Sorry if this is the wrong comm, but I had to get this off my chest. I am so sick and tired of dealing with bi-erasure. I am a bisexual man who is I'd say 90% attracted to women and 10% attracted to men. Best I can explain it, I am mostly attracted to women and occasionally attracted to a man. It really is that simple, but for a lot of people I might as well be explaining calculus. I understand if most straight people can't fathom it, after all they are straight. But what really irks me is when other LGBT people erase it, telling me I am "in the closet" or whatever. It makes me so damn angry because I am not in the closet, I am open about my bisexuality, yet no one believes it. I have only dated women, but everyone in my life off and online including my gf who herself is LGBTQ+ thinks I am gay. I'm so sick of it I think I'll either just tell people I am straight or become gay.

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    ok, but like, actually, being terminally online can be good for you because i just can't actually imagining this being something someone would use to dehumanize you. like how could any adult hear you explain this and not simply respond by saying "ok." i agree with you, there's nothing complicated about saying "i'm bi because there are guys i'm attracted to." i'm sorry people think that matters for whatever reason, and i'm even more bewildered that they take this to think you're gay. i mean, maybe it's just my lofty privilege of identifying as a cishet male, but what do people think the "B" is there for??? anyway :hexbear-bi-2: :Care-Comrade: hope you find people that understand you for who you are.

    edit: like every ancient society that western euros jerk off to was some form of binormative for men, what in the actual fuck are they thinking?

    • Casscity [he/him]
      2 years ago

      i’m even more bewildered that they take this to think you’re gay

      I was bewildered the first time I experienced this but now its actually more common for me that people think I am just closeted as opposed to taking what I am saying as my legitimate experience.

      but what do people think the “B” is there for???

      Many people both in and out of the LGBTQ+ community genuinely ignore the literal third letter

      like every ancient society that western euros jerk off to was some form of binormative for men, what in the actual fuck are they thinking?

      Isnt that the truth oh my god

      • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        i mean, as a literal child, there were definitely people i knew that were probably bi that i thought were "just gay" or something stupid like that. but i was a child...interacting socially with other children.... like you know, i've heard bi-erasure referenced in jokes, but i'm angry in solidarity that people are actually like that as a social force around you. this is what we get for living in the most criminally miseducated society in history i guess, people literally can't imagine bi people existing while it's just absolutely immersed in the most loftily held parts of history. it's smacking them in the face. the spartans were like obviously bi??? because they were producing more spartans, and also fucking each other as social bonding, and that's just like...implicit in the everything about them, even through the filter of american pop culture. idk man, that just sucks honestly.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      I read somewhere that the Kinsey studies found that ~50% of men and around 30% of women had some degree of sexual response to horny pictures of the same sex. And, like gestures broadly at all of human history. It's extremely weird that people think sexual attraction must be an either/or thing even in 2023.