Can't wait to be the first trans woman to get an abortion :comfy:
Messed up, but I'm now laughing at the idea of chuds getting livid at the idea of trans women getting wombs just so they can have abortions.
Honestly, Trans women getting a uterus and then having an abortion sounds like a story that some right wing media would make up wholesale, and then it would lead to whatever the American version of Kristallnacht is. Though in their insane bloodlust, it would also lead to a night of the long knives, so I guess that would be a plus :squidward-nervous:
This is where entertaining both sides of an argument gets you when it comes to these nutbars
"I want basic human rights and to have normal biological functions which are possible for cisgendered people of my sex"
"Fuck you"
The issue is sensitive and controversial.
When the alien armada descends upon Earth, glassing us from orbit, I will grab one of these journalists by the shoulders and scream at them "We need to hear both sides. Some say humanity is a contagion to be purged for The Overmind"
Nonzero chance the chud would respond with that same "I'm not baking your cake!" talking point they still haven't moved on from.
The mere act of looking at the "Others" is a forceful act on them.
"You will never be a 'real' woman according to my definition which would exclude infertile ones."
"Okay, I'll get a transplant."
TERF getting additional uteruses installed to enhance their biological womanhood and unlock new skill trees and perks
If women are so great why isn't there...
All the people bitching in the comments section about how this is some unnatural weird science shit are squares. pretty much 2/3rds of the world as it exists is some sort of weird science experiment. Weird science is cool. Weird science is pretty much why humans are here in general.
:my-hero: Injecting himself with baby's blood to live an unnatural life to 200 years old techno-god is good wholesome shit. Trans woman being able to reproduce is evil and satanic.
A lot of people bitch about how body modification goes against god and/or nature. Well, if nature was such hot shit, it wouldn't make half the population bleed monthly and get us stuck with this fucking trainwreck as a standard feature. Or get horses stuck walking on the anatomical equivalent of their toes . Or make koalas so that they have to consume their parents feces to survive (and are highly likely to get Chlamydia from doing so).
it's just dumbass surgery isn't against god or nature why would it be
Hell yeah. How much overlap do you think there is between, on the one hand, TERFs, and on the other hand, cis women who look down on other cis women for having C-sections?
My older sister was born natural and broke her collarbone as part of the process, so my folks decided to go C-section for me and - shock - everything went fine.
Literally the same argument used by religious fundies against stem cell research 20 years ago.
But back then libs accepted it because they obviously it was cool and based science that will obviously make the world better and save lives, and totally absolutely not just because there were hoping to benefit from the amazing promising results.
The same arguments were trotted out about internal surgery and vaccines. The pill also of course.
I always hated how the same shit just keeps happening over and over with slight alterations. Makes me feel like I'm stuck in a time loop of some sort.
Socialism is a Rougelike. We lose most of our gains each cycle but keep the theory.
Oh don't worry, don't worry
They'll just decide the children are soulless automatons
This is already how Chistian fundies see anybody conceived in vitro, carried to term by a surrogate mother etc.
Someday changing your computer's wallpaper, choosing what color shoes you want to wear, or adding a air freshener to your car will be called frankenstinean and unnatural
I just changed my wallpaper to a cool-ass heaxbear meme with a tyrannosaur labeled "gender dysphoria" being attacked by a giant crocodile in the colors of the trans flag labeled "fucktons of estrogen", so this dystopian future day has already dawned on mankind!
I highly recommend Susan Stryker's essay My words to Victor Frankenstein atop the Village of Chamounix to any fellow trans women (CW: includes descriptions of transphobia and suicide, also it's from the 90s and includes some outdated terms). It really helped me accepting myself on days were i just felt ugly and monstrous. When the world creatures you, sometimes you need to spit it right back at them.
I just kind of work around that by being in love with people's disapproval. I lowkey want everyone to hate me a little because I find their scorn highly amusing. On the downside this has ended up straining relationships with people I otherwise wouldn't want to piss off because I barely even register a interaction with another human being unless someone gets mad at me
Sometimes i see genuine horror in the eyes of bigots when i'm walking down the street and i must admit it's kinda fun somebody as harmless as me can scare the shit out of them.
anyone who doesn't use that grassy hill as their background is a monster who will be reeducated when the gen z revolution happens
They readily do that to people who look dumb publicly
Buddy, it's not the trans people that are the dystopian experiment. :marx-joker:
"Look I'm as left as they come but I'm not willing to sacrifice sports, bathrooms, and Harry Potter for someone else's Civil Rights."
Is this actually in the cards to do safely? Would be very cool, if so. When you get a transplant, you have to go on immune suppressors because otherwise your body starts to fight it like a foreign body. I wonder how much that complicates things.
Anyways don't mean to be a Danny Downer. Love my trans comrades.
There's lots of reactionary pearl clutching in the article but there's this excerpt which I found interesting (emphasis mine):
Normally, uterus transplants are temporary, the organs removed after a maximum of two children, so that women don’t have to stay on anti-rejection drugs for life. But some trans women, write the authors of the Fertility and Sterility editorial, may wish to keep their transplanted uterus indefinitely for “enhanced gender alignment.” The risk-benefit ratio, they said, “is unclear and potentially worrisome.”
