"goddamn right I want a little umbrella with that" :gigachad-hd:
The gendering of drinks has always been weird to me. Like clothes I can at least somewhat understand (although there's still a lot of bullshit around that), but... fucking drinks?
I once was on a date with a guy who got offended that I ordered a piña colada with my dinner
Tried to get me to get a scotch and soda instead as it was "more of a man's drink"
Weirdest fucking thing, seeing as how we ended up on a date because my co-worker wanted to set up her brother with a "cute gay"
Masculinity is a fuck
Can't stand any kind of whiskey in soda
Like yeah let's really get a looooong pull of that bitter wood varnish flavor without any of the spicy nutty flavor. Like have some jack, THEN some coke
Rum and Coke is soooo much better than Jack and Coke
Also, I am glad to hear that I am not the only one to recognize that Scotch tastes like how Olde English furniture polish smells
The first time I went to a bar my friend's husband handed me a scotch on the rocks "here try this, it tastes like an attic"
Truer words were never spoken.
I love whiskey cocktails, and I even like whiskey straight. Whiskey and coke tastes like ass. I’d rather have a shot of whiskey and a coke. I’d much rather have a rum and coke.
I love a good old fashioned. Lately I’ve been into making whiskey sours and New York sours (whiskey sour with a float of red wine on top) with egg white and they’re sooooo good and they’re really pretty
Once I was hanging out with some girls and I bought a beer and they all made fun of me for buying a "manly drink" and they made me buy a piña colada.
"manly" beer tastes meh and has barely any alcohol in it
"girly" drinks taste like a fruit bowl and get you hammered fastyou're god damn right i'll have something that looks like a unicorn made it
the realisation of why has made me feel so much worse about the world than I already did
i have drunk many beers, lagers, and ales
none of them can compete with ludicrously alcoholic unicorn jizz
Strong 11% Ales will get you completely fucked up in like 2 drinks as if you'd just knocked back 9 pints. Seriously dangerous they are because a lot of people have no idea and then drink them like normal beers.
not to be a knobhead
but 11% is kinda nothing to me lmao
i regularly drink 40% spirits
A single pint is 19.2152oz
11% of 19.2152 is 2.113672
A single shot is 1oz.
40% of 1oz is 0.4
2 pints of 11% ale is 10.56 shots of 40% spirit people knock this back in about 30minutes.
This completely ignores the fact that real ale has high amounts of hops in it which results in a much faster metabolisation of the alcohol, which is why real ale gets you drunk much faster than standard beer. On top of that it is flat so beer drinkers new to real ale drink it faster.
I live in Britain, I practically have a degree in binge drinking. Don't underestimate high strength(11% is very high) real ales, they will fuck you right up.
Cask ale is really only a thing in Britain unfortunately. You can find it at some boutique places here in the states but not often.
That's half of an entire large bottle (70cl) vodka. 4-5 pints is an entire bottle.
I'm also not just talking about beer, I'm talking about real ale. There is a very considerable difference in the speed your body absorbs one over the other.
ordering a Long Island is basically telling the bartender "i'm looking to get as fucked up as cheaply as possible." and a vodka red bull tells them you're still in college. i order both of those on occasion
I had my first vodka-redbull post college and they're great when you're halfway through a very long day of drinking.
Whiskey and beer are fine
But a daiquiri is goddamn great
Years back when I would go to pubs and clubs a lot I knew an absolutely massive tattooist that dressed like Lemmy from Motorhead.
His drink of choice literally everywhere he went was a Corona with lime in it, and when he was extra drunk he'd switch over to cocktails. He got sort of the same reaction as Josh here but nobody was going to look at him and call this intimidating big burly tattooist covered head to toe in ink looking like he's best friends with satan himself "un-manly" when he was happily sitting there sipping a cocktail. They would look surprised and then you could see them make the conscious decision not to pry further.
Pretty cool guy.
I just can't do sugary drinks, but that's because I'm an alcoholic lol. I'm going to be drinking many of them, so maybe like one for funsies but otherwise the hangover is so much worse
I got a cocktail book for father's day and I love making old fashions but my dream goal is to have my friends over and they just pick the fruitiest cocktails on the book and i make it for them
Yeah it's weird. I am personally not a fan of umbrellas but that's just cos the increased chance of jabbing yourself in the eye cos you're a bit hammered. I do like cocktails though, and yeah if your ideas of masculinity are stopping you drinking coctails then you're missing out.
It does cut both ways too. Amount of times at beer festivals etc. My wife has been offered/guided to the pink ciders and 'girly' beers when she doesn't particularly like em.
Bro if you don't like your drinks tasting like battery acid and feel like it's rotting your insides how can you say you're drinking like a real man bro
Whenever I go out with my girlfriend, I usually wind up switching from whiskey sours and old fashioneds to midori sours and cosmos indifferently.
Worrying whether a drink is "manly" or not is for suckers, sweet drinks are the shit.