google's suggested info algorithm:
The ideal neoliberal subject seeks to make an enterprise of their own life, investing in their human capital in order to fuel the consumption that will produce their own satisfaction.
"you need to waste your time to get good at this consumer product for indoor kids, that's virtuous to be such a well trained consumer"
They are an entrepreneurial, competitive creature, forming a ‘company of one’
atomized gamers who delude themselves into thinking they are heroic rugged individualists and not cringe neoliberal redditors sitting in a Matrix pod, only able to leave vague messages or ambiguous gestures towards their online coworkers. Unionization is apparently impossible in the mode of production of gig economy neoliberal app platform capitalism.
Freedom is defined as the freedom to choose market strategies
"you can choose anyway to win!" (as long as you exploit the rules of these marketplace interactions)
Practices are presented as freely chosen, responsibility is taken regardless of constraint
"you can play any strategy you want to jump through the hoops of this artificially hard, means tested environment that makes Obama's PMC friends soyface at its alleged meritocracy. The Affordable Care Act is a fun game whose hardness proves how virtuous you are that you deserve to survive"
They emphasize self-responsibility, agency and initiative.
"Get good" - gamerchair NPC virtue ethics who know the best type of health insurance to acquire in the market
You don't have to play the game in any particular order, you just have to walk away rather than lighting the fire at the end. Granted, nobody would suggest to you that that's a good idea unless you play the game in the "wrong" order you're talking about.
Ah, you're right. I will cope by saying that it's not obvious that walking away is an option if you're going in the normal order.
That's tied to the theme of cycles of futility in the game. By the time you get to new game +7 most people are going to wonder "maybe that frampt guy is full of it. Maybe Kalth has a point" .