I know credit was taken by some old creeps that are into Robert Anton Wilson and the whole thing does kinda go with that MO but so does a lot of shit now.

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    2 years ago

    Discordians are, without exception, corny as fuck, and I don't think they would have been that effective at harnessing racist internet esoteric boomer energy even if they had had the idea and believed in it enough to pursue it.

    Here's the truth: 4chan is full of bullshitters trying to bullshit bullshitters. People literally make stuff up on there all the time. Elaborate creative fiction is probably the 2nd most popular genre of thread after "contrarian opinion + lust-provoking image." Some dipshit saw the pizzagate stuff and thought it would be funny to make up a super duper anti-pedo secret agent, and then he astroturfed the replies until it permeated the shut-in post-stormfront burnouts' brains. You don't need some kind of conspiracy theory about a CIA psyop or some epic artist collective trolling. It was literally just some dude. At some point he got bored and probably sold the account to Jim Watkins.

      2 years ago

      Here’s the truth: 4chan is full of bullshitters trying to bullshit bullshitters

      I think this is the sad truth. Some 4chan horseshit that grew and grew and traded hands while also being "gamified" in that it encouraged the followers to also develop the conspiracy alongside Q ("baking").

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Oh, if it was discordians it was just kind of happened to be what slipped by the goalie in a maelstrom of dumb crap. I know some tried to take credit and either are kind of just as likely.