This is a question more directed towards our comrades here outside the US. There’s something I’ve always noticed about American liberals (though plenty of conservatives and others are not immune). They seem to have this extreme confidence in their opinions about broader global affairs and what is happening in the world, despite them being incorrect or having only a superficial understanding of the situation. Obvious examples would be how they are sure Ukraine is winning and Putin is just an irrational comic book villain, how Kim Jong Un insists everyone gets the same haircut as him (or no one), believing anything Zenz says about Xinjiang, or really any story at all that involves the global south.

Is this just phenomenon of US American liberals? Or is it rampant across the global north? My interactions with fellow Americans in general on anything geopolitical makes feel like they have this truly unearned sense that they really know what’s going on, when all they do is listening to and ardently defend State Dept propaganda. But I have never really interacted with liberals outside the US so idk.

  • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
    1 year ago

    Not unique to Americans but something that is way more common here is having a deep-seated need to have and defend an opinion regardless of whether you've even read as much as a Wikipedia article about it. And the celebration of anti-intellectualism.

    Part of the problem is that most adults in the US have a 6th grade reading level or lower.

    • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Part of the problem is that most adults in the US have a 6th grade reading level or lower.

      This not only causes extremely ignorant people to walk around assuming they have it all figured out, but results in people with above-average intelligence assuming they have galactic brains because of how loudly and proudly ignorant most people around them are.

      • spectre [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I've thought this about dunking on chuds subs forever, especially among liberals. Why do you waste so much time and energy dunking on these dumbshits? They speak for themselves, who cares?

        • wild_dog [they/them]
          1 year ago

          i don't think you should spend too much time doing it but dunking on chuds and libs is good because shame is still a social force that can cause people to reevaluate things.

          • spectre [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I'm talking about liberals talking about it amongst themselves

            • wild_dog [they/them]
              1 year ago

              oh...right i misunderstood but i do think that's a reason why they do that, even amongst themselves, I think there's a big impetus for libs to make sure everyone knows they have the correct opinions by signaling through dunks (which totally is a waste of time and cringe since it's people i don't like doing it )