So the title from NPR (National Propagandada Radio) article misleadingly states
China has stopped publishing daily COVID data amid reports of a huge spike in cases
Despite the text stating, in fact, that China hasn't stopped publishing COVID data. Rather a different agency would be reporting the data.
China's National Health Commission said in a statement that it would no longer publish the data daily beginning Sunday and that "from now on, the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) will release relevant COVID information for reference and research."
One can read data in the Chinese CDC page with COVID infection statistics here. It looks like data reported from from the National Health Commission Page.
I fucking hate the West
Every lib and trot in that last thread fell for it without even reading the article lol
Some of you people seriously are so attached to your political bugbears you believe anti-China propaganda from NPR headlines completely uncritically
The thing about the Chinese CDC taking over is just the second paragraph on the NPR article.
Worse than accepting western media at face value is just accepting western headlines at face value.
There's a legitimate change in policy, in terms of mandates on testing and co-mingling, that will erode the reliability of Chinese COVID statistics simply because they're no longer engaging with the problem so aggressively. But the degree and scale relative to Western nations is incomparable, primarily because Western nations never embraced such a long term Zero COVID strategy.
There's a conversation you can have about whether the bureaucracy's decision to step back on COVID enforcement was prudent. But you can't get any kind of useful analysis from NPR - much less their Headlines department. By now, you'd think folks on Hexbear would know better.
Oh well... Live and learn.
I didn't fall for it because I was too busy downloading over 50 cookbooks from libgen and skimming through them :gigachad:
Seriously though, I just try to keep in mind that :amerikkka: is pure evil and thet our government and media will always lie about those they designate as enemies
In my mild defense I’m generally mad at China’s new covid non-policy and with the last few decisions they’ve made it did seem plausible
“I was angry, so you can’t blame me for slurping the propaganda juice. It wasn’t real but the scariest part is that it could have been…”
Yes, and also, this was a case of not reading past a false headline posted in bad faith by a wrecker. All propaganda is based on a grain of truth, but we have to dig a little deeper than that sometimes
Should the mods like... take down that other post stating the wrong information?
No, you don't understand. Xi himself is revisionist, why else would Hexbear be accessible in China???
This is how Reddit operates too. Nobody reads the actual article and completely takes the title at face value
Some of the best content on Reddit is inside the first few comments, as a handful of people periodically DO read the article and then bang out a synopsis of why the headline is bad. That's always been one of the site's little virtues. You can skim news and check under the fold for the inevitable squad of self-appointed bullshit detectors to clarify what you're reading. If you're really lucky, you'll get some secondary sources to support/rebut what was in the original (often underwritten, possibly programmatically generated, linked story) and come out of it knowing far more about the subject than the OP.
But the site's quality has been on a hard decline since at least 2016. The degree to which subreddits aggressively police and screen out any kind of alternative views in the comments that added value has intensified. So there's a lot less "twelve paragraphs about the socio-economic history of Puerto Rico" under a headline about a hurricane taking down the island's power grid and a lot more "Fuck You!" or "Foreigners Did This!" or "Le First Prost!" as the enthusiastically upvoted top comments.
Never seen somebody be wrong so hard they delete their account
Of course it low. They not testing everyone anymore. They only test if necessary, just like the the rest of the world handle it
Oh? Do you have a source for this?
I'm genuinely curious and not trying to argue about shit.
I had to use a paywall bypass. Other people can open it here:
I'm not saying this isn't true. It very much could be. But fucking Reuters didn't link to their source, and ffs I'm so fucking tired of Western press.
Sorry, I don't mean to have a struggle session here.
Yes. But so what, Covid tearing through practically every fucking country right now, some countries it’s their fourth or fifth wave and no one give two shite. Why should we care what western media said about China going through a wave with weaker strain when they’re opening up. This is the effect of opening up so it’s shouldn’t be a surprise that Covid goes through. What we should focus on is the vaccination rate and inflow/outflow of hospital. If the former is high and the latter is manageable when the cases are peak, no one care. Life could return to normal.
edit: nice work chapos, we literally bullied a lib all the way off the site. :kim-salute:
Seemed to have an agenda, the canned reddit level sources bullshit card they dropped there when found out was sus as fuck.
They did a lot of posting in a week, I wish I'd SS'd it all. There was another one that seemed off too but I can't recall what it was now.
To be fair I'm also a new account but that's because I forgot my password