looks like his long "record" is nearly pure bullshit starting from being arrested for public drunk when he was 18 or 19 and the cops have been hounding him over shit ever since. source from a video here

2006 - spitting on a cop, public drunk, "outraging public decency" (total nonsense charge)

2007 - he has one misdemeanor charge for domestic battery, but it was dismissed. idk, looks like more bullshit. it's his only dismissed charge. can only guess what happened. have seen cops try to push that kind of charge without a "victim" ever alleging abuse & not wanting to prosecute (sometimes they will even put victims in jail to coerce testimony!) especially against someone cops have targeted with serial malfeasance like mr. ware, it seems sus as hell. but who really knows. i am personally counting a dismissal as "he didn't do it", if they had evidence to convict him they would've.

2009 - burglary

2014 - he has a list of dumb charges from being pulled over with drugs: possession, paraphernalia (100% bullshit charge), no insurance, driving on suspended license, the reason for the pullover was "failure to signal" (sure buddy) just typical poor dude shit after being caught up in the police state claws.

2015 - shoplifting (always cool and good), carrying concealed weapon

2017 - another drug possession, driving on suspended license, possession of "burglary tools" (100% bullshit charge)

2020 - shooting two cops

can you fucking blame him for shooting two cops after being put through 15 years of hell (in an out of jail, eternally on probation, fees and fines, can't get a decent job, etc.) by being serially targeted for abuse and harassment by tulsa police dept, staring basically as soon as he turned 18?

i would probably shoot two cops, too. i would have make sure the 2nd one didn't make it. i would have blowed their brains out after they were down. and when they came to arrest me, i'd have shot those cops, too. i'm about ready to pop off mad about just reading this guys rap sheet. not a single violent conviction, just the one dismissed misdemeanor assault charge.

looking his record, i feel more certain than ever the guy acted in self-defense and nothing more. because if he had been aiming to kill cops (and surely he would be justified and had a motive to after they completely destroyed his whole adult life) he wouldn't have done it in such a way the one survived and one died a day later from injuries. he would have done a coup de grace on those fuckers.

but you know this guy's story is all too common. this is the bulk of what our criminal legal system does, and this is 99% of what police do. just stupid fucking churn of a bunch of non-crimes or barely crimes for people that are just an excuse to keep the whole thing going. what you have here is a guy was never going to get a good union job, or organize against his boss, or be paid anything above exploitative wages.

how can the working-class make progress when this situation describes so many millions of men and women who can't stick their neck out because they'll end up in a state slavery dungeon or tortured and churned with more fees and fines. we have to stop this brutal system by any means necessary. it's horrific. it's going to be damn near impossible to successfully organize to the extent we need with so many of our natural allies held in bondage by this system.

  • Young_Lando [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Cops do this shit bc they have nothing else better to do and it makes them look like they're cleaning up the neighborhood when in reality they're breeding the kind of hurt and damaged people are that are willing to execute cops bc of how fucking scared/angry they are at law enforcement.

    Hang yourselves some more with that rope, capitalists pigs.

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      This is why "defund the police" is a serious proposition. Less money = fewer cops to patrol around looking to cause trouble = less situations like this.

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      i think you are right. i think one of the articled says something happened at 15, so that is probably where it really began.

  • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
    4 years ago

    2007 - he has one misdemeanor charge for domestic battery, but it was dismissed. idk, looks like more bullshit. it’s his only dismissed charge. can only guess what happened. have seen cops try to push that kind of charge without a “victim” ever alleging abuse & not wanting to prosecute (sometimes they will even put victims in jail to coerce testimony!) especially against someone cops have targeted with serial malfeasance like mr. ware, it seems sus as hell. but who really knows. i am personally counting a dismissal as “he didn’t do it”, if they had evidence to convict him they would’ve.

    charges get dismissed all the time because the victim doesn't want to "cooperate" or other various reasons. i wouldn't take it at face value that he didn't do it. for example

    • bobavakian [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I know it's just another anecdote, but I have a friend who got a dismissed misdemeanor charge for domestic battery when he was 19 because he threw a hamburger at an abusive parent during an argument.

      Without more information, it's hard to say much of anything.

      • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
        4 years ago

        well, at least when people ask why he doesn't talk to his parents he can make them also look absolutely bonkers with "they tried to get me charged with domestic battery for a food fight"

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      yeah, this is true, too. it's hard to say without knowing more of the facts. our system is terrible in both directions in domestic or sexual violence -- both in terms of pursuing cases that are total bullshit and also not pursuing cases where someone has been severely victimized and needs someone to intervene. i guess i don't want anyone to take away that the system is just "too easy" on these kinds of crimes, and that the answer is to go after them more aggressively. it's more like they pick and choose which cases to pursue and as you might expect, their choices in the aggregate are pretty awful.

  • Uncle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Really not looking forward to inevitably finding out that he committed suicide via two shots to the back of the head and then set his own car on fire.

  • MonarchLabsOne [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Does he have a fund to pay for his legal expenses? The Pigs set up a fund for the two dead.

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      even if that were the case, they would still charge they guy with felony murder. i seem to recall a case where pigs accidentally shot each other in a no-knock raid and ended up charing person the raid was being served on. might be misremembering.

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      I am not guessing his personality traits, he could have been an asshole. I am saying that his being churned continuously through the system probably bears a great deal of responsibility for what kind of person he was and what kind of life he was able to lead.