Ignore the right-wing ideology and “gamer-brain” permeating throughout the video. Just look at the facts.
This is dangerous.
Ignore the right-wing ideology and “gamer-brain” permeating throughout the video. Just look at the facts.
This is dangerous.
IIt is true that socialism has the potential to create a more equitable society, but it is also important to recognize that there are many other factors at play when it comes to the development of AI and its potential impact on society. To suggest that only socialism can prevent negative outcomes from AI is misguided and ignores the fact that there are many different ways to approach the development of this technology.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the concept of socialism is not limited to the Western world. Many socialist principles and practices can be found in countries all around the globe, and it is not accurate to suggest that only certain regions are capable of implementing socialism.
Additionally, it is important to remember that despair is not an appropriate response to the challenges posed by AI. As Lenin stated, "Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle. The modern industrial proletariat does not belong to the category of such classes."" Instead of giving into despair, it is important to approach these challenges with a sense of determination and a willingness to find solutions. By working together and actively striving for positive change, we can create a brighter future for all.
If this is being written by an AI, that just proves my point.
it proved my point that the technology is too good to pass up because it saved me the work of replying to a tedious spammer.
Turing did not consider...