• neo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    optimistic guy in 1995: the internet will allow people from all over the world to communicate with each other. Any piece of information you want will be available to you at your fingertips

    <fast forward 26 years>

    oh no!

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      Garbage in, Garbage out.

      Some of this goofy ass shit is :fedposting: and wouldn't exist if large amounts of money and manpower weren't dedicated to propagating it for ideological reasons.

      Some of this goofy ass shit is purge engagement porn. I wouldn't know who InfraRed or Vaush or half a dozen other terminally online dorks were if y'all weren't spamming the feed with their clown shit. I probably wouldn't know who Felix was, either, though. So you take what life hands you.

      Some of this goofy ass shit is legitimately people with incomplete education, perception, or understanding trying to piece together a philosophy they only glimpse around the edges. Folks out there repeating $10 words that they've only come across in passing, because they think it gives their statements credence and because they think making profound statements is how you advance your social cause.

      But blaming "The Internet" feels like blaming "The TV" or "The Telephone" or "The Printing Press". We have both exhaustively documented and significantly accelerated the process by which ideas propagate and mutate. So now some junior editor at Buzzfeed can assemble a timeline of public statements and views in a matter of hours that would have been a Historian's PhD dissertation fifty years ago. Having in-your-face living proof of how social views transform and watching it all play out in living memory rather than simply reading about it in retrospect as some record of antiquity, is scary. But the internet isn't responsible for the germination of ideas (or the clown car of jokers advancing nonsense). Its simply the vector.

      The bitter truth is that if not for the Internet, you likely wouldn't be laughing at the bungled jibberish of leftist codewords in a Twitter thread, because you'd be nodding sagely at your local Baptist Minister while gormlessly consuming some half-scrambled Lutheran gospel. Then you'd be back to your field in Altice, so you could get your lord his grain.

  • VHS [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Clown-to-clown communication
    Clown-to-clown conversation

            • Dryad [she/her]
              2 years ago

              Let's be real, this is definitely an ML forum. The fact that it has rules against bullying other kinds of communists doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of people here are MLs and the vast majority of the discussion is framed from an ML point of view and many of the users here are very sectarian and only begrudgingly keep quiet about it because the mods are cool and won't tolerate it.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      2 years ago

      He was misconstruing epigenetic principles and could be brought up to speed, but he also persecuted the Soviet biologist who discovered epigenetics so I think he'd be personally resistant to that.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Academics who can admit that they were wrong about the theory they devoted their life to are few and far between.

    • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They're mangling Deleuze and Guattari. The example I understood was: when Che's image is taken and slapped on a t-shirt and sold, that image is deterritorialized from his original image/meaning of a radical revolutionary into a reterritorialization of just another image of commodity fetishism.

      Here's the wikipedia article. Explains it in a bit more detail than me, although someone who actually read A Thousand Plateau's (not me) could probably give a better answer.

      Edit: Which means the original tweet is fucking garbage lmao what the fuck does "pass over into the vast unsettled spaces in the West" even mean in this context.

      • mittens [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Apparently the twitter thread was purposely severed, the original tweet said something about how the only sacred thing was "the preservation of inherited code", which is exactly what you think it is, transparent blovating about fascist ethnopolitics (because Nick Land's only currency is burying the same fascist ideas you already know behind metric tons of obscure philosophical terminology), then some user responded with "what about decoding and deterritorializing" presumably in jest.

    • mittens [he/him]
      2 years ago

      He really would have, and it would've been unmistakably a kindness.

  • VapeNoir [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I mean, he does know that our understanding of genetics has expanded quite a bit since Mendel, right? I mean obviously not but this reminds me of how creationist would always go after Darwin without ever acknowledging the 200 years of research that's been performed since.

  • Hoyt [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Why is it that LaRouchites just seem to use big words and concepts as if they were a big rubber mallet to strike you on the head with. These people just throw shit out to be as confusing as possible so you don't realize they make no fucking sense at all. Someone handed me a LaRouche zine on the sidewalk in college and it was just pages and pages of this shit, ravings of lunatics creating their own symbolic languages understood only by themselves. But when you peel back what they actually want from all the nonsense that they say its like they want a big bridge and music is a bit wrong and communists get the wall. oh wow such big ideas

    • lott [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I think it's also because learning the new symbolic language takes time and effort, so the person will probably feel a sunk cost if they suspect all their effort was for nothing. Seems like this is a feature of most cults as well

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    It's like gazing in to another universe. A universe of terror and madness.