Multiple attempted transplants have failed after the woman’s body rejected the donor uterus. “People have lost circulation in their legs and had to have the uterus removed so they didn’t lose their legs,” Quinn said. “There have been a lot of adverse outcomes that the public doesn’t know about.”
It seems to indicate that permanant transplantation of a womb, cis or trans, has still not been solved, but skimming the article seems to suggest that at least the temporary option is feasible for trans women.
That's very good news!
I tend to get worried about any new procedure for a marginalized group because our systems structurally underfund their study. On the other hand, if a country like Cuba starts doing it I relax a bit, because they do at least try to combat this bias.
my cisgendered mom had to have her uterus removed after 2 kids due to medical reasons that arent that uncommon so honestly that solution isnt really "un-womanly" (i have no idea what term to use here)
Ciswomen have had womb transplants. They have even delivered a healthy child, back in 2014.
Glad to hear it! My worry comes from how our societies structurally underfund health research that impacts marginalized groups. I've seen, for example, what AFAB/women's health (for lack of knowing a better term, as it's in the orbit of trans men, nonbinary folks, trans women, and cis women) research centers have to do and how they are reached out to for studies and... shit is bleak. Doing basic longitudinal studies that were already done on college-aged dudes because it turns out X drug might be disabling non-college-afed dudes, that sort of thing.
In a fair society this would already be well-known to be safe and ubiquitous.
TBH I don't think the average American cares about trans people that much either way. Like, the plus side of "muh freedom" is that most people don't really care if you're trans as long as it doesn't affect them, and can recognize that the Republican anti-trans stuff is pretty insane. The flip side is that even mild accomodations for trans people gets strong pushback. It's a weird spot.
Woah that'd be a biological and sociological wonder as it goes from the experimental stage to normalization. You could quite literally put Simone de Beauvoir's "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman" from its sociological implications to material application.
You can already do that just by taking HRT. I'm materially growing jiggly boobs as we speak.
First off :volcel-vanguard:
Secondly :quagsire-pog:
Thirdly I just find it positively fascinating and wonderful that we're approaching another step to allowing humanity to liquidate gender roles and transcend another shackle of barbarism.
I'm kinda baffled by how easy this is. Estradiol is so cheap to manufacture, and you just rub the stuff on your arm and wait for the magic to happen. The really tricky surgical stuff is also amazing, just yesterday i learned there's a surgeon in Portland that literally alters the resonance chambers in voice feminization surgeries instead of only reducing vibrating mass of the vocal folds. But while that's cool and all, i'm very in love with how much gender affirmation you can do with such simple means.
You know I keep hearing about so many life-changing and life-saving medicine that's literally cheaper than a shovel-full of dirt and it both amazes me that's a thing and disgusts me it's artificially gatekept to gouge us for our wealth.
Also I didn't know resonance chamber alteration was a thing, does that minimize surgical action on the vocal folks to reduce patient recoverytime while also accomplishing the set objective in vocal alteration? if yes then that's as the cool kids say, very nifty
It's jokingly referencing her experiencing the effects giving her jiggly books as she speaks.
I don't think you should apologize or say you're too sensitive towards those kinds of jokes. I think it's not only understandable, but something people should be more mindful of. So thank you both apologizing and thank you for being willing to critique me for something that could've been insensitive.
Trans men maybe? Maybe they can make a switcheroo, the trans men get the dick and the trans women get the uterus.
What a wild concept. I need to find a trans guy to trade reproductive systems with.
Women not having working uteruses is already a common problem among cis women. People who have gone through menopause can donate their womb without any risk to life and it does happen
Not specifically for trans people, more for infertility in general as well as avoiding menopause, but yeah it's been a major field of research. Same-sex gestation of mice has already been done. There are some difficulties with humans but much of the groundwork was done with some related medical procedures using mitochondrial DNA from a third party in an embryo.
Honestly they could probably do it now if they weren't concerned with experimental ethics. There are also some valid societal ethics concerns, since this makes designer babies possible by default since you have to select the embryo to implant and genetic testing was done prior. And then you have the possibility of non-consensual donors, etc...
I always found that weird about regular sperm donation. Like an Olympic athlete or scientist's sperm is more valuable. Like you're hoping your kid just gets born an ubermensch.
The list of requirements for "real women" is ever-expanding and subject to change at their whims, but they also demand everybody memorize and adhere to it
One of them is going to invent a chromosome scanner, you can take it to the bank.
I remember reading about a biology professor who forbade her students from testing their own chromosomes in her lab class because too many would find out that they're intersex and freak out
Haven't heard that one, but the bio department at my school put a moratorium on removed blood typing because a student found out her dad wasn't her biological father.
ΑBΟ blood typing? Victim of the Sremovedhorpe problem I guess.
edit: lmao I thought that might happen
edit2: TIL Wikimedia has an official link shortener, neat
as long as it has shorter range than a gun it never has to be a problem :meow-knife-trans:
they do this and are just going to discover that some terfs were intersex and never knew it