Me, five hours into explaining what a film is, the existence of Hollywood, the existence of a country over the sea called 'America', the internet and what woke means: "ok so basically, in the year of our lord two thousand and fourteen there was this thing called 'Gamer Gate' and single men who couldn't have sex would harass women for criticising video games"

Medieval serf with like seven different intestinal parasites you-are-a-serf: "wtf is a pronoun?"

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    9 months ago

    What is these weirdos obsession with inhuman proportions?

    The do realise that's not what women actually look like, right?

    Anime isn't real. These people need to go outside and talk to actual women miyazaki-laugh

    • iridaniotter [she/her]
      9 months ago

      They don't want women (humans), they want sexual objects (which is what "women" means under patriarchy anyway)

    • btfod [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      If you take them at their word, that digital entertainment is escapism from the real world, then damn you kinda feel sorry for them a little. Real women are entities from which they must escape. Sad!

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      9 months ago

      porn brain creates a dopamine treadmill and they have to engage with more and more exaggerated and inhuman features and fetishes to get the same hit. The distance from reality is kind of the point, and it's how you get to online porn like futanaris with comically exaggerated sex characteristics. To someone who hasn't gone down this path of building up a tolerance via constant gooning, it looks stupid/hilarious/grotesque, but to them everyone actually alive is bland/vanilla/fat/ugly.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      It was the norm for most female characters (if there were any at all) to be sexed-up waifus in most games up until the PS3/Xbox 360 generation where things started changing. It was partly because the developers themselves were largely horny dudes and partly a cynical marketing ploy because it was assumed the audience consisted largely of horny dudes. This was the era of publishers promoting video games by having nude renders of their female characters in Playboy, "Cybervixen of the Year" type awards, booth babes at E3, etc.

      These things going away causes deep existential angst to the specific type of straight guy they were intended to cater to

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        9 months ago

        It should also be noted that during this time, lots of other areas of culture were cleaning up their acts and getting rid of a lot of this immature booby-ogling content. Gaming was the last holdout since it had a large proportion of its fanbase as nerdy shut ins and an overwhelming male majority (due to women generally avoiding the gross gaming culture of the time). Hence, a lot of gamers felt like they were losing a culture war and had to make their final stand for boobies. That’s where a lot of the gamergate persecution complex came from, they thought “this is the one remaining space we can still act this way, why can’t they be happy having everything else”

        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
          9 months ago

          Yeah, it isn't just about weirdos wanting to jerk off to polygonal boobies, but about the cultural values those polygonal boobies represent to those weirdos

  • Teekeeus
    2 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • RNAi [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Mate, me not so long ago wouldn't understand this shit either

  • Smeagolicious [they/them]
    9 months ago


    idek what the fuck they're on about now. The game is probably gonna be shit and all but like, the protagonist just looks like she's got 1979 Alien Sigourney Weaver vibes, which is pretty aesthetically consistent with star wars, a series started in the late 70s.

    And I am loathe to engage in this stupid ass (hehe) conversation on their level, but Ripley wasn't some hypersexualized inhumanly proportioned t&a waifu. Does that make foundational 70s-80s scifi woke trash because women weren't caked up anime waifus?

    e: also aside, just looking at it now but damn i fw droids with coats/capes/cloaks, thats a good design

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      9 months ago

      somehow i bet extremely sexed up foundational scifi like Barbarella would also get called woke

      9 months ago

      It's strange looking at how these guys complain about how things were better "back in the old days" but also if Alien or Terminator came out today, they would be freaking out at this "Mary Sue" woke SJW main character, because they hate when women do things.

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    9 months ago

    i think a medieval peasant probably would be able to understand incels, lots of systems existed that could curtail a young person's available partners in small village life. this post makes me think it's plausible that it could be a familiar mentality for antique people

      9 months ago

      I legitimately believe the average peasant was less ignorant and more cultured than the type who makes these videos. From what I've heard it wasn't uncommon for a peasant to travel by foot long distances at least a couple times in their life.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        9 months ago

        to be fair that trip would be to a grave of a saint where they thought that collecting rotting juices from the corpse could cure blindness.

        what's amazing is the modern guy's ignorance in the face of being able to read and presumably having a secondary education.

        • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
          9 months ago

          Not me. I'm going on Pilgrimage for the hotties and then probably getting burned at the stake for heresy after the fact.

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    9 months ago

    More and more thankful daily that this den of iniquity is as close to terminally online as ill ever get.

    Imagine actually intending to make these fucking videos. Jfc

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Extremely critical support to ridiculous chuds in helping with the downfall of Ubisoft I guess

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    9 months ago

    Ġēa, on þæt Ġēar 1492 sē Sċipmann Christopher Columbus āfand þæt Land, þe on mīne Tīde ƿē nemnaþ America,— þār lifdon and ġīet libbaþ maniġ and maniġfeald Þēod, heora Nama þē biþ Scrælingas,— and Columbus sīne Menn and ōþre Menn blāces Hȳde of Lande þīnum drǣpon maniġne Scræling þe macodon Þrǣlas of him, and on Americas Land þā Menn blāces Hȳde ƿorhton ‎Cyneƿīsan sīne.— And þǣrof, on ānre Cyneƿīsan, California, on Ċeastre Hollyƿood, siþþan þæt Ġēar 1900, Menn ƿyrċaþ Lēasspell, þe ƿē magon sēon and ġehīeran of grēatum Ƿāgum Gaderunghealla ūrra and of Ġealdorfenestrum ealra Hūsa.— Ƿiþ þissum Fenestrum tō ƿē magon sprecan ƿiþ Menn feorre.— And Menn, þe feohtaþ ƿiþ Unrihtƿīsnesse Cyneƿīsena, on mīne Tīde ƿē nemnaþ "Ƿōc"; þā, þe þās Unrihtƿīsnesse lufiaþ, and Ƿīfmenn, Bædlingas, Scrælingas, and Hȳde deorce hatiaþ, ƿē nemnaþ "Ċēode";— and Ċēode ƿiþ Ġealdorfenestrum lēogaþ, þe Ƿōc ƿiþ Lēasspellum sprǣdeþ Ġelēafan hearmfullan.— Lā, þæt Sōþ biþ þæt Ċēode dōþ þæt hīe ƿrēġaþ ōþerra!

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      9 months ago
      I cannot assert how correct this is, I basically just used Wiktionary and Old English Wikipedia to find all the words

      Yea, in the year 1492 the sailor Christopher Columbus discovered the land that in my tide we name America,— there lived and still live many a manifold nation, their name to thee is Scrælings,— and Columbus' men and other men of pale skin from thy country slayed many a Scræling or made thralls of them, and on America's land the men of pale skin wrought their own commonwealths.— And thereof, in one commonwealth, California, in the city Hollywood, since the year 1900, men have wrought fictional tales, that we can see and hear from the great walls of our gathering-halls and from magic-windows in all houses.— With these windows too we can speak with men from afar.— And men who fight against the injustices of the commonwealths in my tide we name "woke"; those who love these injustices, and hate women, badlings, scrælings, and dark skin, we name "chuds";— and chuds with magic-windows lie that woke with fictional tales spreadeth harmful beliefs.— Lo, the truth is that chuds do what they accuse of others!

  • huf [he/him]
    9 months ago

    i feel like a lot of them medieval peasants would understand the "harassing women" part, and might even join in even if they're not sure about the rest...

  • Goadstool
    3 months ago

    deleted by creator