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Say whatever, but no other fancy lad made me aware of the case of the Human rights Lawyer being persecuted right now because he won a case for native people in the Amazon against US oil companies. Anyone I know who listens has been drawn left by the pod. Some to a large degree. If you want to shit on that fine, but it doesn't have to be vindictive.
still upvoting tho.
this is basically the only correct take. we can be critical of chapo, but theres no denying how much influence they've had on pushing people left
class treason is required of all these Hamptons & Berkshires & Martha's Vineyard goblins
These social communities only exist to complain. people don't meet up on a message board to discuss a podcast episode, they meet up to complain and find people that agree with them.
Friendship ended with Will Menaker; now Matt Christman is my new best friend
Matt's voice is like lightly buttered toast and coffee on a Sunday afternoon
Grilling is therapy, and mastery comes through practice and experience. This is the true essence of the grill pill.
100 multinational companies are responsible for 73% of climate change
Yeah thats got nothing to do with you exposing yourself and your local vicinity to particulates. The source is right there in front of you lol.
For some reason I was thinking about carcinogens on the meat, not air pollution.
I feel like me using air duster to clean my keyboard is more damaging then grilling but I've never done the research
Matt and Felix are the best Chapos. I lean toward Matt because I want to fuck him up the ass, however.
Virgil is second.
Will is a distant third.
Felix has big top energy. Matt makes the perfect bottom. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I mean, someone put it best: Matt could be a bear. But that aside: Do you remember when all the boys kissed that one guy that posted their reactions on Twitter? Matt's the only one that got into it. ¯\(ツ)/¯ Felix may be "bi," like Virgil. But Matt is the one that gives off the truth vibe.
Chapochat vs subreddit difference: complete lack of Volcel Vanguard and it fucking shows.
he doesn't seem all that concerned with actually coming to terms with it so much as letting you know where he's coming from.
The world has progressed beyond the need for the Chapo Trap House podcast.
For everyone asking how to grow the chapo chat community…
I kinda think a common reason that normie reddit users avoided places like /r/cth is because they read “reviews” of the place or various hot takes in other subreddits which are often unfair summaries, since obviously we are a threat to many various monied interests.
Like, it might be true that one or more of the chapo podcasters is a social media brat like another commenter said (I’m not saying that, but it’s within the realm of possibility). But you can’t just lump the cth podcasters in with the very subreddit they have clearly denounced, and that’s exactly what libs/wokies/shills/etc did to steer people away.
The pod choosing to distance from /r/cth not a value judgment either, since it makes sense they’d want to stay away from something they couldn’t control easily, and that’s fair. CTH posters should not be butt hurt over such an obvious business/PR/sanity decision.
I haven’t even listened to the pod lately, but have sporadically enjoyed Matt’s twitch ramblings now and again. Let them decide to do what they want to do, but more importantly I think we should focus on embracing the separation of the chapo chat community from the cth podcast. I’m sure they’d welcome that. There’s room for both things.
No hard feelings. Uhh let me be clear: I was glued to the podcast for a year or so and it’s what single-handedly pulled me out of the alt/lib-right path I was once on not long ago, and it’s easy to find others like me in that regard.
The pod choosing to distance from /r/cth not a value judgment either, since it makes sense they’d want to stay away from something they couldn’t control easily, and that’s fair. CTH posters should not be butt hurt over such an obvious business/PR/sanity decision.
what part of “distancing” and “staying away” required gleefully dancing on the sub's grave and being a prick about it for half of an episode
Are you mad cause they laughed at the death of a shit sub lmao, holy fuck you really are triggered over this. You're literally mad they reveled in the death of cringe memes, holy shit.
The world has not progressed, a lot of people got so pissed from quarantine they went out and protested, then got beaten and shot and scared back into quarantine. And the other half is out partying and getting sick.
i mean he's bad and had an extremely irrational hatred for the sub and all, but the other day he replied to me and said he likes watching anime.
Love Too have fun times with my parasocial podcast friends on the web
Friendship is all chemicals in the brain anyway. At the end of the day, it doesn't make any difference to me what chemicals they got in their brain if my chemicals are telling me we've got an intimate relationship
How many steps until Will is telling you to shoot president Reagan.
Will just regurgitates everyone’s hot twitter takes.
It's that and movies (which Matt sort of does as well, but Matt is more a "so bad it's good"/RedLetterMedia type).
Also I miss Virgil's twitter. He hasn't posted since March, but him trolling a lot of libs was worth checking out daily.
Harsh, but fair. I dunno what it is about Midwest boys, but mmmmhmmm.
I still maintain that their biggest fuck up was the mask fiasco. They knowingly downplayed the utility of masks, out of concern that there weren’t enough for hospital workers.
Now that there are enough masks, no one wants them.
It’s easier to change supply chains than people’s behaviour. Undercutting the latter for the sake of the former, at a time where trust in health institutions has never been more important, was an unbelievably a bad call.
I don't agree. People who listen to the pod are definitely the type to wear masks regardless.
Oh shit I'm a dumbfuck I thought the WHO comment was talking about the pod lmao
Why the fuck is this still at the top when it was posted a fucking week ago. Purge this shit so the revolution doesn’t die. :stalin-shining:
Chapo devs, I know you can fix this plz I am begging you.
it's actually not as easy as you think! we just went over an adjustment to the algorithm one of our developers painstakingly worked on last night, and we should hopefully be ready to test something very soon _