Anyone have recommendations for old TrueAnon episodes? Free or premium
Not a single episode, but their 5-part series called The Game, about the history of the Monarch School, the troubled teen industry and all the threads that lead to it are great.
I'll add mention of "Brat Camp", the episode where they first talk about troubled teen camps:
The Game is absolutely excellent, very good and disturbing series.
the one on Macron, Ep 123:
the 3 part series on Musk and Tesla, Lamest Show on Earth: / /
also the Musk-buys-Twitter episode they did later on:
I like the one about the Nova Scotia shooter. Dude lived next to a cartel member named Peter Griffin. He was also a government informant because he had access money to a bank exclusively for police informants.
I just got a book written about that case. Dude's denture shop was across the street from where my mom worked. Actually, you know that Trailer Park Boys season finale where Jim holds Ricky hostage on a public street? That was filmed just down the road
What book is it? How is it? Is it just a typical true crime thing
22 Murders by Paul Palango (local guy). I haven't started it yet. Literally just got the book today. It's certainly not gonna be a typical true crime thing. It's about the rcmp connections and all the weirdness primarily, I do know that.
Started it. It is a biiiit true crimey at the start but I'm page 40 out 560 rn. It's actually quite well written. Citations are hard cause sources don't really wanna give up their identities. This stuff is literally very close to home and I'm pretty sure I've even spoken to some of the same people. If I didn't know he wasn't full of shit, it would be hard to guess from the book alone that he's credible so far.
I'm not really sure how to contact TruAnnon without a Twitter but I could probably set up a guest appearance if they're interested.
the two-parter on the dog mauling of diane whipple and the insane circumstances surrounding it, think its titled 'they fuck doggies don't they' or something along those lines
Synanon is their best series I think (the game 1-4). The original Epstein stuff is also very good. Real gut wrenching stuff.
The Max Wade episode is very funny
I enjoy all their crypto episodes, but that's because Coindexter is one of my favorite bits.
I've always liked Episode 16: Way Down in Kosovo. Brace interviews Lily Lynch, an American journalist living in Belgrade and covering the Balkans. They talk about how US involvement in the Yugoslav Wars made everything worse, and have a conversation about how US hegemony and the various crooks that have been allowed to take power there in the wake of the fall of the USSR has made life in the Balkans worse for everyone.
It's very surprising that Brace is the dirt-bag left podcaster doing the most respectful interviews.
And in a somewhat similar vein, I liked Episode 111: Nightmarch, where Brace interviews the anthropologist Alpa Shah who embedded with the Naxalites for a time and wrote a book about their struggle against the Indian state.
It's a good one. I also like the Finkelstein interview they did. Really interesting hearing him talk about Maoism from when Mao was still alive, or when the Gang of Four was prominent, and the crushing defeat he felt when Deng took the party. Plus he made it sound like his friendship with Chomsky was really intense.
The Las Vegas shooting episode with Felix
Their recent episode on the music business
The 🎈episode
The 🎈episode
Listened to this last night actually, extremely funny/relatable how worked up Liz gets lol
The Spider Network series
the NATO series
the :melon-musk: series
Hilary Did 9/11
the Sackler/opiates one
Brat Camp
Raising Atlantis
the Seth Harp eps (JSUC & Sicario 3 I should have put these higher)
Lyin Liz and eps 37/38 about Liz Warren and the Democrats sounds like it would be dated but are really good listening, maybe even important
the eps with Noah Kulwin or Yasha Levine tend to be good.
Oh and for lighter listening The Trueanon Rules for Life ep is very fun
Raising Atlantis
so good, I can't believe I forgot to mention this one
66, 74, 83, 87, 89
Blood Crimes of the New Reich, Bolsonaro Method and all the Permanent Uncle episodes.
Spider Network/Nazis scattered across the world after WW2 stuff.
ooh! how could I forget the Elizabeth Warren episode
The Matt Farwell episode (219). Dude had stories that had Brace in disbelief. That is saying something