If you don't stack the court, national politics is kind of a dead-end for the foreseeable future. If you stack it, the republicans would stack it more when they got in, and you'd have to stack it more when the dems got back in, and on and on, and liberals think this is bad because it might hurt the legitimacy of the court as an institution, but that's good! The supreme court fucking sucks! It is a fundamentally undemocratic institution.
300 million judges, fuck it, everyone's on the supreme court
jobs program where we save the economy by making everyone a supreme court justice and they get $274,000 per year but its a job so it isn't some kinda cringe ass "money for nothing" ubi that would be too partisan
What even is the democratic party anymore, who do they represent? They're base has been lathered to a fever pitch by the Trump arc, and they're still propagandizing with the "come on now, guys, lets just calm down and get back to normal" line. Who is this for anymore?
Biden is prone if go off script and speak off the cuff. When he does so - he doesn't vomit up carefully worded platitudes. Instead he inartfully says what he really thinks or feels. I think that's what happened here. Biden actually believes that nonsense.
I agree. It aligns with how he's acted and spoken in the past, he truly thinks 'compromise is the best way forward' and 'we have to play fair'
He really is just this fucking stupid
Biden actually believes that nonsense.
This man is thoroughly cucked by the system. When he was VP, he almost had to take out another mortgage on his house to pay for the medical bills for his son's terminal (brain?) cancer. He was the vice fucking president of the United States and the medical system nearly shattered his life. A medical system he still defends and seeks to prolong. Fuck this guy
Because apoliticality works so well in the face of fascism
My brother in Christ you're a politician and anything you touch with the power of your political appointment is political
Democrats will never surrender their position of being the Polite, Norms-Respecting Republicans.
Joe Biden please just fucking die you useless, racist, imperialist war criminal
I'm sure the courts banned abortion out from under your nose apolitically too.
I think if we start the process of trying to consider our options for discussing an attempt to draft a proposal to form a committee to-
Let’s politicize it this way, fire the 9 unelected demons and put it to immediate vote by the population
Addendum: and only hexbear users can vote. Even the foreign ones bc it’s funny
c'mon, her four months as president before Trump begins his second term are going to be hilarious
I’ll take it anything to break out of this god forsaken time loop
Why is the US supreme court so politicized (for lack of a better word?. Usually supreme courts are more anonymous bureaucratic institutions where a bunch of nerds figure out a common legal interpretation. People in other countries doesn't know the names of people on their supreme court.
Could it be a result of the rest of the US system being inefficient and incapable of making decisions, resulting in the political for the supreme court to step in?
Also, how should an institution live a supreme court work? They had them in AES countries as well but I know next to nothing about how they worked. I do know that the GDR supreme court allegedly struckdown the elevated age of consent for homosexual acts citing that homosexuality was a natural behaviour. This suggests that they had quite wide reins in interpreting the law.
It would be interesting to learn more about how socialist judicial systems has worked until now and use that to develop a vision for how it could work in the future.
It’s politicized in the us because presidents appoint justices for life, and a group called the federalist society led a multi decade effort to pack it with as many chudges possible, the most far right evangelical freaks, including through outright chicanery like refusing to seat merrick garland bc Obama was a lame duck, and amazingly rolled over on that.
This is why what Biden is saying is a dumb joke. The court is already packed. And bc the justices are young this will be the makeup for 30 years.
Of course that hallowed document, the us constipoopoo, makes no mention of the size of the court, these are all “norms”
At this point there’s only one way to get a balanced court back but liberals will never admit to it