From The World We Make, a fantasy novel about defeating Lovecraftian monsters and fascism with magic and multiculturalism
Incredibly online and liberal to take time out of a monster-based fantasy novel to talk about the voting habits of a niche demographic
Tbf, Jemisin puts these words into the mouth of an eccentric and politically illiterate gentrifier so I wouldn't read to much into it regarding the authors convictions
That's somewhat reassuring, but we're still such a tiny niche of weirdos, why even bring us up?
We're what's left of the left and anti communist brainworms have permeated the huge majority of the US population
She's a former rapper and lawyer and current city council member whose dad got lucky on some real estate deals
Yeah that's who's speaking in the op. Are you talking about someone else?
Ah I was thinking Bronca. Brooklyn's even more on character
this smells like an opinion from someone with a twitter account
N.K. Jemisin is the blue check's blue check. She was one of the big name authors responsible for piling on Isabel Fall.
She also joined the dogpile on Isabel Fall, a transwoman, when a bunch of people assumed a story she wrote was transphobic because they didn't look past the title.
Reading up on that now. Goddamn. Twitter and its consequences . . .
Jemisin did apologize:
Full story, for anyone else who wasn't familiar with what happened:
I dunno what it is about YA twitter, but it seems like a uniquely toxic place even among social media.
this isn't even YA, this is fiction for and by adults
Chronological adults at least, the best YA is often just accessible regular fiction you wouldn’t realize is YA without the label.
Like, “Island of the Blue Dolphins” was only marketed as YA because the only publisher who gave it chance was a YA publisher. Decades later every school kid in CA still reads it afaik, it’s used to teach to literary analysis and ties into social studies modules.
That’s the point I was trying to make. Sure, it was marketed as a kids book, but was not written as one. It turned out being a classic used in schools.
Why is it so hard to tell the difference these days?
As far as i can tell the only thing that makes a story ya is slapping the ya label on it. I've read a bunch of ya novels that go as hard as much "adult" fiction.
So I remember googling a bit about NK Jemisin when I was reading The City We Became a while back and seeing some stuff about this and being pretty disappointed but this thread has me looking into it more and I ran into this tweet that juxtaposed her apology with her actual involvement in the Twitter mob that harassed Isabel Fall.
It kind of seems like her apology misconstrues her behavior to sound less bad and victim blames Fall.
I didn't know that. Glad I got this at the library rather than buy it.
There really ought to be a special hell for people who steal from artists, who already have to struggle to get by in this capitalist hell. I'm doing okay for now, but yeah, shit, they've got some of my books, too.
I enjoyed the Broken Earth trilogy, but somehow wasn't surprised to find out later that she is a terminal :LIB:
I enjoyed the 5th Season. The second too were less poetically written and leaned on some stale tropes uncritically
Lol, yeah, because being ok with a few dumb slurs for comedic effect and being the KKK are exactly the same thing. Fr fr.
I’ve never read any of her books but just from her Twitter and her take on Omelas she seems like the world’s biggest lib. It bums me out because for a certain type of nerd Nora Jemisin is queen.
I do not understand how the person who wrote the Broken Earth trilogy ended up like this.
Writin for a paycheck always ends up in makin doodoo eventually
Almost like capitalism... ruins things
Liberals would vote Richard Spencer over Bernie Sanders because Spencer acts more "civil and presidential"
They literally did vote for the guy who wrote the crime bill and the crack cocaine bill. Like they literally did what she's accusing us of.
People really do lose the entire plot once you refuse to act out the absurd faux politeness and civility demanded by the broken, violent society you live in.
Being a mean jerk to corrupt shithead abusive murdering politicians is the same thing as doing klan shit.
In the first book
he gets possessed by the spirit of New York City and transforms into King Kong to fight a monster
Never read up on Jemisin: politically illiterate or reiterating a Twitter beef in a novel?