trans-hammer-sickle Happy Early May Day!

  • morte [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Been debating whether i actually want bottom surgery or not. I definitely want FFS - but I'm worried about the recovery being really hard and going into a depressive episode.

    I think in the long run i wouldnt regret it, but i am really prone to catastrophizing and I can see myself spiraling out of control during recovery, especially when all my family does is tell me how these surgeries make "a mockery of women"

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]
      4 months ago

      That last part fills me with an unimaginable amount of rage. That mindset can actually go to hell.

      As someone going through recovery now, so long as you have a proper supporting cast (so to speak), it's not super hard. I had a very mild complication (tiny dehiscence), but it resolved super fast. Of course it's a mileage may vary situation, but as a hypochondriac, I think I'm keeping things together fairly well with the cards I've been dealt. I do recommend keeping the family that has those opinions the fuck away from you if you ever decide to do so.