Rare good Reddit post.

  • spacecadet [he/him]
    6 months ago

    How can you be racist against a dog breed? Like you mean "breedist" or something?

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      6 months ago

      On top of what GinAndJuche said, there's multiple layers to it. Racists often use pitbulls as a way of introducing people who don't know any better to race-essentialist thinking. "This dog breed is inherently more dangerous and aggressive, they need to be put down for their own good," that kind of talking point. Then the rhetorical focus becomes more abstract and instead of being about dog breeds, it becomes about racial groups, so they make a parallel between supposedly dangerous dog breeds and undesirable minority groups.

      • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Even if pitbulls are singled out due to social reasons, how does that invalidate its biology? People have bred dogs for a multitude of reasons, from fighting to farming to hunting. If bulldogs can hardly breathe due to centuries of inbreeding, why wouldn't some dogs be affected in other areas (physical strength or behavior) if humans kept pushing them in a certain direction? You can punt a chihuahua across the room and it'll run away, but most sane people wouldn't mess with dogs like german sheperds, pitbulls, mastiffs, etc. because they will kill you lol. As such, people generally don't use chihuahuas for anything that involves a prolonged fight or confrontation because they can't do anything but yap

        These days shit like human eugenics is frowned upon. You can easily refute the conflations between dog breeding and human behavior - and even when there is a "parallel", you can easily point to all the monarchs who ended up like these dogs from their royal "selective breeding", though that's probably not productive because fascists want to euthanize disabled people even if they are the result of their "master race" eugenics projects.

    • GinAndJuche
      6 months ago

      Read up on the history of anti pit bull propaganda (if you believe any of the dumbass nonsense like locking jaws you’ve already fallen for it). It’s intrinsically tied to an increase of POC ownership of the breed and racists using that as an opportunity to create a stigma around the breed.

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        6 months ago

        If it makes you feel any better, I almost exclusively see white people defending pitbulls. They also get defensive on any mention of putting a leash on it, but it just seems to be a case of dog owners sucking shit as always.

        • GinAndJuche
          6 months ago

          People who don’t believe in leashes are a special kind of ignorant. “As always”? This just convinces me more that the ignorant don’t understand how dogs work.