That can't be real.
Ninja edit
Fuck me - it's real.
Elon Musk Calls Mark Zuckerberg a "Cuck" as Threads Nears 100M Users
Okay - I am now unable to tell the difference between parody and reality. But how can that be real?... Strange days.
Threads nears 100M users
Jesus. Threads is going to be bigger than Twitter ever was within a few months, tops.
That’s miserable. Now matter the lengths Facebook goes to in order make it very clear how evil they are people still use their shit.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't trust those numbers at all. It's on record that they're making phantom accounts using Instagram accounts that haven't "migrated" or whatever. It probably will be the next twitter, but my money is that they're lying their asses off right now to make it seem like everybody else is joining, so that everybody actually will join.
It’ll be really funny if they just keep it alive through bot account necromancy as a vanity thing that hemorrhages money.
journalists even published articles to help european citizens circumvent the gdpr ban on threads because their privacy policy is terrible as expected
Gdpr is one of those mythical things like healthcare that I wish America had.
There’s something irritating about trying to get around a protective ban on something while living in a place with zero protection.
Oh yeah I’m not a big EU fan, but sometimes they do something good, while also actively fucking with the ability for workers rights to be bargained for as effectively in countries like mine (Denmark) with a stronger than average labor movement. (Not saying Denmark is great or anything, but like 60% union participation in the working population is pretty good, but there is also plenty of imperialism, and racism, and other xenophobic tendencies)
Thing about Nordic countrys you gotta keep in mind is unions are sectoral meaning if you work fast food anywhere your in that union for fast food, the unions often suppress wages on behalf of the state the logic is the inflation hurts the worker more then pay raise would help. But I don't know if they are sectoral unions like other social democrat countrys.
Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, our unions are not perfect at all. But just the thing of being willing to unionize makes it easier to convince people to strike, and stuff. Many many problems currently too, but it is undeniable that our working conditions are better than the US, and a number of other EU countries. But yeah it is complicated, and last I checked union memberships were down too, and we all feel the years of austerity.
I bet he has wonderful opinions on stable longterm relationships.
The rich boomer male “dream” is not being faithful but also having a faithful and supportive partner.
Its the old Alpha Chad versus Beta Cuck mythology that they've built up in their minds. You're either in the top 0.1% of getting laid by anyone who catches a glimpse of you or you're part of the 99.9% that has this miserable insecure sex life plagued by rejection and betrayal.
They can't conceive of casual dating or romantic flings or the trial and error of sexual coupling. They're too segregated by gender and alienated from their peers to get their brains around how to just... meet people.
And I'm sympathetic to that, to a degree. I struggled with dating all through high school and most of college. I didn't really get into it until I was living with a roommate and going to house parties and meeting big co-ed groups recreationally. I get the sense that these co-ed spaces have all been drying up and that's why people like this are coming out of the woodwork.
The Zucc is still married to the same woman and E-L-O-N is very, very divorced.
But Elon is Alpha because impregnated more woman who had far more babies. He has 10 known children. And I bet even more.
The Zucc is still married to the same woman
Surprised you of all people don't know this but there's a credible rumor that Zuccs wife likes sleeping with younger East Asian men and at Silicon Valley parties she's commonly seen and pictured talking to said men
A guttural chorus cries out from the bowels of the Earth itself, with such a driven fury it seems as though all of history were just a prologue to this the chant reverberates and echos through the very halls of time itself as the words of the chant quiver with the potential of their ultimate manifestation. "Post hog" the chorus cried again and hell followed.
Zuckerberg will agree and then Musk's mom will intervene again and prevent the contest from happening
I'm still convinced this is all some elaborate build-up to a Virtual Fighter MMA immersive video game release, where they put on the 3D headsets and kicky-punchy each other in the Metaverse.
by their genius brain powers combined the two tech billionares are sure to invent technology from like 2003, again
The Apartheid Enjoyer Billionaire with a body like a smashed oil drum acting like a 14yo. Real cool, man.
Igor! Start the contraption.
They should make each other hard and measure each other to ensure there’s no infetternce from the CCP