Has anyone else read that article about "septic masculinity"?
Where the guy wouldn't wipe his ass because it was "too gay" and then he was just getting his shit like all over the house.
A classic
I came here to ask someone to post about this story. I was not disappointed lmao.
This is why we need a !HealthyMasculinity or somesuch hahahaha
Pft ya RITE. I get my totally real female partner that definitely exists to wipe my ass for me, cuz touching my own butthole is Big Gay.
I get my totally real male partner that definitely exists to wipe my ass for me because it's not gay if another dude does it
Yep, it's actually a pretty great sub. That's why I feel we could do a good !menslib here .
You can't end the patriarchy without healing masculine hearts :rose-fist:
I dunno, I don't see this space as a healing space, I think it's a combative one, and I think that's good - IMO it was the Chapo subreddit's willingness to be combative to the point of abusing transphobes and chuds and dumbshit racists that made trans and minority allies feel safe there. Maybe more selfishly, the willingness to fight was certainly part of the draw for me, after being faced with countless examples of extremely feckless and cucked democrats. I think that introducing a healing space to a combative one creates a dialectical process that makes something new and tbh I don't want something new, I like it how it is, especially when a healing space like that already exists.
Ya, I mostly agree. The 'dirtbag left' has always been, and will always be, at the heart of what chapo is as a community.
But I also think we have this big new space in which to stretch our arms, and we can do a lot more than we could on reddit.
We can have our own subs/communities, with their own energies. We can have spaces reserved for being caring, kind, and wholesome; that doesn't have to take away from the glorgious dirtbaggery going on in /c/main and, well, most other places on the site hahaha
Like I would love to see a /c/menslib here, because I think it's a really important movement, and I don't trust it to be left in the filthy lib hands of reddit. Even if r/menslib is really great... we can do better. And I think we should :)
No joke, if someone went out there and started telling people that wiping your ass was a public health priority and necessary for the safety and wellbeing of others, the MAGA chud Qanon crowd would stop wiping and start holding rallies protesting government overreach, maybe posting videos where they burn all their toilet paper
I'd honestly love to make that guy wash his hands and then have a chat with him. He seems fun at least.
Wiping is a capitalist trap, comrades! The bidet is the true asshole-cleaning system of the people!
Yeah, like, is that really the whole "entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism"? It being 2020 and people smearing their shit all over their asses.
Absolutely, you can even get cheapo ones for almost nothing. Once you go bidet you never go back. Do you want a clean ass or do you want to grind shit around with a bunch of shitty paper. Pooping anywhere besides my house is hell now.
Capitalism has yet to understand why this is. Is this what brings the United States to socialism? No more poopy butt?
There's zero evidence that wiping your ass contributes to public health or the economy. That's why I only wipe with lace fabric in places like airports when government overreach (tyrany) forces my hand.
Pooping burns caloreis, therefore its work. If you're not pooping on company time you're being exploited.
i don't wipe my ass unless i'm being paid to shit i.e. on company time
It should be an OSHA violation to have less than 5 ply silk toilet paper at a workplace.
Wiping your ass is a form of government control, don't give up your freedoms!
We need a Please TP Your Bunghole Tax to control for the negative externality of umwiped asses. But also a Department of TP Distribution to regulate the supply and sale of TP. Then we implement TP credits to incentivize the private production of TP in low income minority neighborhoods.
You can't just give people TP. That'll never work.
Yes, I do frequent /r/Neoliberal. Why do you ask?
People don't actually wipe their own ass, the invisible hand does it for them.
The CDC has released a statement that wiping your butt is not necessary. Hospital workers need to be wipe tested, so you're probably not wiping correctly anyway.