 rig that mimics the exact guitar tones of my heroes even though I'm only playing in my garage
YO lets talk gear. What sound are you after and what pedal are you looking at, and what are you currently using?
The fact that it's set up to be a popularity contest for upvotes definitely doesn't help, means everyone is trying to be epic all the time
It's creeping into this site a bit. I'm seeing classic reddit comments here and it makes me pine for the days of the downvote button
Happy cake day! I have to go pet a heckin pupper and organize my Funko pops
I wonder if it would make any sense to answer those questions genuinely.
I'm a blast at parties, in fact I just rolled 34 joints for my birthday party on Saturday. My parents and my grandma messed me up pretty good, and I live in the woods on several acres. I touch a ton of grass
It still won't humanize us after we have committed the cardinal sin of going against the DNC
touch grass
Those are our words. Reddit doesn't get to claim them.
My only regret is that I have but one upbear to give this comment. DAE le epic bacon?
It makes a lot more sense when you realize like half the active users are bots and the 90% of the rest are indistinguishable enough to fail the Turing test.
I went to a college in the early 2010s that heavily marketed itself towards techbro types and these types of people were there acting like this in real life. Watch the Nostalgia Critic's latest video? Let's just constantly shout out lines from the video 10 times a conversation. Strike up a conversation with someone at an event? They'll be nasty pedants to your face and demand pics or it didn't happen to anything you say. The Reddit personality was on full display back then, though most of them used 4chan and Reddit had yet to really take off like it has today so the person that got me to check it out was probably one of the most well adjusted people at the place and he liked places like /r/gaymers. In general the gay-straight alliance probably had some of the nicest people at the place with the least reddit-brained members, though I"m pretty sure we were all still very :LIB:
You see, they're men of culture
Remember that meme from years ago? It will also never die. Fucking ever.
What, you don't want to see Yes-Roundabout upvoted to the top again?
But my post about the awesome El Reloj album gets downvoted to the bottom where it stays for all of eternity
I love finding great hidden gems like them! There's just so much nuance to different genres and they all have their greats
It makes me laugh when redditors forget that they're on social media when they start bashing social media. You're on a website that focuses on person to person communication, you aren't better than twitter you dipshit.