That mod is actually pretty based tbf. They relentlessly go long form against the libs in several Canadian subs on all sorts of topics up to and including Ukraine and Xinjiang.
Edit: this is them in the Xinjiang thread for example
My response to their response to your response:
So in the future would it be okay to make a more general statement that all transphobes should fuck off?
That's not a personal attack right?
A bit of both. Modding a sub that's the admins aren't totally behind makes you paranoid about what you can leave up. Something like this, I can see it being really easy to just say "fuck it, it's not worth the risk"
Not an excuse btw. Like, I've been there, but I was also an insufferable nerd at the time
Oh, I totally agree. I was just thinking of an explanation behind the behaviour
Posting lib cringe while blinking out morse code for "LMAO STFU TERF"
oh god oh fuck someone said the word fuck at me on the internet HELP I'M BEING ATTACKED
:dean-smile: transphobe got removed
:dean-frown: mod saying fuck off is a """personal attack"""
Why don't you guys just "misracialize" white people?
they are literally 60% (or more) Middle Eastern akin to how Mexicans are half Spanish. And loads of rubes keep saying "well Latino isn't a race yknow"
whenever someone utters the word "European" just pull an "um well acktszchyually"
take it to its logical conclusionI don't believe in compelled speech
Okay the I'm sure 'anticplatoon90' here won't mind being constantly missgendered then? I'm sure they'll take that very well.
(UK courts)
It's a Canadian sub bud, straight to the gender gulag with you
Ugh, why is the green party like this. They couldve had a dope green socialist with Lascaris but kinda doubled down on being the weird wacko and crank party with Anamie Paul and Zatsman posting stuff like "We will work to defeat you and bring in progressive climate champions who are antifa and pro LGBT and pro indigenous sovereignty and Zionists!!!!!" after Israel was (very modestly) condemned by green mps for airstrikes last year.
Don't worry, they'll become the party of landed boomer curmudgeons from Vancouver Island again once May waltzes back into the leadership
:very-intelligent: "Uuuh I dont believe in compelled speech and my beliefs of ge-"
:stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2: "STFU loser. "